All those working-class Trump voters counting on their hero serving their needs must be really excited about all the billionaires Trump wants on his team. Because everyone knows billionaires always prioritize the needs of the working class.
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Remember when annie was just a photo opp and daddy warbucks was upset she didn't look the part. Then he was guilted into spending money on her. Yeah....
WAY too many Americans DO worship billionaires. If you make a lot of money and are smart about finances, then you must be smart about EVERYTHING. That is the single biggest lie that has been perpetuated about the rich.
They think all those billionaires became billionaires by hard work and living by the same rules as they do. Or maybe they think they can learn to cheat like a billionaire and become one too.
They're full of broken logic.
The 40% of die hard MAGA supporters? Yeah, fuck them, sincerely. I don’t care about their status & racial anxieties.
The 9% of swing voters of all ethnicities, young and working class? The Dem Party & liberals need to honestly assess why they felt the our party didn’t speak for them anymore.
If Trump and his oligarchs do not meet their campaign promises, especially lowering the cost of living, then we flip the house and the Senate at mid term.
These people didn’t vote for Cheeto guy because they actually know what is going on. If Faux news tells them Elon Musk is going to deposit $100,000 in each of their bank accounts, they’ll believe it.
I worked in management for far too many years, can assure you a great many of the working class do not make this connection, many despite being on the edge vote Republican every time.
Trump supporters -- You may even have known Trump was a con man when you voted for him, but what many of you STILL don't realize is that YOU are his mark!
You will soon find out what you THOUGHT you were voting for is NOT what you're going to get.
Just completed my annual "It's A Wonderful Life" viewing. Incredible how Americans have over the last few decades shifted to believe "Yeah. Mr. Potter puts our town first. He truly cares about us."
I recall the murders of JFK, Malcom X, MLK, RFK, the war protests in New Haven, Ct. and the notion that those folks who do not learn history are doomed to repeat history... and so it goes...
This Trump administration is going to be the biggest Heist in the history of mankind. The entire thing is money driven. Our taxes are not enough, so they will steal from every departmnt, every agency we have money, ie social security, healthcare, education and pocket it. All except for the military.
There is no point talking to one of his supporters about anything. They believe whatever tangerine man says, I have tried to get people listen to reason, but unfortunately it always falls on deaf ears
Yes. I have one living next door to me. After dump was glazed by that piece of glass she got on face book and said she was gonna be more maga than ever. Needless to say she has her trump sign still up.
Those same billionaires will be begging for federal handouts while 99% of us are poor and getting nothing when the economy tanks, because they can’t understand that their ultra-billion$ comes from all of us in the 99%.
On the bright side, the rampant homelessness of seniors, vets and the disabled due to SSI and VA cuts, along with the deportations, might just finally fix the housing issue, right? 😡
It's gonna get ugly.
I really think “news” for most Trump voters is either the Fox News Biden Hate and Immigrant Panic Show or local This Black Man Just Stole Something coverage.
Mainstream American culture worships money and celebrity. Community service? Care for the poor, the sick, the elderly, the immigrant? SCREW THAT! And I guarantee you, once the economic hits start coming, they'll just find another minority to blame.
It will be just like last time, tax cuts for the billionaires and blame the Dems for anything bad that happens to the base, and those idiots will suck it up like they always do.
2024 will be the year known as the "Great Abdication" of the GOP, allowing a Bloodless Coup by the Super Wealthy. They sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver. Sound familiar?
I'm convinced many of his followers are people who think they can win at three card monte. Trump knows they are all marks and takes advantage of them..
What do you think trump’s biggest motive is for packing his court with billionaires? I can think of a few. They paid for their position of course but there must be more devious diabolical reasons.
I don't think that's the reason nor do I think it's the reason for the millions who didn't vote.
The desire to destroy the whole system. ( fuck it, blow the whole thing up) A system that is broken and doesn't work for the people. The opposition offered the status quo with a few small changes.
They think all of those billionaires will remove the obstacles so they can finally be millionaires. The magical thinking is American Exceptionalism at its grandest.
To have so many billionaires currently prominently in the news, as nominees to the cabinet, does open up the possibility for public debates about who truly benefits from these nominations and how obvious corruption does not need to be simply accepted by the American people, from any administration.
They have no clue, not do they care. All they care about is that we're getting rid of all the brown people and driving the boys pretending to be girls to early deaths.
It absolutely blows my mind that any working class person would vote for him. But then again, 97% of evangelicals voted for the Anti-Christ so there’s that…
They're full of broken logic.
I look forward to
The 9% of swing voters of all ethnicities, young and working class? The Dem Party & liberals need to honestly assess why they felt the our party didn’t speak for them anymore.
You will soon find out what you THOUGHT you were voting for is NOT what you're going to get.
Watch what Trump DOES, not what he SAYS!
I recall the murders of JFK, Malcom X, MLK, RFK, the war protests in New Haven, Ct. and the notion that those folks who do not learn history are doomed to repeat history... and so it goes...
don't watch anything but Fox.Everything is fine over there.
It's going to hit them like a train.
It's gonna get ugly.
The desire to destroy the whole system. ( fuck it, blow the whole thing up) A system that is broken and doesn't work for the people. The opposition offered the status quo with a few small changes.