@schumer.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social this should terrify you, dem favorability down across the board. It’s time for Schumer to step down. He has abdicated his leadership role by throwing in the white flag
Poll was 1000 registered--not actual--voters. Nationally we know that 64% of registered voted (white share likely a little higher)? Some of those subgroups are pretty small.
Lyndon Johnson: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Literally, please. No joke. I’m very worried this is going to get violently ugly sooner rather than later. Exercise your 2A rights if your mental health permits.
dude white guys with college+ not liking DEI seriously believe it's because they're smarter than any woman thye may have been in school/graduated with. They just don't think they're capable. Also closeted racists because how could a POC be smarter than a mediocre white guy that listens to PSA????
I wonder how many of the people in this poll voted. It looks like OP was just a general poll, but this one from Nov is actually some amount of voters *at* the polls in key states ("speaking with voters at polling places and phone interviews" wish they included %)
The Democratic Party had better figure out that supporting the governmental institutions and elected politicians that are no longer agile or forceful enough to give the citizens what they want and need is not a viable path forward.
As a college educated woman who is surrounded by the other three demographics... this explains so fucking much. I'm getting eaten alive by stress and worry, and the people around me are like, "Huh? Musk cheated at Diablo?" Even the ones who are somewhat aware are so much less concerned.
According to that chart, I'm a white transgender woman with a PhD
And what the hell is wrong with so many college-educated white men? Seriously, how could anyone who knows what's going on the world not consider Zelensky a hero
No surprises here. Women are much harder to fool than men. Women, like children, also have an innate sense of who they can trust and who they cannot trust. It's a self-preservation instinct.
I bet if we did a poll of children, or just say put them in a room with Trump, Musk, Vance and say, Zelensky, the kids would show us pretty quickly who they would 'vote' for. Kids have an innate sense about people, about who they can trust and who they can't. Too bad so many adults have lost it.
Maybe if one could find children to poll who have never "heard" anything ....In all of the local polls of children which were done here just before the Nov 2024 election, the results were identical to how "their" adults voted. So kids are sponges .....
Yes, I hear you. I was thinking of very young kids. Three and under. Hopefully before their parents have had that kind of political influence over them. In America they might be hard to find these days.
Yeah thats bullshit. There was the long time trend of the scholastic poll being the biggest predictor of the presidential election, because kids would just reiterate what their parents were saying. They are not arbiters of truth they are conduits of their parents.
they'd all pick the short guy in fatigues with a raspy voice and funny accent. The other three have shown they don't know how to communicate with kids or actually care about any besides their own progeny/personal human shields
The other three have no empathy and don't know how to relate to kids. This is an important feature of their characters. I would submit that true leaders do have empathy.
The DEI numbers are strange, but note that non-college women are more GOP aligned than college men; they consistently have a better opinion of Republicans, probably because of their social atmosphere.
It's possible that college-educated people have more direct exposure to "actual" DEI that can polarize them (especially men) against it, while at the same time a college education also correlates with exposure to the true evil of Republicans (and the good of e.g Zelensky)
I suspect conservative Christians are overrepresented in that demographic. A woman who thinks it's wrong for women to have careers is unlikely to go to college.
Democrats should be meaner to uneducated whites. Such people don't respond to cloying sympathy, only to people who talk tough and don't apologize at the first sign of backlash.
And there's much to call them out for, including how they're marrying and having kids far less vs. educated counterparts.
Niceness IS the consolation US neoliberals offer to the country's poor and uneducated in lieu of material benefits. It's literally what Adolph Reed calls "bearing witness to suffering." Go to any country that has the social programs US leftists want, nobody's nicer to the poor and uneducated there.
i think you’re conflating “niceness” with authenticity. people don’t hate democrats because they’re nice. it’s that every word is carefully crafted and poll tested. just be fucking real with people.
man, I hate most of your “takes“, but you’re totally 100% correct about this. the the vast majority of the White Working Trash that support 83yo Convicted Pedophile Donald Trump don’t understand anything but specifically directed ridicule and spite.
I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding the appeal of tough talk. The Republicans like the tough talk because it's against marginalized groups. If Democrats are to get meaner to anyone, it should be to landlords, CEOs, and fascists.
They should be meaner to everyone across the board. Republicans love hearing Trump say their towns are shit and they have no prospects, it's absolutely not just against marginalized groups. JD Vance's book was about how Appalachia's woes were their own fault and he is still net favorable among them.
But in addition to the charisma it's also the lack of bleeding heart sentiment without any edge, which is the entire liberal outward presentation because it's shaped by cozy upper middle class people who could never have the theory of mind of people whose interiority they've never experienced
Why was Bernie rarely called woke, why's he seen as pretty cool by Joe Rogan and Theo Von's audiences? Because in the debates he was the only one who didn't play to sentiment by giving anecdotes about some mom/dad he met. He soberly listed the problems to people who don't respond to bleeding hearts.
Nonetheless he spent the least time on fostering sympathy through heartbreaking stories, because he realized that type of "niceness" was a spectacle that only resonated with the onlookers of the poor and not the poor themselves
But it's not "at" them. It's "your towns are shit" explicitly but the people who hear it know the implicit part is because of the Bad People. I haven't read Vance's book but I've also heard it directs the readers anger towards cities and educated elites. That's not what "being mean" to them is
we should use white women to utterly cuck white men. tell white men that while they're disenfranchised that they can appeal to a spouse, friend, or relative to be a surrogate vote
Ironically refusing to let the poor and uneducated vote is one of the great contradictions of the American system.
They will always vote in their own worst interest for some reason.
Like doing just that would be very popular among the uneducated because they think they are smart
I am very amused at how white men without degrees are so anti-DEI. Like dudes, you're likely not winning in any meritocracy unless you happen to be the master of a trade.
But they don’t want meritocracy, they want what anti-DEI really is and what they correctly identify it as - privileging white men over better qualified women and POCs
Man I am REVELING in the College-educated man opinions. "yeah, Trump and republicans are monsters, but THE DEMOCRATS LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY HATE OF THE DEMOCRATS"
These type of results never capture the underlying reasons for the responses. My guess is there is a healthy dose of fox-news fueled hate for the Democratic party combined with dissatisfaction from the left. Liberals are always willing to hate the Democrats, Republicans live by the 11th commandment.
I don't think it's worth reading too much into that stat (dem favorability is in the toilet all around, and personally I'm unimpressed with them!) but the DEI one is fucked up
The same is happening with the other three groups. Note that all four groups have worse opinions of Democrats than expected given their opinion of Trump, meaning that much of this negative opinion is due to liberals being angry that Democrats are not fighting Trump harder.
So our elections have come down to uneducated white men v educated white women. And higher education is now completely out of reach for most. Great. I feel great.
Okay this is the part where I put my YIMBY hat on and say “yes, but the biggest cost of going to college is opportunity cost and CoL during education, so lowering CoL, especially for people with 0 income, is also really important”
A college degree still (as of a few years ago, with inflation it's probably gone up) translates into somewhere around a million dollars in increased lifetime earnings, IIRC, so that's about $350k in tax revenue, meaning people already pay for their college education.
And we can!!! The future is bright if we make it through this fascist coup; we will have to contend with climate change, yes, but by percentage the world is (far) more educated, materially-comfortable, interconnected, and woke than it’s ever been. AKA ripe for socialism 😈♥️🖤
At the very least we should make community college a presumption rather than a paid, less-preferred option.
The current four-year system works great for some, but IMO is mostly built as a class barrier; ending the race for prestige would go a *long* way towards bringing costs back down to sanity
just make all schools get tax payer funds, and students can pay based on their families or individual income....this is called a "sliding scale" or "pay what you can"
mostly looking at AU where they had a tuition free / taxpayer funded college system (ie. free) but it didn't dramatically impact demographic enrolment so it ended up that a large percentage of lower class homes were paying taxes for a service they didn't use.
I mean, they couldn’t even get that through. We can—and should!—throw blame around all we want for the dems being incapable of winning, but idk how they could’ve possibly done more on this issue during Biden’s term. They literally got directly shut down by the Supreme Court 🙃
Other than “convince the GOP to compromise”, I guess. Presumably at least a couple of their federal reps went to college…? Maybe? Idk, 50/50 chance on that one IMO
I love me a Reagan hate party so carry on with that, but just to be my annoying “the 60s weren’t as good as fellow leftists often imply” self for a minute: despite costs+perverse motivations for this improvement, outcomes /have/ improved greatly since then — up to ~30% from ~20% in 1984
Wow, that's shocking. When I graduated HS in 1968 over 95% of my freshman class graduated. Probably because I grew up in a random small college town where college seemed like a good place to go next.
Not only mandatory but lifelong. Everyone's gotta take at least one class per calendar year post-undergrad. Could be in anything, but you gotta take at least one.
Which is another reason they should have to mix in a year studying literally anything that treats women as people with their "Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany" and "The Holy Roman Empire" classes
I’m assuming if we have the power to do this we’ve already done things like universal free childcare and living wages and UBI and whatnot, because otherwise that’s a no-go for a lot of good reasons
if you could get the cost down a bit (and you probably could, especially if you reduced the assignment load/grading, which is probably fine for this kind of thing) I would probably do that voluntarily
That'd be interesting. I'm convinced that there's a significant chance that Trump will come out and say he's a Luigi ally (and the internet will then break). ;)
Personally, I think mandatory college would be great. You get to choose what to study and trade school counts, but you gotta go. Would solve so many problems.
I'm sure that's true, but it's also a pretty grim statistic when there isn't even one of these subgroups where a majority _enthusiastically_ votes Dem. Gonna be pretty hard to have much influence unless that changes.
It looks to be the difference between the percentage of people who have a favorable opinion of any given subject and who have an unfavorable opinion of that subject.
As for the 2nd question, everyone right now agrees that the Democratic Party is weak. However, the white men without college education also think that the Democrats are evil and are to destroy a white man's rightful place in the world.
The bottom right box hits the problem on the head. Women, especially white women, comprise an increasingly greater share of college-educated adults. They support Democrats' causes, as shown in the Zelensky and DEI boxes. Yet, they hold a negative perception of the Democratic Party.
As a marketer, I would flood the first three columns with anti-Democratic Party messages. They hate the party and will never vote for them. The fourth column will stay home on Election Day, refusing to vote Republican and unable to vote Democratic. As a democracy, we are fucked.
Will we elect a woman as President in my lifetime??? That's what all this fuss on the right comes down to. Women/minorities trying to gain equal rights. They won't stand for it. I'll forever be pissed that each time we tried to elect a woman, we got...him 🤬
Notes: The poll was conducted March 7-11 and surveyed 1,000 registered voters nationally. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points for the full results and higher for subgroups.
Source: NBC News poll
Since we can not make or force the uneducated to become educated, we can steal them from Trump and MAGA by giving them what he does. Recognition of their existence and shitty situation. By doing so, it is slightly possible to improve their lot, whereas Trump can only deliver empty promises.
Can anyone explain those values for the Democratic Party to a European? I mean, after all the Trump- and DOGE madness of the past weeks, voters still prefer this over the Democracts? What's wrong in America?
There is a widespread and in my opinion mostly correct perception that the Democratic Party hasn't been effective in, or even very serious about, addressing the Constitutional crisis of the Trump presidency. They're a Wall Street party that's not as racist.
Makes sense. But to be fair: What are ppl expecting from Democrats in the next two years? Voters gave Republicans a majority in Senate + House + White House.
American political parties are a ship of Theseus. The Democratic Party of today needs a tea-party style overthrow, and I think we’ll see that in the primaries next year.
Yeah but self sabotage and snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory have been core tenants of the Democratic party for decades, how are they going to keep up that legacy?
Many of them are good enough at photography as to immediately be above-average sharpshooters.
Many also know how to flirt and convince an armed person to follow them to a second location, so there’s a chance no one will need to willingly arm them.
I get it, but I don't think it's worth taking on personal guilt over this. Do you really have more in common with eg the 70th percentile reactionary American man than with the women around you? I don't experience solidarity with men as a demographic, so I don't feel guilt over them either.
Point being: it's worth rejecting the idea of a universal male experience or masculinity.
It's still important to recognize when others treat you differently because you're a man and act in concord with your values (eg speak up and don't let dudes say sexist shit around you), but this is separate
I feel bad as a human being though. Like, "what idiocy lurks in the heart of man" despair. There's really no excuse for what we've inflicted on ourselves out of malice and stupidity.
1st time in human history, a society enjoying unprecedented peace and prosperity decided to embrace Fascism at the expense of their own economic interests because of bigotry and hate, that a plurality of voters want to be able to discriminate against immigrants and trans and non-whites in general.
It’s fascinating too because it’s also a very self inflicted loss. The reason that women (for example) are earning more degrees than men is often men self sabotaging
Problem w/this theory is gen-z men voted for him in large numbers. And he improved w/immigrants, latinos, african americans and asians.
Granted, his numbers are falling like a rock w/all the dumb decisions being made. But just feels like a mistake to chock it all up to idpol and not dig deeper.
He won this election by being President Business amidst record inflation but his actual government is being run as basically an extremist ideological project for straight white blue collar men. You’re going to see a lot of buyer’s remorse
But I also think democrats should consider how the places we do control often struggle to provide good governance (housing crisis, public safety, public realm, quality of life stuff.)
We worry about the right problems I think… but often fail to deliver results.
I don’t mean it’s the only factor, of course, but the admin is being run like this is the great revenge campaign of straight white dudes. Just look at all the insane Maoist culture stuff they’re doing
Bad outcomes still very possible but so far this admin seems determined to do the most maximally stupid and overreaching version of the strategy possible
Authoritarians offering nothing to the most politically active, well educated and increasingly wealthy demographic is usually not a recipe for long term success I agree
It really is, ummm, alarming how much meeting another white guy involves the same exploratory social dance as meeting a 40k player with an entirely Krieg themed army.
I think the stats would have been affected if they also had putin on it and not just zelensky. It's weird to leave off putin. How many people will admit to favoring putin over Z instead of just not supporting z? I'll never know, because it's not here
Example: voting for Trump
And what the hell is wrong with so many college-educated white men? Seriously, how could anyone who knows what's going on the world not consider Zelensky a hero
And there's much to call them out for, including how they're marrying and having kids far less vs. educated counterparts.
If the only implicit part was "because of the Bad People" there would not have been so many Obama to Trump voters.
They will always vote in their own worst interest for some reason.
Like doing just that would be very popular among the uneducated because they think they are smart
It's the bolt rounders that act like this lol
"I may not agree with them on everything, but they say they're fighting for me."
the logic does not magically stop working as melanin count drops
Edna O’Brien
It’s why we are here.
The current four-year system works great for some, but IMO is mostly built as a class barrier; ending the race for prestige would go a *long* way towards bringing costs back down to sanity
Nobody needs 10 million dollars.
just make all schools get tax payer funds, and students can pay based on their families or individual income....this is called a "sliding scale" or "pay what you can"
you will take the gen eds. you will experience a variety of academic topics with a diverse population of fellow students. we are no longer asking.
Start with castrating like...half and let's see what improves
Also needs to be at least 500 miles away from parents' residence, got to get these kids out of their bubbles.
But man...what a story it also tells about Dem support. Not a single favorable opinion - the only group with that "honor."
Is there a go fund me yet?
"Weapons for sanity" ?
Doesn't even know if he's gonna be alive in 6 months and still hanging it all out... mad respect.
Source: NBC News poll
These voting data kind of do. I don't even live in the US and have never voted for fascists, but the mere association is embarrassing.
this is sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious enough
Take the tea party back. We the people etc…
Many also know how to flirt and convince an armed person to follow them to a second location, so there’s a chance no one will need to willingly arm them.
this does make me feel bad as a guy
It's still important to recognize when others treat you differently because you're a man and act in concord with your values (eg speak up and don't let dudes say sexist shit around you), but this is separate
Granted, his numbers are falling like a rock w/all the dumb decisions being made. But just feels like a mistake to chock it all up to idpol and not dig deeper.
We worry about the right problems I think… but often fail to deliver results.
How much of the rest is as reliable?
Or do you want to know Putin's opinion of each person/group? Trump +100, Zelenskyy -100, ...