We wouldn’t even be wiped out. This thing is at most 100 meters across, it would only damage about 50km around itself if it even touched ground and not the massive amount of ocean.
Unfortunately, we’re just gonna have to “fuck it, we ball” through this
Only 40-90m across. Would be the equivalent of a nuclear bomb.
It’s not the one you should be looking for.
The one you should be looking for is the one that will cause a tsunami, shake the earth, destroy a third of the ships at sea, and cause debris to darken the sun for several days.
after looking at the article, the asteroid, if it hits, would likely hit the ocean, and apparently it would only have the effect of a nuclear bomb, so it wouldn’t destroy the whole world. worst case scenario it hits a population center, but still not world-ending
Any single chance to be wiped out is already a concern.
They can't get people down from the Earth's orbit for months. You think they can do anything with that? Fantasy...
With how rapidly the temp is rising globally, there will be billions displaced as a result of locations being too hot or cold to live in anymore. I think there will be so much else on our minds that we might even have a sigh of relief if we look up and see that 1% was plenty.
Compared to a 40 per cent risk of Long COVID after your third SARS-CoV-2 infection, it is small. But it seems that humans are not geared to understand the first thing about risk. So, eyes down, nothing to see here 😞
It's less than 100 meters in diameter, depending material it will either break up in the atmosphere like the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor, maybe it will cause a larger explosion like the Tunguska event of 1908, with bad luck it will be a city-killer, but that's it, no extinction event for sure!
It's too tiny for that. Would only do damage for a couple hundred mi. And after that 1.3% chance, there's only roughly a 3.1% chance to hit near a populated zone on earth.
It's deffo not big enough to wipe us out, but it is big enough to cause damage similar to the Tunguska Event. We're talking about 31 square miles of damage. We're also monitoring it constantly and will be able to tell where it'll land closer to the time, so casualties should be minimal 👍
I’m torn on this one. If we can’t get everyone on the same page regarding climate change, an instantaneous termination might just be preferable to the misery and suffering of a long, drawn out climate death. I’m not in touch with my optimistic side tonight. apologies.
An asteroid the size of a football field hitting the Earth would be bad for wherever it hit, much like a nuclear bomb would be bad for wherever it hit. Bad, but not even close to an extinction-level event. And certainly not as bad as what humans are already doing to the planet.
Put Elon in charge of definitely not letting it hit mara-lago while orange hitler is in residence with his gang of crooks and incompetents, psychos and pervs.
I'd like to speed it up. Let's do some For All Mankind shit and alter its trajectory so it gets here in a week and impacts Washington DC directly. #TeamAsteroid
Like the climate crisis
they’ll wait till the day before impact, and say hey this could be a problem, maybe we should do something about it?
Maybe next week…
Thoughts and prayers to the asteroid. Can it move its schedule up a bit? Given it now turns out that Musk and Trump are literally building Skynet, I’m 10 toes in.
Agreed. Let's all start making a ton of conflicting plans for NYE that year...the universe wouldn't pass up an opportunity to make us all look like total dicks on 1/1/2033.
That's the possibility it impacting earth, multiply that by your chances of being anywhere near impact and product is really small. You have a larger chance of being a victim of a piano falling on you. Does that make you feel better?
'We're glad to welcome you to your Spirit Airlines flight and we want you to know there's a solid 98.7% chance you will arrive at your destination alive.'
Even if it does hit, it's not going to be a world ending catastrophe like the K-Pg boundary that ended the dinosaurs. It will be like a 5 to 50 megaton nuclear warhead, pretty damn bad if it hits a population centre, but this is not likely. The Tsar Bomba was about as big.
Right now, it's 1.5%. https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/sentry/details.html#?des=2024%20YR4
The asteroid energy is 7.861 Megatons of TNT. That's like a fairly large hydrogen bomb. It's sufficient to wipe out one big city, not more than that. But it will probably fall in an ocean, causing a tsunami.
How to make you an optimist: This result is caused by the parameters of this asteroid of “now” and every parameter gets an error bar. Error propagation leads to 1.3%. Because we do not know all the interactions, a future measurement and calculation will often lead to an even smaller chance than now.
You can think of a window (representing the error) that is a bit bigger then the diameter of earth and just a corner of it intersects with earth (1.3% chance). With newer data this window gets even smaller and maybe it will shift a bit but then earth might be out of that window and the chance is 0%.
It could be a longer game. Dismantle the Dept of Ed. leads to literacy issues, causing a downturn in intelligent recruits in the military, that are overrun by enemy elementary students playing keep away.
Since about two weeks ago the prospect of having the planet destroyed by an asteroid has become somewhat of an intriguing prospect as opposed to a horrifying one.
Possible impact areas are supposed to run roughly along the equator across S. America, the Atlantic, Africa and then across the Indian Ocean to India. It’s big enough to destroy a city and certainly nothing to dismiss, but it’s not an extinction event.
This isn't a dinosaur extinction sized asteroid. Even if it did hit Earth in a populated area (highly unlikely, Earth is huge) it would cause only local damage. In other words, we have bigger fish to fry.
It's got only a 1.3% chance of hitting the earth at all. Of that 1.3% chance, there's a 71% chance it will hit an ocean, and harm no one, and if it does hit land, only 3% of the land is urban areas and 40% is agriculture. That makes a 0.215% chance of a significant impact.
Zionists, (Jewish & Non-Jewish), will most likely end human existence before that astroid does.
Unfortunately, we’re just gonna have to “fuck it, we ball” through this
(thanks fire emblem)
I’m an optimist.
It would be like winning the lottery.
There's a 98.7% chance it won't happen.
Tell me those are the odds of my winning the lottery and my money is in the till.
It’s not the one you should be looking for.
The one you should be looking for is the one that will cause a tsunami, shake the earth, destroy a third of the ships at sea, and cause debris to darken the sun for several days.
They can't get people down from the Earth's orbit for months. You think they can do anything with that? Fantasy...
It is only a city killer.
So if there is only a 1% chance of hitting the planet then what is the probability for Your city?
They should have really good data in 5 years. Trump will start WWIII before then so there may not be any astronomers left.
So Chill!
But, it would efficiently wipe out a city.
The asteroid in question is a city-killer, not a planet-killer.
But I'm with you.
We need to get those numbers up.
And we know that's a YUGE deal.
Just need it to hit Trump whilst on vacation in a remote location.
I'm not worried.
Please make a Maga ark and get going…
they’ll wait till the day before impact, and say hey this could be a problem, maybe we should do something about it?
Maybe next week…
Fall of democracy
End of Earth
cool cool
Get on the task of knocking that Asshole-teroid off course.
FYI, I'm talking about the roid Trump not that rock in outer space.
The asteroid energy is 7.861 Megatons of TNT. That's like a fairly large hydrogen bomb. It's sufficient to wipe out one big city, not more than that. But it will probably fall in an ocean, causing a tsunami.
Chances are you will be dead by then due to preventable illness and lack of healthcare options.
This is 40-90 metres across.
AI in its primitive iteration monitoring and controlling a nuclear arsenal for instance...