the only sane way to "fix" the republican party is destroy every bit of its institutional power and beat them in elections for like 15 years in a row. it requires ditching the filibuster, admitting new states, reforming the courts, killing gerrymandering, and being ruthlessly partisan
Reposted from
Timothy Burke
Pelosi's held this mindset for a long time and it is in fact the same mindset held by legacy Democrats across the country, though best illustrated in Florida right now.
Legacy Dems think the job is to get Republicans to vote for Democrats. The job is to get people to STOP BEING REPUBLICANS
Legacy Dems think the job is to get Republicans to vote for Democrats. The job is to get people to STOP BEING REPUBLICANS
Making seem the story of such anti-democracy extremism & manifesting a will to crush it out is such a large social project. So daunting. So much rot to root out.
Do not fix the republican party, let it die. Then, when the Democratic party has a firm grip on power, a new actual left party will emerge, actual Socialists.
Then, we can start recovering from end stage capitalism.
And its a dream, and totally will never come close to happening, but CA should be two states.
Whenever Abolitionists took up arms, though, the field was rebalanced.
An imperfect analogy, to be sure.
I don’t think 300 D Congress members is a more realistic plan than that.
some of it is natural i think. we're all creatures of our time and place. but some of it is not allowing themselves to see the new reality
But she's terrible at what could be.
Exhibit B: The Republican house with a several vote majority under multiple leaders
Like, why the D still worry about the deficit.
Remove the threat and a true Socialist party could gain traction.
and as the Republican Party has become so toxic (as a natural path down the conservative continuum), those voters r moving over to the Democratic Party & want the Dem Party to now reflect their conservative values
if the Dem Party moves to the R, we r back to the same place
(of the party of course, not any of the individuals)
We're certainly in "No one is saving us but ourselves."