I feel like it would be over sooner. I imagine shitting yourself to death is a terrible way to go. But I don’t know, maybe the grue would swallow me whole and make me watch awful TV 24/7.
I saw that! When I was a kid, the stories of both Jonah and Pinocchio made a big impression. My mom told me not to worry, that I’m bigger than plankton & would probably be spit out. I wonder if I need a kayak🤔
fwiw you can live through probable* cholera with enough electrolyte drink. ask me how I know.
*the doctor said over the phone it sure sounded like that, certain symptoms were identical, but I couldn’t afford the hospital stay so I just chugged pedialyte and rode it out hoping I wouldn’t die
That happens if you aren’t used to the germs or water in a different country. Egypt is kind of borderline between third world and a more modern country like Greece
Don't be so pessimistic. Tuberculosis and measles are making a comeback in the US. New viral strains pop up all the time. With RFK the Lesser running healthcare, there really are a million ways to die in the west.
Highly recommend reading “The Indifferent Stars Above”. While it does cover all historical record and all, perhaps the best part is how it elucidates what a spectacular convergence of “grift, plus perseverance in very obvious mistakes” the whole saga was.
One of my current projects is making an updated version of the game called: The MAGA Trail. In it you die of dumb stuff like measles and mumps in 2025.
I'm profoundly ill-equipped to survive in a post apocalyptic world. If financial systems fail, supply chains stop functioning & water, electric, gas utilities are destroyed, I'll be killed off in the very 1st wave of infectious disease, if I haven't died already due to my abject inability to forage.
He’s against “big pharma” in general, including weight loss drugs, antidepressants, ADHD, etc
What makes you believe he won’t stop antibiotics for the poors?
Just drink some apple cider vinegar & walk it off!
There are plenty of vaccines protecting against bacterial infection (DTaP, Pneumonia, etc). There’s been a lot of research to develop one for dysentery, so I’m sure RFK is ready to shut all that down.
And the Lemonade Stand tycoons who think the cuts to healthcare mean financial dividends for them will be stuck with 120 pounds of sugar and 327 lemons because the dry bulb was 127 degrees and nobody goes outside anymore
of all the incredible computing advances over the last 50 years, I still think the 3 1/2” floppy is one of the greatest. it absolutely blew my mind and still does that you could carry a ~whole ass video game~ around on this thin piece of shitty plastic
Pre- revolution. 1725, George I. The royalty owned everything. 300 years later, the financial royalty in America is taking it all back by criminal actions, led by two billionaires ignoring the law.
I'll never forget playing that computer game at school when I was a kid. You you're wonderful family of five head out west and by the time you make it you're just left and the other four died horrible deaths explain to you when you're 8 years old LOL Gen X different kind of generation
No lie, it really did hit me in the feels whenever a family member died. Looking back on it, why did they let us enter the names of our family members into the game???
Oh, cmon. Are you a bot? River water in the 1840s? All the animals and buffalo in the world shitting in it? Of course you should boil it. Wtf, you think they had a chem test?
1840s? Nobody said anything about that. I assumed OP was talking about Kennedy being confirmed as Secretary of HHS today. He might mess up tap water safety, probably food safety, but I'm not 100% sure.
Thanks for the mention of Parkman's works. I am reading "The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of the Donner Party" by Daniel James Brown. Quite an interesting saga of the life & death struggles of frontier families & the motivations that drove them westward. Love this book!
Fortunately water systems are regulated at the state and local level so the cascade of things that would need to go wrong for people to start getting dysentery would be, essentially, mad max shit.
Apparently there’s a big problem with broken & overflowing septic tanks in the south. I read that replacements can be $10k & people can’t afford it so they just have open sewage pits in their yards.
I might be wrong, but I feel like my city, Tucson AZ, would do something to help. But I am just basing that off the assistance programs that exist for other homeowner problems. And the fact that I haven’t heard of this problem here, which is meaningless, of course.
It's been back. My teen was pissed when I hauled her in to get swabbed for it due to close contact note and snot symptoms. She said this ain't the Victorian times so I reassured her Victorian era diseases are making a fashionable comeback now.
#GOP ensured it.
*the doctor said over the phone it sure sounded like that, certain symptoms were identical, but I couldn’t afford the hospital stay so I just chugged pedialyte and rode it out hoping I wouldn’t die
Don't forget cholera for the bonus round!
What makes you believe he won’t stop antibiotics for the poors?
Just drink some apple cider vinegar & walk it off!
Used responsibly, they might just be an asset alongside your spare wagon axles.
I guess.
You could use pedialyte or even gatorade if you can get it.
but I'm hoping Mar a Lair is ground zero for this one.
We had to build and dismantle an entire technological civilization.
What you're suggesting just went from nearly impossible to negligible. It could go up to distinctly possible.
Nothing they do benefits humanity, just destroys for personal gain$...and the high they get off cruelty/hate