"I love you so much. You make me so happy," I heard my wife exclaim.
I was temporarily stunned by the outburst of emotion and felt so happy. I walked towards her to give her a hug and realized...she's talking to the cat.
I was temporarily stunned by the outburst of emotion and felt so happy. I walked towards her to give her a hug and realized...she's talking to the cat.
“I’d settle for the way she treats the dog.” - Jimmy Stewart
your cat did not pay me to say that
Wife to me: why don’t you ever say that to me?
Me to wife: what do you mean? I’m always telling you how beautiful the cat is.
Welp. At least she is nice to kitty.
It’s your cross to bear, as men. 🤣
I don’t see there could ever be a question about it, I mean look at that cat!
No one should assume they can begin to compete with that.
Very true. Personally, I’ve had many cats over the years and they’ve all been what I’d call loyal - to whichever human they choose.
Like for example when i say caw! caw! to birds
She was a starving, abandoned stray when she found me. SHE adopted ME! She is beautiful now. She’s shy & very sweet.
My husband knows there’s no contest 🇨🇦🐾
Nickname Heis
he’s an angel that takes care of me when I’m sick ❤️
Spouse, “oh! Does someone have an upset tummy? Poor boo boo!”
Cooing sounds.
same in my house.
i have to sleep in guest room weekend mornings so my wife and the the cat get sufficient 'kitty snuggle time with neck scratches'
such is life
wouldn't have it any other way.
At least mine's a dog. 🤷 I couldn't imagine losing out to a cat. 😂
But than most things are.
But really
Can you blame her?