OK, I'll admit I am a lesbian, but I know good looking men when I see them, and these two are the opposite. Knowing what kind of people they are seals the deal. 🤮
MAGA elno strikes me as the loneliest boy on earth who finally found a group that accepts him. Even though it’s a shitty group that accepts him for shitty reasons he seems so happy (for as long as it lasts).
never has so much money been so fucking cringe. like if you’re going to have an obnoxious amount of wealth and do absolutely nothing good about it, you could at least not be the worlds biggest squid
The Fascist Question is at its pinnacle this moment. These lice on the hide of the body politic must be dusted off. This infestation of vermin is polluting the diverse blood of 🇺🇸. The time has come for The People to cast out the subhuman element. Savages have no place in society.
Kid rock’s hair is giving “monstro Elisasue tries to curl her hair” in The Substance but she did it way better. Man those pathetic strands are holding on for dear life. Said the boogie.
Cheers Drew, enjoy most of your work 😂, for instance, can you please make Bobby Ritchie and that fascist who’s playing him like a Stratocaster go away. 🙄🤷🏼♂️✌🏽
(We’re writing a song. Your lyric next, Drew)
This is a bargain bin Vegas close-up magic duo way, WAY off The Strip.
This is what a day-old Red Bull and vodka would look like if it was enchanted and came to life.
Let’s build together—I’ll hit that follow back ASAP
Let’s grow our profiles and support each other!
It’s Always 2 Badly Dressed, Zero-Hygiene Fash Pedos Telling Each Other "Exactlyyyyy"
hahahagaha. 😂😂😂🤣