If you’re a lawyer, and you find yourself using the phrase “Your Honor’s daughter” in a brief, you have fucked up on a level most weren’t even aware was possible.
Reposted from
Joshua J. Friedman
NEW: Trump team fires back: "The Court appears to have recently violated Canon 3 by making public statements about the case, and, separately, used the Office of Court Administration to respond to media reports relating to Your Honor's daughter." s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24...
But it's okay if I'm a defendant, right?
is this basically them saying "well but YOUR DAUGHTER (blahblahblah)"
Your Honor, he’s going to get your child killed!
Not relevant here but judges are often slightly less rich or slightly less white and do quite like doing the whole "you're in my house now" to parties and/or lawyers they have personal beef with.
Their willingness to work for obnoxious blowhards with no self-control seems to lead inevitably to its own punishment.
I suspect at that point, there will be a new motion for recusal, arguing that the defendant's provocation of death threats against the judge's daughter creates a conflict of interest or something.
I wonder if this will be the time Trump faces a consequence
Not if he was thrown in one under the rules anyone else like this would be.