SCOOP: A WIRED review of public data shows that national security adviser Mike Waltz, White House chief of staff Susie Wiles, and other top officials left sensitive information exposed via Venmo—until WIRED asked about it.
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“The first thing you think of is the counterintelligence issue, right? And the security vulnerabilities. It kind of boggles the mind, in a way,” says Michael Ard, a former intelligence analyst who now runs the masters program in intelligence analysis at Johns Hopkins.
“1415: Strike Drones on Target (THIS IS WHEN THE FIRST BOMBS WILL DEFINITELY DROP, pending earlier ‘Trigger Based’ targets)”
“1536 F-18 2nd Strike Starts – also, first sea-based Tomahawks launched.”
Our review of public data exposed on Venmo accounts suggests that the Signal group chat was not an isolated mistake, but part of a broader pattern of what national security experts describe as reckless behavior by some of the most powerful people in the US government.
I may be an old boomer, but my data is more secure than these aholes. I guess they’ve never been the victim of identity theft. Don’t they get educated on this stuff when they get the job?
Every member of the admin on that group chat broke the law requiring record maintenance & endangered national security.
Unsecured devices & software as advised in Project 2025 training.
Media should investigate beyond this one time.
Are such disappearing chats routine among senior admin members?
Last July, WIRED reported that JD Vance had left his Venmo account public, exposing a network of connections to Project 2025 architects, DOJ officials, Yale Law classmates, and far-right media figures.
We are deporting whip-smart graduate students for writing op-eds and alleging they are threats to our national security. Meanwhile, these nincompoops are allowed to lie, cheat & destroy this country while opening us up to actual threats due to their incompetence and stupidity.
Well, every cloud has a silver lining. You get a Democrat there and on Day One, Pete Hegseth & Friends get deported as national security threats. Be hard to argue with that one.
I’m afraid that’s wishful thinking. The worst thing that would happen to Hegseth is he’ll go back to Fox News and continue to make a six figure salary.
So, not to raise an alarm, but a CEO I worked for once asked: "Why do we need encrypted email? Once i hit send, it leaves my inbox and no one can see it anymore" She was serious. I had to give her a lesson on data encryption.
“1415: Strike Drones on Target (THIS IS WHEN THE FIRST BOMBS WILL DEFINITELY DROP, pending earlier ‘Trigger Based’ targets)”
“1536 F-18 2nd Strike Starts – also, first sea-based Tomahawks launched.”
Vance est à l'image de petit Poutine, un déchet de société qui se masturbe le cerveau 50 fois x minutes, et il adore s'entendre parler, ça le fait jouir ! Lui et petit Poutine, ont les mêmes gènes. Ils se voient tous les deux au-dessus du monde, mais, sont assis dans un tas de merde !
Just added Matt Gaetz, Pete Hegseth, and Marjorie Taylor Green to my Signal list. Invited them to group text called OPSEC Jeff Goldblum to discuss space laser defense, code name Slick Dome.
Venmo is a mobile payment service owned by PayPal that allows users to:
- Send and receive money from friends and contacts
- Share payment information and transactions socially
- Connect with other users through a friend network
- Split bills, pay rent, reimburse friends, and make digital payments
Yale Law School? I wonder what his LSAT was. D.C. has shown that many "Ivy League" schools can graduate some stupid, low-life pieces of shit. All that hard earned "merit!"
I demand answers from co-president Musk on how this occurred and what’s he doing about preventing more damaging security self owns among our only the best leadership.
First Waltz leaks attack times on Signal, now his Venmo is full of sensitive contacts — and now they're bluffing. No big deal. Everything under control.
As long as you judge the National Security Advisor's IQ by his profile picture.📱🎮☠️🔓🫠
#WaltzWatch #MAGAincompetence
If the exposure was known since last year because of Vance's exposure, we know damn well Waltz knew of it. I call foul here! When was the Waltz Venmo account made public -- yesterday in order to claim they shut it down today because they supposed just found out? Yeah right!
Like Ginni Thomas, Tulsi Gabbard and all the Manson Family members, JD Vance is also easily brainwashed and susceptible to joining cults created and controlled by slick and slimy nincompoops who speak gibberish. The late Manson and Trump are so much alike it’s breathtaking.
Would love to se the database commit log on when the accounts first became public not just when they made them private. I'm betting they made them public yesterday just to report that today they found out, made it private, then reported it to WIRED.
The incompetence and stupidity start at the top. Their boss is criminally inept and stupid, so it is no surprise that he is surrounded himself with inept and stupid people.
They all need to be fired. Then they can go back to their actual communication expertise......talking to each other with two cans and a string attached.
Follow the money! No one used Venmo to chat. He’s not splitting lunch with all of those people. Since he’s reckless enough to text war plans to the wrong people, seems prudent to investigate his ties to the military industrial complex and collaborators in the media. But, do the Dems have the moxy?
The term "counterintelligence" implies there is intelligence to counter. I think we are safe for the next 4 years that nothing intelligent is happening in DC from the Executive branch to counter.
I don't know, the Republican Party is always on the cutting edge of national security. If they have no problem with a drunken FOX News host open sourcing national security matters, who are we to question? Must be some of that 4th dimensional chess that trump always be playing.
Wow. Mike Waltz wouldn't pass muster in high school student govt. "Have you ever had somebody's contact that shows their name...and then you have somebody else's number there? Right? You’ve got somebody else’s number on someone else's contact. So, of course, I didn't see this loser in the group."
1215et: F-18s LAUNCH (1st strike package)”
“1345: ‘Trigger Based’ F-18 1st Strike Window Starts (Target Terrorist is @ his Known Location so SHOULD BE ON TIME – also, Strike Drones Launch (MQ-9s)”
“1410: More F-18s LAUNCH (2nd strike package)”
“In rare signs of unrest, top Republican senators are calling for an investigation into the Signal leak scandal and demanding answers from the Trump administration, as they raise concerns it will become a ‘significant political problem’ if not addressed properly…”
No one will be held accountable ... except "The Atlantic". Expect the Trump dogs to go hard after them. To them, free press only means conservative, cooperative press that puts out their propaganda without question.
Good lord - I worked for local county gov. & we CONSTANTLY had required trainings on cyber security. We could only share files with 2 step authentication on approved, secure platforms. These are reckless, arrogant amateurs who have no business holding these positions.
These people 'in charge' are this stupid. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Let's see so far: exposed personal info with the Kennedy files, signal-gate and leaving your venmo open? Sir, sir, please, resign already before you start giving out routing & account numbers with mothers maiden names.
Ce sont des déchets de sociétés qui s'imaginent qu'ils dirigent le monde ! Trump a été mis au pouvoir par des électeurs aussi cons que lui ! Tout le monde savait qu'il était violeur, crosseur, crosseur, narcissique, pire plus de femmes ont voté pour lui que les hommes ? chercher l'erreur ?
Je suis d'accord. Ils détruisent ce qui a fait la grandeur de l'Amérique sous prétexte de faire le ménage. Il n'aurait JAMAIS dû être autorisé à faire reculer d'un poil la Maison Blanche
On vit la même merde au Canada, on met des crosseurs au pouvoir ! Comment des femmes ont pu voter pour ces pervers de femme USA? Tout le staff à Trump, on commit ces gestes odieux, et ça se dit religieux, alors qu'ils sont tous des religieux pervers et le pape, le chef des pédos
Les femmes MAGA sont presque pires que les hommes ! Dans notre maison, elles hurlent comme des singes hurleurs et suggèrent des bagarres dehors! Tout ce qui se passe ici est honteux.
Je suis tellement d'accord avec toi l Des frustrée de vie qui se laisse engraissée et ayant honte d'elles-mêmes, deviennent que des délinquantes et malpropres.
So, this dipshit, Mike Waltz, has a long history of not knowing what he is doing? And here I was thinking this was a singular incident. All the best people!!!
Hey, I know how to set my Venmo friends & transactions to private. I guess I'm a lot more qualified to be the national security advisor than this fool.
So you are saying, instead of adding RG he added JG? Or worse, he looked for Goldberg, and went...Oh that will do? Still..who had Jeffery Goldberg's contact info, trump hates him. 😂
I'm pretty sure he didn't 'butt dial' him into the chat. He went into his contacts, search for someone and added them. Another guy with same last name is just logical.
I have a different theory. It's been revealed that top officials had Signal installed on their gov-issued devices and Rubio's name appeared in list twice (likely gov & personal device added to Signal group). I think Waltz f'ed up trying to add JD Vance's gov-issued and personal device. See below ⤵️
Obviously we're just guessing but I think the fact that Waltz knows another Goldberg that actually specializes in Iran and they both work for pro-Israeli organization is a pretty big coincidence. The implication is also pretty big: Goldberg was supposed to inform the Israelis...
Republicans can’t govern themselves, much less a country. They are mindless, heartless guys who can’t take responsibility. In fact, their idea of freedom is being irresponsible, unconscionable jerks.
It’s been that way since Nixon,
the Urjerk who begat Reagan who begat Bush who begat Trump.
Oh if they only had a brain…synaptic trigger! All you need on CV to work for Trump…I am a FOX Network Host and/or Ass Kisser with extensive donations and BITCOIN and Crypto gullible moron.
Pardon? As it pertains to Bitcoin, we’re neither gullible nor morons, we’re merely early adopters. The dollar is dying and willfully being devalued in favor of a new base layer financial framework. That’s going to be bitcoin, you’ll be using it later, you might not realize it, but you will.
Oh my! Poor thing. Bitcoin’s value drop down the foxhole and its corrupt CEOs will only be an avenue for secret and more secure crypto crimes and money laundering. Gold speaks for itself. But you have at it! The only thing that has value are your moral integrity and the truth.
There is no CEO of Bitcoin. Value drop down the foxhole? What? Haha The money laundering thing is trope… Believe the MSM that’s controlled by bankers, bankers hate bitcoin. :) Gold has failed humanity countless times throughout history, it’s a lousy money compared to bitcoin.
Then, if in your own minds mind, why is this “OUR GOLDEN AGE IN AMERICA” instead of THIS IS OUR BITCOIN AGE IN AMERICA? Trump is surrounded by gold and worshiped by gullible fools!
I’m not sure where you’re getting that. Most bitcoiners aren’t thrilled with the govt trying to prop up a failing dollar with our asset. Not like we can stop it. The cat is out of the bag. I definitely don’t worship any politician, I’m sorry if you do, either side.
They’re worth millions to the Ponzi scheme artists because they know how many gullible people there are in the world willing to buy Trump memorabilia and his junk he’s peddling!
To exclude yourself from the most revolutionary form of money / value on the planet because a political figure has taken interest in it. Well it would be pretty sad for a lot of people. You’ll get Bitcoin at the price you deserve. Or your kids will.
I don't know about bitcoin being the currency of choice ever, but blockchain and the solutions many of the serious cryptos offer are not going anywhere.
Wondering if Treason will be his downfall. I don’t think he knows what that word means, what it means to be charged with treason. Can you be executed for Treason in the USA?
It used to be punishable by death. Trump has publicly stated on several occasions that he wants the death penalty for treason to come back. Glass houses and all that.
I thought evolution favored the fittest? I think my anxiety level is dropping. I mean is there precedence that folks this stupid could really overthrow a country?
JFC. At this point I wouldn't trust Waltz (or any of them, for that matter) with the padlock combination to my backyard gate. Not that I would have anyways, but this is just confirmation.
It’s absurd that border agents are detaining people because of what’s on our phones when these fools don’t even know how to work the apps they have. I’m so done.
Don't be silly, they have increased requirements for passwords now so they are much harder to guess. You need a capital and lowercase, alpha and numberic and a special character.... P@ssw0rd 😂🤣
In a world where loyalty is more important than competency, idiots and raging alcoholics are allowed to make huge mistakes and suffer no consequences. And to think, we have four more years of this nonsense to sit through. SMH
A Venmo account under the name “Michael Waltz,” carrying a profile photo of the national security adviser and connected to accounts bearing the names of people closely associated with him, was left open to the public until Wednesday afternoon when Wired informed them and asked for a comment.
They're not just evil, they're also STUPID and now that every government across the globe knows that they use Signal for everything, they will be spoofed and the entire world will know what the US is doing when it's doing it.
With these fools in charge, I'm not mad about it. Well, except for the fact that servicepeople who actually have to carry out operations will be harmed.
If they had reported for their FBI background checks they would have been coached through this public security gaff. Instead The Don, said it was not necessary
Hmm, 'I meant to do that'? Sounds like a new national security clearance requirement: 'Being transparently careless with Venmo'. Guess someone needs to remind them that 'that's not how you play Monopoly'.
Recall, remember. The only model of Tesla Musk helped design. They're as well put together as the Space X rocket. And X crashed again recently. What could possibly go wrong with him in charge? I know nothing
You would not believe how much Zuck is spamming my wife's FB account with right-wing groups and misinformation. She is like apolitical, but just bald faced lies and misinformation on steroids'. I looked it over and had to block at least 20-30 groups. They absolutely run FB.
“1536 F-18 2nd Strike Starts – also, first sea-based Tomahawks launched.”
Traitors, all of them.
Set to delete at midnight probably. Why haven’t their phones been confiscated?
Unsecured devices & software as advised in Project 2025 training.
Media should investigate beyond this one time.
Are such disappearing chats routine among senior admin members?
Can someone at WIRED help me...
I'm really interested in proactively knowing about our DOD plans...
Like where our pilots plan to fly tomorrow, the time...that kind of shit...
“1536 F-18 2nd Strike Starts – also, first sea-based Tomahawks launched.”
For Gods sake,
I'll keep it safe from those morons...
No using Nukes...
Cause ya know their dying to...
It keeps asking me for my "location"...
I put in my street address...
Five fucking times...
And it keeps giving me the following error...
"Bobo will call you shortly"...
And the fucking error
Included this...
P.S. I'm thinking of calling...
Don't judge me
I have needs...
Their PASSWORDS were online!!
Make sure u share
- Send and receive money from friends and contacts
- Share payment information and transactions socially
- Connect with other users through a friend network
- Split bills, pay rent, reimburse friends, and make digital payments
As long as you judge the National Security Advisor's IQ by his profile picture.📱🎮☠️🔓🫠
#WaltzWatch #MAGAincompetence
That nuance aside, how much damage can a guy do before you admit there’s a problem?
Tell me anything normal about the present?
Would love to see the transaction records though.
A big red flag that screams STUPID
“1345: ‘Trigger Based’ F-18 1st Strike Window Starts (Target Terrorist is @ his Known Location so SHOULD BE ON TIME – also, Strike Drones Launch (MQ-9s)”
“1410: More F-18s LAUNCH (2nd strike package)”
What’s Venmo? No seriously, what is it?
When WWIII starts we shall know why; incompetence at the highest levels of the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.
Ask why haven’t Republicans demanded the resignations of every single one of these incompetent, unqualified bastards
They put ALL our soldiers at risk
The violated the Espionage Act
Is there even one GOP still loyal to US?
They don’t do self reflection or introspection.
The PEOPLE need to get on their phones and meet them in person and LET THEM KNOW
Richard Goldberg: worked for Trump, expert on Iran, wrote press release announcing Waltz’s nomination.
Both Goldberg and Waltz work at FDD:
Clearly Waltz was trying to add him to the chat instead of Jeffrey, right?
Goldberg” to the Signal chat. What a huge resume’ list of douche bag’s crooked expertise!
It’s been that way since Nixon,
the Urjerk who begat Reagan who begat Bush who begat Trump.
Anyone attempting to hack top Trump officials - just try 123Password.
That will get you half the cabinet.
Sounds like an Onion headline… which sounds like likely fact.
A Venmo account under the name “Michael Waltz,” carrying a profile photo of the national security adviser and connected to accounts bearing the names of people closely associated with him, was left open to the public until Wednesday afternoon when Wired informed them and asked for a comment.
Nipped that one in the bud.
It’s only national security 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Oxymoron seems very fitting doesn’t it?
The people in the picture are serious professionals, unlike Trump's menagerie.