Ossoff: This was a huge a mistake
Ratcliffe: No
Ossoff: This is an embarrassment. We will get the full transcript of this chain and your testimony will be measured carefully against its content
Ratcliffe: No
Ossoff: This is an embarrassment. We will get the full transcript of this chain and your testimony will be measured carefully against its content
Russia has already infiltrated Signal & use it against Ukraine.
This was a HUGE mistake by our government officials.
"We will stay here all day and after school until somebody tells the truth!!”
These incompetents are grown adults & they are the top head of the military.
Scary days America…
I really want to know.
He should collect his pardon before he leaves. Ask Rudy what it’s like after you’re out.
The FBI should also take action, but we know they won't.
By any means necessary to get that sweet job - and then hang onto it all costs.
And at all times a corrupt media on the reich wing to protect you.
Soonish everything
They EXPLICITLY trained them how to hide their conspiring by using non-governmental (unsecured) systems.
This chain was set to delete after 4 days. They are deliberately doing this.
I just didn't think it would be American pols/cronies/mobsters would be the perps.
All of this is in ADDITION to that.
Russia has already infiltrated Signal & use it against Ukraine.
This was a HUGE mistake by our government officials.
loves the uneducated
April 5th is a start.
We’re in decline and our fellow citizens aided in their own demise.
You could have allowed us time before you betrayed us America. We are rising to this challenge. History is being made.
1- Who is responsible of creating the group and inviting or adding the 18 members?
2- Who approved this group on this platform and why?
3- Who participated actively in the group chat?
4- Did the one person visiting Russia signed in the group chat while in Moscow?
5- But her emails?
1- Mike Waltz
2- Nobody
3- More than half of them
4- Sure did
5- This was only a glitch
The Signal leak is more than a glimpse, it’s a blueprint. Trump’s playbook isn’t chaos, it’s control: crush the press, bury diversity, reward obedience, punish defiance. Where loyalty replaces law and truth is whatever power says it is.
Finish him.....
Man I love this dude
"No it wasn't"
I cannot believe that we have to put up with this bullshit
What happens when they add a rando with connections to an enemy state?
Besides gender is the LEAST identifying piece of information they could use.
Focus on the real issue.
Pretty sure her name is known to Russian intelligence now.
If his judgement is so piss poor that he can’t see the gravity of this situation he is incapable of making informed intelligent decisions and needs to go!
This is white “supremacy” at its best, lying and obfuscating while scapegoating others for their own actions.
Trump's DOJ won't prosecute, and if they did he would pardon.
When criminals are in charge, of everything.
Tulsi Gabbard has something in her ear, she was being coached. Watch her stumble over if she was using her own personal phone or not, then as if listening to an earpiece she declined to answer.
(Let me help her, it was her own personal phone)
It’s sneaky kind of garbage. If only these traitors to the country tried this hard to carry out a covert military operation.
The Republicans are so used to their idiot base that believe all of their lying they seem to forget most of the country and the world can see through their pathetic cowardly lying.
And now lying their way out
A mistake isn't something that only "the radical left" can make when the same EXACT thing done by you is considered "no big deal."
Your mistakes may cause the same harm to a Republican constituent as it would a Democratic constituent.
It’s all cavalier excuses, dismissing it & of course ridiculous finger pointing.
Their refusal to take responsibility is Frightening!
Made this regime's demise be swift and certain.
But the perjury is small beer, a reminder that the old Beltway saw is precisely backwards: it’s the crime, not the coverup.
They were sworn to uphold the Constitution. They need to go!
He’s got some beast in him. 💪
These people need to be incarcerated for violating their obligations, it’s just sickening.
Now its time to find those in law enforcement willing to fight for the oaths they swore to. But a not insignificant number are traitors too.
More of this!
That goes for everything they fuck up.
They should only be held in a SCIF.
Most people with a top secret clearance would likely be fired for an error like this. It would be virtually impossible to pretend it was an accident
— Timothy Snyder
He drops the bombs that remind him of the better times
Doooonnnn’t cry for meeeee,
Tulsi Gabbarrrrrrrrd
Hegseth’s a clown
Did he get drunk again?
He copied all the war plans down
[Sorry, you *were* channeling Chumbawumba, yes?]
You got what you paid for, America .
I. Fucking. Love it!
"This is what happens when you have Fox News personalities cosplaying as government officials." -- Senator Jon Ossoff
So a reporter was added to the military planning group chat on purpose?
It means even Republicans can't pretend this will just go away.
‘Make in Monthly’ box when I contributed $300 to candidate Ossoff.
Today I so am glad I did. 
Krasnov is trying to BS his way through it.
There is NO absolutely secure digital technology in the civil domain and probably not in military domain either.
All you can do is make it so difficult that by time its "viewable" its no use.
Good work electing him Georgia.
But did you have someone as bad as Kristi Noem for Governor?
What else has been sent on this app? If the Biden administration did this, MAGA would be screaming for blood. But not a peep.
Asking for a country...
It seems like something we can all accept.
This is the party that couldn’t stop talking about HC’s SECURE, PRIVATE, EMAIL SERVER.
This is a CLEAR INDICATION they know what they’re doing is ILLEGAL, and THEY ARE ACTIVELY COVERING IT UP.
And still could’ve used the knowledge to report enough to spoil any nefarious plans they had.