another chunk from today's thing —
thanks for reading!
link to the whole thing is here:
thanks for reading!
link to the whole thing is here:
So, y’know, another community/minority the right would love to erase.
When I see any of that crap my blood boils. I think a racial memory urge to grab the nearest weapon and start taking scalps kicks in (and yes, I know that’s a horrible stereotype and the Cherokee didn’t do that).
We need the presidential crimes trials...asap.
It's creepy.
When I had a tank, I never considered calling it "Mommy."
That being said, chacun à son goût.
That's Musk's way.
Musk is every bit the Narcissist that Trump is.
They are both psychopaths incapable of empathy.
They see Empathy as weakness.
Both men are incredibly Dangerous!
And they are in charge?
they are Fucking Imbeciles
only in america
Apparently twenty year olds have no knowledge of history and are taking short cuts in deleting history.
... yes that was litotes for comparison purposes.
their IQs are below the global average
Just plain right-wing stupidity.
When the order to program comes from a South African Fascist billionaire, who hates America more than Trump, and is painfully unhinged, the outcome won't be balanced.
Are we still floating the "didn't just use key words" theory of purging, or is there now enough evidence to reconsider?
I'm on board.
- I feel gay today
- Gayly he skipped with glee
- She was gay when a flower appeared at her door
- The sight of my love made me gay...
Elon is gayly messing with our Government, who's going to stop him???
Exactly as the left are so fking secretly pedophiles.
Read an article that drew a comparison back to 2008 when some fascist “family” org ripped off AP articles, fucked up the find and replace on an Olympian’s name, and referred to a “Tyson Homosexual.”
(And don’t just ‘like’ this post - what’s needed is for you to PLEASE SHARE far and wide!)