"If you are Palestinian we will though because we continue to call Hamas a terrorist organization despite them actually being the democratically elected leaders of Gaza since 2006 because the US and Israel can't leave people the f alone"
What a concept: Show them what we stand for. Yes, it does not poll as the top issue, but respect for people regardless of sexual orientation, race, or creed is a fundamental tenet of a free, caring, and compassionate society.
If Democrats have power, Republicans can't fire government workers for being gay. Republicans can't erase their history from government websites. And Republicans can't kick trans people out of the military.
We don’t need to leave anybody behind and still have a platform that addresses rural and urban poverty. Our focus needs to be quality of life for everybody.
CORRECTION: If you are an LGBTQ kid or family, we cannot throw you under the Tesla Cyberjunk in order to win an election. In this house, we stand together
The only ones butthurt are those who are sooo incredibly insecure about their own sexuality or gender I call it ✨projection✨
A chunk of these people r actually DEEP in the closet to the point of self loathing just look at what happened to Grindr when the republican convention was going->it crashed.
As the parent of a 20-something trans college student, for the love of all Americans keep trans rights out of the spotlight. The only way to protect trans Americans is for sensible people to prevail.
There are 600 anti-trans bills across the country. We're on the last step of genocide before the camps start. 2024 will probably be looked back on as the last meaningful election in the US for decades. Your child is already a target. Spend your energy worrying about how you're going to get them out.
That’s my thing. Even removing the ethics from it and the moral from it, even if you’re the world’s shittiest, least empathetic person, SURELY EVEN THE SELFISH OPTION HERE IS THE SAME ONE?!?!
Bingo because the oligarchs know the only way they can win is to divide and conquer (oldest trick in the book).
Remember it’s not the powerless destroying your life or world, it’s the powerful who are more than happy to cut your SS cheques in order to get themselves another tax cut!
Organization of a revolutionary movement from the homeless up literally worked for lenin Stalin& their party. It's the only that will work against the fascist uniparty. It's what needs to be done. Laws rules. Obience be damned. If voting did anything it would be illegal now
The fight against President Musk (and Kennedy Center chairman Trump) is just starting. We’re mobilizing to show the strength of our movement. Together, we have the power to stop MAGA’s takeover. https://app.sosha.ai/s/8uulzGtp
It’s maddening.
You’d think she didn’t exist.
Kamala was ranked one of the most progressive senators by roll call votes. The only person who voted more progressively was Warren (not Bernie).
I agree. I loved all her policies and think she would have turned a lot around. The housing policies and stopping price gouging - chefs kiss! But I heard why she didn’t win when I phonebanked. And what we are seeing now makes it obvious.
I don’t see where her message gets anymore votes in any states other than NY or California. Democrats already have those 2 states. She’s wasting her time.
As they are the 2 most active politicians out there right now for the people, and I include all Republicans who are busy keeping their heads down and away from town halls, I believe they are doing more for the country than anyone else ATM. Until we get Luigi 2.0 that is.
Together our circle is larger and thicker and more numerous than rapistTrump's will ever be. Focus on what we all have in common and make no enemies where there are none already there.
Ok I get what you’re saying now. But I don’t think that’s why they lost, they showed how they truly feel about blacks with the gimmicks they pulled to coercive us. They really think we are incompetent people.
I truly need to think about your point a lot more, but my initial reaction is a loud, "Hell yes!". Something about what you are posting here is hitting home in several ways...."gimmicks"...I need to think and consider it more before I comment more. I'll be back, but YOU are not wrong!
I agree let people figure out what makes life worth living for them. 🤷♂️ Your always gonna have different variations we should just accept each other without judgment.
Kamala told u repeatedly! They wrote it all out for us. NO 1SHOULD B UNPREPARED( vs 1st 2 mos of Biden: GOT USA HEALTHY! Opened all schools & jobs! Gave U 2 CHECKS!In 2years HE GOT USA MANUFACTURING & INFRASTRUCTURE! Expanded NATL PARKS! No recession! Ungrateful MFers!)
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: https://Discord.me/Rabbi Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
Am Blocking this poster and suggest anyone do the same who is interested in human rights and not in throwing the Ts under the bus in the vain hope that the LGBs will be spared once the Ts are disappeared.
It's LGBTQ+ all the way -- or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
I suspect it was an automatic label based on some kind of content analysis, rather than a person slapping a label on your post. Might be able to get it changed?
The "Talkie Toaster" was a gag on the old UK sci fi TV show "Red Dwarf"
It was an irritating AI device with a grilled bread product obsession. It COULD talk existential philosophy ... but it would always bring it around again to offering some kind of grilled bread product.
Philadelphia coming through!!!! There is now an official flyer for Orange Turd's visit to attend the NCAA Wrestling championship this weekend! 🙌 Everyone show up and Turn up!
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: https://Discord.me/Rabbi Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
But if you win the election then you could actually help them. Continue to make LGBT and illegal immigration the central Party message and see how bigly Democrats continue to lose — and by extension the LGBT community loses.
They painted *Joe Biden* as a radical socialist. They said the same about *Bill Clinton*. You will never win by catering to a fox viewer. And you only make bodies if you try
Honestly if you're a Democrat you need to put up or shut up. I'm not going to be on their side just because they virtue signaled to me anymore. Show me action and fight for me. Give me a reason to trust you besides hollow words.
Appreciate that. Just read it before you sent. Jesus. I know she's in a tough spot and all(I'm being as generous as I can) but damn please maybe pick a single fight just once idk
Nah, she's a petit bourgeois genocidal ghoul who wants us to shovel more money at a fascist apartheid state to kill more children while she gets to be the Congressional Dem's pet tranny signing off on throwing us all under the bus in ways that will never materially affect her, no pity for her.
I agree…. However….
Headline said Biden threw trans under a bus.
He signed a bill to give a raise to 800k military - possibly last one they will get. Bill had unenforceable vague rider about trans health that could only affect 0.01% of military minor dependents.
It's so much easier to communicate values when you don't equivocate. Other Democrats need to stop weighing down their words with provisos and exceptions. Like she said "everyone, without exception"
2/ ...the conversation becomes susceptible to emotive/manipulative propaganda, muddying the waters (and outright lying) because it's no longer about a clear principle, it's about where to draw the line defining who is covered by it and who is excluded.
4/ ...demonise a marginalised group that can be cast unsympathetically/smeared the hardest, pick them off from the back of the herd with propaganda designed to convince people they don't deserve coverage...
Why is it taken as a given (by progressives, no less) that supporting LGBTQ human rights increases likelihood of losing elections? It’s a false cause / effect equation and we should stop repeating it.
We need leadership that will defend the rights of the most vulnerable as equally as those of your average run-of-the-mill citizen. That is a key fundamental for a healthy equitable democracy. And yes, that includes our trans siblings. Transphobes, bite me.
Too bad the Dems don't "stand together" at all, and they can't throw trans people under the bus fast enough.
I do not see this message as one that Dems will respond to. They're well aware of what they're doing in sacrificing LGBTQ folks and immigrants and people who need federal aid.
I truly appreciate the support but unfortunately at 687 anti trans bills it's a little too late. We been under the bus long enough that we're just a fine pink mist on the road. These hyper religious red states want us dead and they're well down the path to success 😞 just the same thank you AOC.
Elon musk child is a trans. what do you think he did? He kicked her out and disowned her. Elon Musk is the worst piece of shit ever. Let’s break his businesses.
Hey @mcbride.house.gov, this is how you show up for trans people as a Democrat. Please take notes. You are quickly becoming a disgrace to our community.
LGB has existed since forever. Queer theory is less than 30 years old, and the obvious social contagion that is large numbers of proto-gay autistic youth identifying as T started between 2009 and 2014.
You don’t give a damn about entitled white men barging into women’s spaces, claiming to speak as and for women, and calling them fascist bigots if they dare to express an opinion about that?
Are you a fan of blackface? White guys doing a cartoonish representation of a marginalised group for profit?
I agree. Unfortunately the corporate billionaire Democrats were only standing by LGBTQ and ignoring working class issues. Leave trans issues to the individual and the medical community. Leave sports to the sports authority. Let’s focus on what unites us, not what divided us.
Trump: twice impeached, convicted felon, and found liable for sexual assault. His power comes from spineless, self-serving Republican enablers. Next election, choose leaders who work for the people. #VoteWisely
Democrats say she’s “too extreme” well they said that about Trump too, underestimating him, throwing Bernie under the bus and here we are fighting for our lives. WE NEED AOC
Yeah, but America has this problem where anything to the left of Bill Clinton is considered extreme and dangerously liberal, but you can go endlessly to the right without being considered extreme or dangerous.
therein lies the solution! If being left of Bill is being on the right side of history, then call me dangerous. I’m dangerously against fascism. dangerously against dictators. I’m fiercely protective of EVERY American. I will fight for what’s right. Use their language against them.
Speeches-talk-all talk to get people manipulated in a lather of excitement & relief. Been there done that. Unthrilled hearing AOC, BS, or BO 'hope &change'(yeah right;) for the umpteenth time. They sure know how to rally tho-upbeat 'fun' music, great orators wrapping us in a big hug. ACTION ONLY!
That's what she's doing, unlike almost all of her colleagues. Action against fascists who have already burrowed deep into the nation's power structures and firmly control the apparatus of legally sanctioned violence against citizens requires a mass movement of engaged people.
Because they've slapped the Marxist label on her so voters on the right won't even consider her. And the Democratic elite haven't liked her from the start because she didn't toe the line and play nice with Nancy Pelosi.
Generations of right-wing propaganda. The only people who have a legitimate gripe with her are the rich. Her policies would improve the vast majority of American lives. Yet, people will vote against their interests because of well funded propaganda.
People like Gavin Newsom, and the cowards who said that trans issues were a losing thing and should be dropped from the platform … this trans woman has tire tracks on her back
Do you have any idea how scared I am right now ? Any idea of the horrific thoughts of concentration camps?
I am so very sorry you have to go through this. I see it and I’m frightened! The way these heartless autocrat lovers condone scapegoating vulnerable people makes me sick. No one is safe if we don’t protect the most vulnerable among us!
I wish you were my neighbor. I’m surrounded by Maggas!
I, for one, have some idea. Your fear is rational. Trans people were early targets for the Third Reich. Martin Niemoller never spoke up for LGBTQ+, not even afterwards.
I, for one, will never again vote for Newsom. There are some people who see you, who value your life. Enough of us? I hope so.
They're also stupid morons. If you deem trans rights human rights but also negotiable, you are deeming **ALL** human rights as negotiable. Not one single vulnerable group should ever trust you.
My heart goes out to you to have to unfairly carry that burden.
There was 30k ppl in Denver for this rally and I can attest when she spoke those words all 30k of us were ready to lock arms to protect you and others from this disgusting discrimination.
okay but you still vote for the democratic party over there in Denver so you aren't actually protecting marginalized people. Your actual political actions, your votes, go to liberals no to pro-lgbtq politicians.
the democrats don’t have a “base” they have a party of competing interests. who will sell each other down the river over a single issue and then point fingers and assign blame for “losses”
Black people in general. because Black Folks in America know what’s at stake and how fickle the idea of freedom is to the majority of Americans . But as a Black American, i’m not talking about Black peoples . . . also not sure what all of the clapping emojis are for .
There isn't shit to be won in DC right every Dem should be in every state and every district for the next 2 years Barnstorming the country, take back the house and Senate
She’s trying to run up the nationwide heat on the Trump-Vance-Musk regime and their enablers. That is what is needed now for her to serve her constituents who will get fleeced and suppressed by the MAWA billionaires if not stopped by the whole nation.
AOC and Bernie are the minority leaders we need in the House and the Senate. Hakeem and Chuck are NOT up to the task! AOC and Bernie know what our country needs & they are not afraid to fight Trump's fascism.
I recall learning in school that Native American tribes had various leaders and given the challenges they were facing they quickly circulate to who was in charge.
@aoc.bsky.social and @sanders.senate.gov have proven they should be lead Democrats NOW. We gotta go big or go home
I'm not American, so don't have a strong sense of the Democratic Party's leadership and sense of direction. But in everything I read, AOC seems to be the Democrat with the fight to take it to Trump. Thoughts?
Unfortunately Dems have already thrown many LGB kids under the bus, by telling them that if they don’t conform to stereotypes about how boys/girls are supposed to be, then they’re not a boy/girl. Which is then “fixed” with irreversible, risky, profitable treatments backed by junk science.
LGB = a normal, natural and healthy expression of human sexuality that has always existed.
T = Entitled autogynophilic white men plus a bevy of confused, autistic, proto-gay kids who are being told they are broken & need fixing by supposed allies.
Q= a political stance that says norms are bad.
Hey look! It’s a misogynist who automatically believes a man when he says he’s a woman and automatically disbelieves a women when she says he’s not.
Please, do continue redefining a marginalised group without the consent of that group. Its sooooo progressive.
When a man says he’s a woman and a woman says he’s not, you automatically and instinctively believe the man. Even though the woman is kind of the expert here.
This pattern of excessive respect for male opinions makes you both a victim of the patriarchy, and a misogynist.
Never forget that the Democrats spent three election cycles thinking that the only thing they had to do was sit back and go "I'm not Trump" and so far it only has a 33% success rate.
And the only reason the 1 time worked was because Trump botched the COVID response. Had he done a better job or COVID not happened he probably slaughters Biden in 2020. Dems are completely unable to deal with him.
AOC is cool and a great fighter, but to those of you who talk about her as president, let's get real. We'll be lucky if we ever see a Democratic president again given how they're going to rig elections, and we're never, ever going to see a Democratic woman president. Men simply won't vote for one.
Reactionary centrists that label this as identity politics that are somehow the reason the election went the way it did are so wrong it’s incredible. Hopefully they’re just fair weather fans and join the new bandwagon once it’s big enough.
Nope. I could not watch whole thing. It's not good for my blood pressure ... I should watch something more relaxing such as "Saw" or "Children of the Corn".
It proves that she’s popular, that’s it. She’s probably one of the few democrats right now who can even confidently say that, and the Dems need to go behind someone popular right now.
No I get that it shows she has fans. But elections involve many multiples more people than any crowd. It could be deceiving. Bernie had bigger crowds and far more donations that Biden but lost to him by millions of votes.
Tbf that was also an election where like every other candidate backed out and gave Biden their support. I remember Bernie doing good. You’re also right, but AOC is one of the few Dems who actually have life or fight in them. She appeals to the most people.
Who is "her"? Amy Klobuchar? I'm talking about how Jim Clyburn and Obama fucked Bernie before super Tuesday to install Biden who sat with his thumbs up his ass for four years while the current fascist movement ruining the USA coalesced and grew around Trump.
I don't think all his supporters are bad but yeah, it's weird how people can't accept that Bernie was just less popular among Democratic primary voters. In 2016 he was behind Clinton by about 5 points the entire time. In 2020 he struggled to get past around a third of the primary vote.
They're probably not, but I really wish the good ones would tell the crazy ones to knock it off. Conspiracy rot and disrespect for elections whenever you lose really really sucks.
Maybe the "DNC cheated" storyline is appealing because it lets people continue to imagine everyone agrees with them. When it seems like the reality is that there are genuine ideological divisions within the Democratic party itself.
Because they're controlled opposition and no longer care for the will of the people, but for pleasing their wealthy donors. Coincidentially, the same donors who support GOP
It turns out most humans, regardless of what the guys who have a vested interest in all of us being greedy fascists like them will tell you, generally dislike it when people suffer. It’s an evolutionary thing, it’s not beneficial for us when other humans suffer because it means there’s a danger to
Democrats are liberals, not socialists. It doesn't matter how big a crowd socialists pull. Liberals are ideologically committed to their right wing ideology.
And a lot of people have to face up to their own internal bullshit.
The 'shitlib' -- namely, the person who claims to be an ally and then races to whip out the slurs or exploit someone's marginalized status or weaponize sexism/etc. -- is still a really big part of the problem they have to face.
You know, it's the height of elitism, and that's putting it mildly, to dismiss the concerns of marginalized people as something that the "oligarchy" or "ruling class" or whatever "weaponizes" for their own ends. I could just as easily say that's what "AOC" did in that clip...
Whatever this sad and convoluted attempt at sea-lion stumblefucking into false equivalency is, it's an absurd failure on all fronts, as the entire premise of what I'm talking about is 'it's really shitty to only be an ally until it's someone you don't like', which is quite the opposite of dismissal.
They see it as a donor competition. Sure, if there are enough small donors, they'll argue for them. But their struggle is donor versus donor, not the many against the few.
It's exactly this. Too many influential establishment Democrats benefit more from Republican policy than even the mildest progressive Democrat policy, as do their donors. They are actively working against the party's interest and the people.
they refuse to win if its on the terms of reaching out to normal Americans instead of Washington insiders and changing their policy priorities. they've proven that repeatedly
All they have to do is say they're meeting the moment and standing up for what's right
They can say "In our quest for bipartisanship, chasing the approval of imaginary swing voters, we've strayed too far from our principles and lost sight of what matters most: fighting for the people"
They should pivot to the left and motivate the 15+ million progressive voters, who didn't show up to vote for Kamala because she told everyone she wasn't going to change anything, to come out and support them.
She was fantastic. I been following her for a while now, and I can get behind everything she says. I respect her as a person, and her story is inspiring. She isn't another nepo baby sell-out.
Seeing people get so excited to see the two of them is really great to see. I hope people are watching..
It’s crucial for everyone to be informed about the dangerous targeting of trans people that’s taken place here in Texas. One of our team members has been arrested due to her name change on her identification card.
Love you. And folx, for MONTHS in Odessa there is a bounty for "catching" people in the "wrong" bathroom. Who has to pay the bounty? The trans person. WTF?! C'mon!!!
Try being an ally rather than a concern troll.
A chunk of these people r actually DEEP in the closet to the point of self loathing just look at what happened to Grindr when the republican convention was going->it crashed.
Remember it’s not the powerless destroying your life or world, it’s the powerful who are more than happy to cut your SS cheques in order to get themselves another tax cut!
Organization of a revolutionary movement from the homeless up literally worked for lenin Stalin& their party. It's the only that will work against the fascist uniparty. It's what needs to be done. Laws rules. Obience be damned. If voting did anything it would be illegal now
You’d think she didn’t exist.
Kamala was ranked one of the most progressive senators by roll call votes. The only person who voted more progressively was Warren (not Bernie).
A) realize trans rights are the bulwark holding up the rest of our rights. When they lose theirs, they're going to move on to the rest of us.
B) when some Repub or Corp Dem screams all we talk about are transpeople, remind them we're only responding when THEY shit on them.
I don't get these Democrats.
It's LGBTQ+ all the way -- or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
Just checking because it doesn't seem clear and I certainly don't want to find I've accidentally followed them all instead
As good a guess as any, eh?
It was an irritating AI device with a grilled bread product obsession. It COULD talk existential philosophy ... but it would always bring it around again to offering some kind of grilled bread product.
it just feels like two other lifetimes ago
Your fight is my fight too
this couldn't be more blatantly fed-made if you tried.
They're DIRECTLY responsible for Pedo-Shitler's rise to power in MANY ways.
The DNC is just the lesser of 2 evils.
(Albeit the much, Much, MUCH, *MUCH* lesser)
They ARE still complicit.
Stop watching fox.
You win zero elections by being Republican lite.
Voters will just choose the real McCoy. And if someone is willing to throw people under the bus to win, f them
We need to primary every single one of them and show them what the opposition to fascism is really about.
Headline said Biden threw trans under a bus.
He signed a bill to give a raise to 800k military - possibly last one they will get. Bill had unenforceable vague rider about trans health that could only affect 0.01% of military minor dependents.
A lot of this rhetoric is red meat.
Kind of a Justice Dems thing. Purity over Progress is their motto.
If you allow exceptions, even if you convince yourself your motives are good - or smart, or practical, or merely realpolitik, or whatever - then...
...then rinse & repeat.
TL;DR: what you said.
No. Fucking. Chance.
📣YOU HEARD THAT, @governor.ca.gov ???📣
Democrats are the supermajority in CA, for now. They’d better get their asses in gear in the current environment.
I do not see this message as one that Dems will respond to. They're well aware of what they're doing in sacrificing LGBTQ folks and immigrants and people who need federal aid.
AOC is the future of the Democratic Party.
Also, to be fair, they’re afraid what happens to them and their families if they cross Trump/Musk.
This administration (actually it is a regime!) has illegally arrested, detained and/or deported so many people without due process, one of these cases will get through. Then they will deport ANYONE THEY WANT.
Are you a fan of blackface? White guys doing a cartoonish representation of a marginalised group for profit?
Trans Rights are HUMAN Rights 😡
FIRST they came for TRANS people.
And YOU said NOTHING 😡😡😡
Do you have any idea how scared I am right now ? Any idea of the horrific thoughts of concentration camps?
I wish you were my neighbor. I’m surrounded by Maggas!
I, for one, will never again vote for Newsom. There are some people who see you, who value your life. Enough of us? I hope so.
There was 30k ppl in Denver for this rally and I can attest when she spoke those words all 30k of us were ready to lock arms to protect you and others from this disgusting discrimination.
You are welcome here!
I can verify whatever is needed❤️🩹❤️🩹
All I’m asking for is a share , it cost 💲 nothing to support a black womans survival
Follow up Q: Is that what she was elected to do?
A: Hell No!
@aoc.bsky.social and @sanders.senate.gov have proven they should be lead Democrats NOW. We gotta go big or go home
T = Entitled autogynophilic white men plus a bevy of confused, autistic, proto-gay kids who are being told they are broken & need fixing by supposed allies.
Q= a political stance that says norms are bad.
Please, do continue redefining a marginalised group without the consent of that group. Its sooooo progressive.
When a man says he’s a woman and a woman says he’s not, you automatically and instinctively believe the man. Even though the woman is kind of the expert here.
This pattern of excessive respect for male opinions makes you both a victim of the patriarchy, and a misogynist.
The Dems are absolutely fucking terrible at one of the two basic tasks of a party during elections: driving turnout. They will pivot every time.
In the White House...it's really icky
It’s not a thing.
Actually nothing to fear from people figuring out how to stay alive.
But RedHats will have nothing of autonomy.
And trump encourages intolerance.
That’s right, a president does that.
Our most venerable deserve better.
Americans want an end to the centrist/moderate bullshit ride that's only destroyed the American dream for all but the elite few.
America's screaming for populist policies, and I prefer they get them from the left.
I'd be interested in seeing any polling of her appeal. Politics is hard to predict.
And given how toxic his supporters are, he absolutely deserved to lose.
The overflow crowds she drew?
The 'shitlib' -- namely, the person who claims to be an ally and then races to whip out the slurs or exploit someone's marginalized status or weaponize sexism/etc. -- is still a really big part of the problem they have to face.
It cost nothing to support me , a black 🏳️🌈 homeless sw , all I’m askin is a share🙏🏾
Kamala did win.
@electiontruth.bsky.social .
Check out their page pls.
They can say "In our quest for bipartisanship, chasing the approval of imaginary swing voters, we've strayed too far from our principles and lost sight of what matters most: fighting for the people"
She told them she’d institute more taxes on billionaires and reinstate breaks and credits for working class people. They weren’t interested.
She told them she’d fight to bring down the cost of housing. They yawned.
Seeing people get so excited to see the two of them is really great to see. I hope people are watching..
@repjasmine.bsky.social - this is your district. Thoughts?
If there will be free and fair elections anyway 🙄🙄