I wrote about Seth Moulton, Rahm Emanuel, James Carville and other more centrist Democrats blaming progressives for Harris's defeat. Their arguments, in terms of election analysis, are weak. But we are in the midst of an intra-party conflict with high stakes. https://wapo.st/3ZGh5UV
Why do they always ignore the elephant in the room?
They could all take a page from Che de Bruin:
Lots of rampant old timey whimey misogyny in the Ds. My GenX olds picking up where their racist parents put down
A progressive agenda would scare the bejesus out of mainstream Dems.
Oligarch-owned Zombie Fourth Estate needs to be destroyed without mercy or NOTHING gets better.
It's not going to be as much about minor policy differences as it will be the ability to govern with ethics and morals instead of gift, fraud and nepotism.
Carville blaming Biden is dumb asf, tbh.
The Democrats need their left...and their center.
than in 2020. That's a hugely consequential difference. But it's not a big part of the base.
Just stop!
It helps no one except MAGA & obfuscates the real reason why MAGA won.
It was the media, it was corrupt SCOTUS.
Nothing else.
Look at Romania Supreme Court and EU Commission, to learn how to deal w social media messing up election results.
And you do realize that in the states where she campaigned he did, too, right? Right?
But part of the misogyny is, of all the great potential women candidates, Dems chose women who looked like the last male Dem president, literally Mrs. Clinton and the Kamala-Obama resemblance is undeniable.
We deserve women candidates who own their own brand and we shouldn’t force them to try to be anyone else. It’ll allow them to be better candidates.
For ex:
Evangelicals? Obviously not.
Latinos ? Many have that machismo thingy.
Dems need to plan accordingly.
They can put forth "their" candidate, but then need to get the f8ck out of the way.
Most of the media/journalists/dem establishment aren't really pointing this out.
Maybe it's just sexism?
Maybe the talking heads don't know what they are talking about?
Women can be sexist too.
She got fewer votes because of lower dem turnout.
Do you think that it is a coincidence that the US is one of the few countries that has never had a woman as the national leader?
I don't.
Biden's blind support for Israel's genocidal wars and Harris suddenly abandoning the left to court Never Trump votes that didn't exist had a lot more to do with this than progressives.