The White Moderates Won't Save Us.
They never have, they never will.
MLK warned about them in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Recommend people read up on it.
They never have, they never will.
MLK warned about them in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Recommend people read up on it.
It’s not about skin color. It’s about new ideas.
Real good job
Fuck you
How is this even controversial?
So we need the moderates to stop fighting for the middle and choose. And I believe the good in their hearts will correct that tilt.
Fascists and autocrats always practice divide and rule, dividing people against themselves, why would you wish to do their work for them?
White people still hold the majority of power in the US. Calling them (us) out is warranted right now.
See: Newsome, Fetterman, Warner, Jeffries (yes, I know, not white but…) and the entirety of the DNC.
Look up the definition of US.
I am participating in the discussion. You are. And all other commenting are.
This is the white person version of that...
My shitty rich white ‘moderate’ democrat was one of the TEN who voted to censure Al Green for standing up to trump.
This is about people with white privilege being incapable of fighting.
Don't be a shitty white person.
His statement:
Sounds like a course in critical race theory would have benefited many of us
Unions were built from white Dems fighting for them.
Stop being selectively bigoted.
Ted Kennedy inserted himself into riots to stop them to save a lot of black people.
There are many many more.
Of course Biden did a lot. And Black people put him in office.
The only sub-demo who broke for Harris were white college educated.
The current D leadership is weak.
But listen to yourself. It might be of great help to the party as a whole if ALL are listened too.
As for voting numbers, the majority of WM voted for trump. With WW, not so much anymore.
The final, official vote totals
In the '20 election, it was even up with WW voting D or Seditious-gop.
My hope is that WW keep moving further left.
WW w College degrees voter D
(If you also take into account all those who didn't vote at all.)
But a white woman's vote for Harris was just as valuable as a latino man's, black woman's, asian man's or whomever.
So how does making these distinctions help?
I've researched the hell out of this, hon. And I quote vote totals in another post.
Not EXIT poll totals but final official totals.
You may want to get our of your feels for even a nano- second.
(Finding the best approach to defeating oligarchy and autocracy.)
Why single out people of a specific skin colour? You really think that's helpful?
Are there other racial groups that fit the description? Yes. Not enough to affect chg.
It's not about being white, more the philosophy that decorum and civility are more important than doing what's right.
Harkens back to the “welfare queen” - no one for a second thought that mythical person was a poor white Appalachian woman when it really was.
Just like how you mentioned Hakeem Jeffries: anyone can be a moderate
You COULD find all this out yourself if you weren't so fucking lame.
Don't speak over others with lived experience.
White folks don't need defending.
Your privilege protects you.
No need to chime in.
Not everything is about you.
We don’t need that kind of help. And that was not only OP’s point, but Dr King’s.
Historically, those in the center haven’t been willing to risk their comfort to do anything about it.
I'm going into the tulip business
The white people offended by this sound exactly like the men offended by women choosing the bear.
This is about people with white privilege being incapable of fighting.
Don't be a shitty white person.
“White guy here”
Blech! Oh god my lip is involuntarily curling so hard. Jesus Christ, you fucking dork. I probably agree with you on 99% of political opinions, but I’m seriously reconsidering everything now.
Go Get fucked. 🐓
Has nothing to do with me.
Same reason I'm not offended by the original statement.
The whacked part is not just white people voted for 47.
We don´t have that experience and it makes so much sense!
Why are we being divisive?
White suburbanites didn’t vote in high enough numbers for Kamala.
POC didn’t vote in high enough numbers for Kamala.
An autopsy of 2024 for Dems is needed
Blaming others w no proof? Not so much
BTW...singling out certain demographies (here: "The Whites") won't save the US either. Get over that shit at least for now and stand together if you don't want to end up in the same concentration camps.
The 92% are sitting this one out. As soon as Black women turn up the police will start shooting, so you can fix it.
I'm only calling for unity. Because you are going to need every hand.
Yes, I know that many of us are still a good deal away from this (idealized?) POV, and we are not flawless (me being...
Moderate Republicans give oxygen to extremists at the expense of any pushback when the extremists behave like, well... extremists.
Silence is complicity.
They get loud when there's pushback.
You are with the Flag AND VOTE or you are with the Fascists.
People need to stop getting it twisted.
Fuck those dumb ass merit white boys
fucking up our government security
Senators need to VOTE NO on budget from House
Stop falling for the SUCKER PUNCHED
I am sick and tired of these gutless moderate Democrats not fight on our behalf.
VOTE NO and send that bill back for negotiations.
We need to vote for more progressive democrats. FIGHTERS
Middle class people- moderates- come in all flavors of humanity & we all fucked this up
I don’t put the responsibility of being saved on you
I do put it on all of us as a big diverse community
So fucking what if he had that weird on his podcast? You think Newsom gonna run the country the way The Felon does? Wake tf up
Trust is gone
There are better, more relatable candidates with less baggage, IMO.
However, I think the millions that sat out voting for Kamala will likely continue to sit home if we prop up Newsom.
All I know is, if they’re not happy with what The Felon and Vance are doing, it won’t change unless we all vote accordingly.
What I’m saying is, if it’s Newsom against Vance I’ll vote Newsom despite his negatives.
And a vote for Harris doesn't mean opposition to fascism. Not even a little bit.
White moderates are as useful as tits on a bull.
If you stayed home or voted for Jill Stein? Stop passing the buck and look in the mirror while you vent.
A Democratic Socialist may be more “moderate” than an anarchist like Lucy Parsons or a communist like Huey P Newton, but to pretend he was a “moderate” in the way that is being discussed here is disingenuous.
Moderates in general are not principled people, they flip-flop depending who they're surrounded by at the time. But white moderates take it a step further by being offended when you call them out on it.
"The people don't want a phony Democrat. If it's a choice between a genuine Republican, and a Republican in Democratic clothing, the people will choose the genuine article, every time"
Do you know that in the world we see both of your PP as right-wing? Democrats are center right, Republicans are far right, and the M#G# are fascists.
Given the choice between Fascism and Center Right, 36% stayed home.
Its not the moderates who voted for Harris that are the problem here. It’s the 36% who didn’t bother to show up to vote against Fascism.
Unions were built from white Dems fighting for them.
Stop being selectively bigoted.
Ted Kennedy inserted himself into riots to stop them to save a lot of black people.
It's not the 60s any more and I doubt he'd be ok with his brothers voting for Trump in the record numbers that they did either.
It's 2025 and white moderates are no closer to getting the same work/life benefits that 100% taxpayer funded Dept of Defense employees & their families get.
Right - that makes literally zero sense
Harris / Biden is/was probably the root of the problem moreso than Harris voters.
They swung to the right and chained up their attack dog.
Voters typically vote progressive overwhelmingly when given the opportunity.
Might want to review history on that one though.
"yeah we need a lot of work in X which I'm not personally interested in, but Y?! YOU WANT TO CHANGE Y? WE CANT CHANGE Y 😭"
We need to stay mad at the right people.
Hold MoC feet to the fire Shop local
Eat the rich
And when it does, people don't emerge from it supporting those that have othered them.
White moderates are the key to turning everything around- as a group it has been underappreciated, taken for granted and misunderstood- and thats where the big voting numbers lie-
They will abandon you as soon as it’s convenient and blame you for not trying hard enough to change their mind.
He knew that polite asking would never work, violence would never work…massive non-violent protests were it…
You are doing the same thing people have done for centuries: looping together a group of people by characteristics and assuming, incorrectly, uniformity.
No one group will save you. People from all groups will, though.
Melting Pot for the win!!! 🏆
People who protest and refuse to vote cannot be trusted, fully.
I also have the understanding of what fascism is, and what is to come.
We need everyone that will help us fight.
I save my fire for the Fascists and appeasers. I have no time for anyone who wants to try and bash ANY Harris voter of any race, religion, creed, tribe or sexual orientation.
If you didn’t vote Harris, you are a fascist
I am willing to listen anyway as long as one voted for Harris (if an American Citizen)
If one voted third party or stayed home? One can fuck all the way off
They are SOFT on white treason; and absent on any justice
The fact that the #DNC cannot see this is telling; it’s who they are at their core
If we keep throwing each other into the fascist machine, we'll eventually stand alone when it comes for us.
Starve the beast, don't feed it.
Not saying they’re right, just saying the Dem base is apparently not who you think it is.
~71-72% of the US pop is white. Per Census: ppl from MENA = white—ICE arrested a white activist from Columbia U. Many hispanics = white—ICE is deporting white ppl. The majority of those who get food stamps, Medicaid, welfare—white.
Winning elections requires winning a big chunk of white ppl.
It’s just a brilliant eyewash by few whites in battle ground states, who learnt how to trick thousands of idiots and grab power.
The reviewer lacks self-awareness.
...An inspiring meme, however dour it may sound, because in the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti, revolution is today (never tomorrow.)
We have a Fascist Felon in the White House. He’s “flexing” his incompetence and stupidity while you whine about people who voted against him rather than the people who voted for him or stayed the fuck home.
They couldn’t be bothered to vote because Harris wasn’t authentic enough or didn’t meet their litmus test?
It’s ALWAYS a choice
Staying home was appeasing the Fascists voting for The Felon. They win - We lose
Will all be eaten
I'm in solidarity w you + have actively 100% participated.(don't judge by appearance)We could have quite a discussion which I've had w others.All positive
I have a reat article for you to read. Give me a minute
Its worth your time.
If you voted for Harris - please, by all means vent your frustration any way you please.
If you didn’t vote? Look in the mirror while you vent.
It left an impression.
And I recommend reading a quick summary on wikipedia or elsewhere on exactly why he was in jail.
Trying to blame the folks who actually show up to vote against A Fascist Felon isn’t the flex you think it is.
If you feel his point was aimed at you, I’d wonder why that was your reaction.
When MLK said it, people like me weren’t considered moderates.
As if the far left hasn’t moved further left? No time for non voters. ZERO
You are EXACTLY the kind of complacent self-satisfied “moderate” King was upset with.
And, no. By any objective standard, American
Leftists would be considered centrists in Europe. What the Right calls “radically leftist” would fit the 1952 GOP platform.
Did you vote for Harris? If yes, by all means, vent however you would like to vent. I take no offense.
If you did not? You can just STFU.
I’m not wrong that America’s Overton Window is disturbingly skewed to the right, or that Bernie and AOC would be considered centrists in Europe.
White moderates passed them because they were forced to not because they wanted to lol
Just because they finally chose to stop withholding rights doesnt mean they should be thanked for it
The real change happened in the streets
People who vote for positive change only when public opinion pressures them to do so, but otherwise vote conservative or worse aren't people worth thanking and it's wild to me that you think they're some sort of heroes
I see moderates as people who would gladly stab minorities in the back the moment they are politically inconvenient
Simply put, the moderate that exists between two right wing capitalist parties is hardly an ally to liberation
White or not, fuck the moderates.
It's not a fucking race issue, it's a class issue. You can't win elections without white people. You can't win elections without non-whites.
Hakeem Jeffries is the exact type of fucking useless moderate that isn't going to help us. So is Nancy Pelosi.
It doesn't have anything to do with white or black.