Glad the issue of private schools gaming the system to get extra exam time for their pupils has been picked up because I heard this a couple of weeks ago and felt it completely outrageous.
Quite possible that state school pupils have received lower grades as a result.
Quite possible that state school pupils have received lower grades as a result.
Could it be that a third of kids SHOULD be getting extended time and public schools are under diagnosing? And that people that can afford private schools also do private testing on their kids for an accurate diagnosis?
In this case, this:
Most tests given in public schools are not done on actual knowledge learned. We must remember everyone learns on different levels.
Honestly, why not just do the exams for the kids? The whole point of the exams is to see who can and who can’t.
As our kids use technology and shortcuts for speech. Sometimes, they have no clue.
I know this first-hand.
Because inexplicably the article seems to complain about the latter whereas this thread has more of a mix.
I worked in a comp where the head of Technology, now in senior management, had his technician do all the kids' coursework.
And a private where a HOD was demoted for not releasing exams papers early.
11+ tests to state funded grammar schools are opaque but prohibitive to clever working class students. 11+ testing system is excluded from Freedom of Information Act.
Also looks 'gamed'.
I remember a couple of surprises my school. Who knew that Gary was smart? 😂
The results, methodology and pass criteria are not transparent or subject to any oversight by democratically accountable bodies.
Yet the public generously funds the grammar schools.
I *do* know how to buy a train ticket to Marseilles, and the way to the town hall.
It's like the 'explosion in EHCP' people keep reporting - its mostly because there's no other way to get support.
But somehow the only way education resources become a political issue is when someone wants an easy tax target.
Lots of students get extra time at the state school I used to work at, admittedly in a wealthy area
My physics A level multiple choice.
Well at least statistically I got 20%. Didn't need any extra time
Let's see the data
But a lot of people seem to still be attached to traditional authoritarian models that are based on military style thinking and treat children as fungible objects.
SEND correlates a bit (not strongly but clearly) with disadvantage. So pvt schools, which contain economically advantaged children, will have slightly less SEND than average.
At any rate, in the absence of contrary evidence, that has to be the assumption.
Their experience of the exams was totally different
The school gave her a heavily coached / marked "best of 3" type experience
Ours sat full, single shot proctored exams
I know several people who have found it incredibly hard to get anything at all. Some have moved to homeschooling out of desperation.
Another little hack they use to get better grades.
I mean, they do take them and in some cases they are a bit easier. Never had to submit and student project work and some questions are worded in a different way. Not going to go as far as saying its like FL-Spanish and SL-Spanish though.
The culture of state schools is unfortunately determined by class. In my exp, class cannibalism among working class leads to a strong aversion to disability recog & support
There's a reason why private school children do proportionately worse at university, when the support system is removed.
Parents have been known to move into the catchment area of high-performing state schools, to buy an asset (a house) which supports their child's educational opportunities.
Not because of VAT but because Hills Road Sixth Form College is the best performing school, state or private, for OxBridge entries.
All done with £4834/pupil/year - less than they got in 2010!
Because i see extremely bizarre cases on both sides of teaching to the tests
Remarkably HRSFC get more students into OxBridge than any other school.
Therefore, money is time.
Pay more money, get more time.
It's just common sense math.
It's not independent schools gaming the system. It's that the state system refuses to acknowledge kids needs.
Our education system should be more like Finland's!
The thing is that those tests take time, Qualified Assessors cost money, so Private Schools can test more areas of working per student.