It’s weird that James Cameron retired completely from filmmaking after Titanic to focus entirely on deep sea exploration, but I guess Hollywood’s loss was ocean research’s gain and it’s pretty cool that he’s literally been to the bottom of the marianas trench.
Yeah imagine if they just kept trying to make shitty trilogies but failed after the first one, so we just got a shitty first movie every few years. That would be absurd
I'm glad they ended on such a high. Too many studios try to tack on bogus sequels to milk the nostalgia, forgoing a coherent story in favor of God knows what.
There's a fan-canon that Jack is a trans man. We never see his chest, which is odd for a movie with that rating, and there are a few other moments which make more sense if he's trans.
i think the terminator and alien franchise were just right at two films each. making more movies would have been like having a third wave of ska, gilding the lily and probably ruining it in hindsight.
Odd that you should post that just after I re-watched some of my favorite scenes from T3, which had lots of flaws, but also superb moments and a tear-jerker ending.
Kate Brewster:
(angrily destroys a hunter-killer robot)
John Connor:
Nothing... you remind me of my mother.
What brain dead psycho is sending death threats over the quality of Terminator 3, Salvation and Genesys and how have they survived long enough without swallowing their tongues?
Ah jeez I just pictured what if they actually kept making sequel after sequel and for some reason they all have the same time travel plot of the first two as if that's contractually required. Eek. No thanks.
The first Terminator was perfect and told a complete story. There was no reason for T2 to exist—and for it to be that good was a miracle. The Terminator Brain Trust recognized that making a perfect sequel should have been impossible, and attempting a third would be pure hubris.
Same thing with Alien 1 & 2. Always thought it a shame they didn’t make any more after Cameron’s masterpiece, would’ve been great fodder for sequels and even prequels…
You know, since George Lucas decided to let his Star Wars saga end in 1982 with Return of the Jedi and keep all the other potential stories to the peoples own fantasies, Hollywood is having a talent for ending franchises on their peaks in terms of quality....
For what it's worth, I like to think that the "non-existent" Terminator movies after T2 are all possibilities of what happened after T2. Some of them are good. Some of they're not so good.
There are things I like about Dark Fate, despite its flaws. Exploring "what does a Terminator do after mission completion?" was kinda cool. "It finds meaning through service and purpose" was an answer right out of Victor Frankl. Obvious parallel with Schwarzenegger growing up into a Never-Trumper.
Idk if you like video games, but the Terminator Resistance game that came out a few years ago is pretty alright. It’s usually on sale. It and the DLC also have a great feel that is close to T1 and T2.
Now, to find a nice rock to hide under.
Everyone deserves one good Terminator to enjoy
In Third World countries they don’t even have one terminator movie
The only Terminator they’re familiar with is famine
At least this time she falls in love with another lady.
I mean, they spend Seven seasons to set up that the epic fight is finally going to happen... and then it ended there.
Now THAT was weird.
Because I can't see how they could have messed up a season 8, If they had made it.
Kate Brewster:
(angrily destroys a hunter-killer robot)
John Connor:
Nothing... you remind me of my mother.
A: "In the end, there can be only one."
Just like Highlander.
A: "In the end, there can be only one."
Not a movie, unfortunately
No. Doesn’t bear thinking about.
*people become worried that half my face is going slack*
... we cast a guy who looks like Quentin Tarantino to play him...
But that's it!
And Han and Leia are fine. They went to Planned Parenthood on Tatooine.
At least then it would feel like there’s some continuity between the two films
It would still be a shit film, but it would be a more interesting shit film.
Maybe they ran out of money
(I liked "Dark Fate." Don't @t me.)