Word is his campaign has over $300 million on hand, so you’d think they could afford better. Then again, maybe this is what big money buys after a horde of grifters are done skimming.
There's also one with people grilling dinner and another with a black family having a big family meal (theme on both is "Remember when you could afford to eat?) and the footage is sped down and my first thought was "This is what you when you buy 20 seconds of footage for a 30 second spot."
Looking at the small thumbnail without my glasses I thought it was a Black man with white woman and I was SHOOK. Then I opened it and it is just a light skinned woman.
I mean, is it to say he'll prevent this from happening in your "Hard Working" neighborhood?
Cuz that could be the message to some of his folks.
Or did the Black family just sell their house and that's what will happen under Trump?
He sets the bar so low by cheating everyone and cheating at everything. Why would he use skilled professionals for anything?
Why should talent sign on for charity work or loyalty pay in Mountain Dew and one-once bags of chips... from a "billionaire?" It's #weird that anyone works for him.
Yes, exactly! It’s shocked me that they still seem so lost about how to go after Harris. You’d think they’d have a plan in case Biden died, or something. But no I guess nobody scheduled those meetings
Note to self:
If I ever do stock photos, add a clause to the contract that they may NOT be used by a Republican politician or any Republican aligned PAC.
That way you can combine your marketing and embezzlement line items!
Cuz that could be the message to some of his folks.
Or did the Black family just sell their house and that's what will happen under Trump?
Why should talent sign on for charity work or loyalty pay in Mountain Dew and one-once bags of chips... from a "billionaire?" It's #weird that anyone works for him.
[Sorry, Trump vs Kamala reference]
If I ever do stock photos, add a clause to the contract that they may NOT be used by a Republican politician or any Republican aligned PAC.