RIP TikTok. The ultimate example of the olds not getting it.
It is especially ironic that we're freaking out about a foreign owned social network when we're letting untrustworthy figures straight through the door over here
It is especially ironic that we're freaking out about a foreign owned social network when we're letting untrustworthy figures straight through the door over here
The open web is our best bet because we can build it from the bottom up.
You’re holding onto a dream that was fostered on Usenet in the 1980s. We are not going back there. We’ve seen the consequences. The future is a Web with more national protections so we can better defend freedom and democracy.
What you describe is everything we hoped the internet would be until the dotcom 90’s saw it being carved up like so much undeveloped real-estate by the likes of Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Musk, etc. who had just enough vision to see it as not just a new source of revenue, but also
It is what has allowed these barely mid ass-hats to become multibillionaires with the ability to buy elections and literally write legislation for themselves. Good luck undoing that.
First Felon's going to save everyone from a problem he created. And very few are ever going to see that.
2021 -
A continuous video feed is hardly tech savvy stuff lol.
No one cares what people do there.. it’s about data ownership.
That's like saying, it's poc who primarily commit crimes or are illegal where I am, so it's fine to refer to people who commit crimes or illegals as a black, a brown, etc.
Just 'cause your stereotype is more common doesn't make it any less absurd or disparaging
but I do appreciate the clarification 😏💕
But, you do you!
Literally millions of people shopped on TikTok shop and most people use the same passwords for all, or most, of their apps.
Why don't you care about your country's national security?
Yes, if they Chinese government demands data from Chinese owned TikTok, they have to give it.
The same applies to a US company and the US government.
For those of us outside the US and China, neither one is any better or any safer.
Not that it makes a difference if they’re in China or Texas.
Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand. -Putt's Law
The era of billionaire megalomaniacs having too large a slice of the pie needs to end.
Build your own website! (it’s never been easier) host your own data! (So many options) build your own audience! (email newsletters still can’t be beaten)
Nah, build a core of 100 dedicated fans who engage in tight circles and you’re halfway there.
Damaging things, sowing chaos, then swooping in as the savior to make others dependent is the modus operandi of a psychopathic, malignant narcissist, Trump. TikTok is dead. Don’t be whipsawed around by psychopaths.
UK pretty messed up but smaller scale
Let them rot their brains for all I fucking care at this point, the social contract has been set on fire and pissed on as far as I can see it
Freedom of speech you say "Orange little Thingy🍄"
Just wait.....this is only a snowflake on an iceberg that goes straight to hell
They'll be another platform that'll do the same, made here in the good old US because that's the plan of big tech anyway, they just want to own it. But keep kids stupid and uninformed...away from books, is the goal
It isn't less dangerous.
News: Trump’s billionaires & TikTok can both suck.
Bipartisan administrations, congresspeople & SC justices all see a danger. Maybe olds know something you don’t.
This isn’t olds not getting it. This is our government being owned by meta
But to clarify, my phone listens more than my children do.
i they pay a pittance in wages
ii Chinese govt are wholly corrupt so easiest to bribe
iii avoiding ecological regulations, as making plastics etc is very toxic
iv China is full of base metals, most natural resources
Corporations like to get away with things and skirt around other things .
All to save money because it’s not about lives it’s about profit .
Puff puff pass Iykyk 💨
Still pulling the ageist blame game ?
Time to grow up a bit
What specifically have you been doing ?
Other than blaming the "olds" ?
How "old" are you ?
What adult measures have you been taking to improve issues ?
THIS is what you want to be defensive about?
What adult measures have you been taking to improve issues ?
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Children use antisocial Media.
The President of Mexicos (ally) seat at inauguration.
Such a serious president
"Two wrongs don't make a right!"
Trump uses anti-China rhetoric to get elected, while simultaneously drooling to have the same authoritarian power as CCP.
TT keeps young people from voting, Musk buys the election, then buys TT! it's all bad 👎
We're rearranging the deck chairs...
They don't even try to hide. In your faces citizens!
My view how we are as a nation currently.
Like trying to remove milk from a cup of water.
My pessimism justified.
- but calling the gentleman with whom this discussion on TikTok ensued, a member of the OLDs was not kind. At 76, I am elderly, but definitely WOKE.
nobody asked
Don't want to listen to us?
Turn about is fair play.
And it is not difficult to discern a great deal about others from their statements.
What we need are for them to become far smaller and far more distributed. It’s the algorithms pushing monetised content that do most harm imo
People talk about their “freedom of speech” when there’s suggestion of regulating social media but I fear what they actually mean is they’re just addicted to doomscrolling.
Everyone too tuned into their cyclical distractions to notice the world decaying (and inevitably will applaud Trump when he swoops in to turn it back on)
“Video Games are turning kids violent!”
“TV is rotting our kids’ brains!”
“Radio is corrupting the youth!”
“Penny serials are vile and tempting the youth to sin!”
And so on…welcome to a long line of old people bemoaning whatever popular media came after.
Exactly! Obv was never on TikTok!
Trump insights riot on Capitol, enemy of the state? Not just the state, democracy & constitution too.
It really is an upside down world where truth is suppressed. Trump was right about weaponsing justice, he has done it for years it's all about winning
Google sim swapping. All they need is your phone number. They're ranked 3rd in the world cyber crime index. Y'all should be celebrating
I'm not freaking out about it. If they take bluesky I'll freak.
You, otherwise, make a considerable point, but the message is lost when it starts with an insult. Maybe there's a TikTok to teach that
Young geniuses can't seem to come together and create their own group dance app, that they won't sell to the highest bid 😒