For the first time this evening, Bluesky hasn't been the kind platform I've come to love and it's not been the best week for me healthwise either. I'd love to hear about positive things that have happened to folk today. Here's my good thing - a self-seeded primrose in my front garden. Thank you 😊🙏
Spring is just beginning, and my garden will be overflowing with every type of flower and herb soon.
The hills outside my window will be blanketed in many greens, and white patches from flowering fruit trees.
With flocks of storni circling overhead
Spring though, has a special place in my heart because the colors are so vibrant and the nesting flocks of storni (house martins) are always glorious to watch. (This is slow motion because they’re so fast!)
Very chilled both of us though!
I for one am so fu@king pleased about this positive news!
I thoroughly recommend using the ‘lists’. Make one for your ‘favourites’ or ‘chill out’. It cleanses your timeline for times when you need a break away from the worries of the world 🌷
Then I take someone to a nearby hospital. Only a 210 km round trip. So say 4 hours all up including waiting time.
Life is good, life is grand. I love talking and driving.
He's not as important as he thinks
Have my bedroom daffs
p.s. he’s actually my sister’s cat but she lives next door and he loves me. 😻
Agree…never stop showing the beauty in world…it keeps giving hope to the hopeless…
I like music thats how I deal with my blues or read a book and travel far away
Find something that interests you jump in both feet! We all need solace 💖
It ain’t all bad 👍
Stopped on the school run to snap this for you :) it doesn't quite capture the blossom.
And here, my orchids (bathroom) in full bloom just in time to welcome spring
Our feijoas remain elusive so far.
Peachicots were abundant but gifted to the fungal kingdom straight from the tree.
It is a beautiful web we hang in.
I’ve made mistakes and ppl have corrected them, and I thanked them.
I’m sure the wealthy will buy Bluesky one day. Until then
Some positive things...
Today after work I went to the gardening shop and bought a ton of wild meadow flower seeds.
I been sprinkling them like glitter everywhere the sun touches all over my local area.
of losing jobs and their savings.
Here is a picture of the Spring migration to my pool. Hope your health improves soon.
I hope next week is kinder to you, fellow human. 💙
(I've got this one in my tsunduko but I since I haven't read it yet I don't know if I can really recommend it but it deals with the same topic. And it's in English.😄
Spring is on the way
In more positive news i seen a lovely pair of grey wagtails today and my chilli and pepper seeds are ready to pot on.
enjoy. Hope this helps 🎸🐈⬛🧶🏖️⛰️
🪚⛵️🎼⛳️🏈⚾️⚽️🏀🥯⛄️🪻🌴🌵🌲🦦🦫🦥🦃🐑🦬🐟🪲🦅🦆🦊 sorry I got carried away!!!’
And some of my flower seeds startet to sprout 🌱 🌱🌱 🕊️
today too, and the anxiety about the world doesn't help. I'm sorry to hear about your health and wish you better. Here's my ridiculous crossbreed to bring some light relief (currently hyper focused in an effort to nick my sandwich).
Something nice I noticed today is my dwarf tulips are peeping through in my pots. I love their stripey leaves 😊🌷
Be good to yourself
I sat in the woods near our office to eat my lunch, surrounded by birdsong. An elderly couple with (I assume) their son came to sit nearby. He clearly had additional needs, and the care the older man took to put sunscreen on him and lay out a picnic blanket was just beautiful.