Who benefits from blocking the Kids Online Safety Act? Only companies whose business model relies on hooking kids. That means especially Meta, Snap, and Tiktok. The House should bring KOSA to a vote, now.
Absolutely not. Parents need to do a better job raising their kids
I know you will never change your mind with any data ever, but maybe silence on porn is appropriate. You have never studied it and your book was horrific and harmful on the topic.
There is zero chance of KOSA doing anything useful, and a high risk of harm.
Except you don't care about the platforms you care about the open interpretation of censorship the government would have.
The only possible reason you could support KOSA is because you hate LGBTQ people, because it does NOTHING to protect kids, it can only censor LGBTQ people and other “undesirables”.
You are a disgusting liar.
Providing the new fascists with new tools of censorship is really bad timing... or profoundly cynical.
Which is it, JH?
You CAN'T keep your kids safe online.
Parents who want to keep their kids safe can keep them offline, or control their online behavior. Parents have that power.
We ALL do, and using concerns about children to broadly block speech by adults is a problem.
Once again, we see that Jonathan Haidt's supposed middle ground is actually radically outside American traditions of freedom.
So, Jonathan, which is it?
Everyone, but especially kids and people who believe in civil liberties.
This thread has a partial summary:
I thought you were smarter than that, but I guess I was wrong.
The road to over regulation is paved with "it's to protect the children"
#children #play #childhood #games #smartphones
I do not trust them whatsoever, and it’s dangerous to gloss over how this law will actually function even if you agree with its nominal and anodyne goal.
I've never seen anyone jump into bed with fascists like Democrats when someone clutches their pearls and says "think of the (straight) children!"
I guess this makes you a bigot.
This is a terrible bill and should he cast into the sun.
As should your BlueSky account.
You are grifting off children to act like you are an expert on child safety but you are nothing but a fraud and exploit dead/alive children for your benefit.
Advocating KOSA that would harm children makes you a monster and a hypocrite.
Save you time and word count.
Censorship has never and will never protect kids -- it harms EVERYONE!
Then you'll sell it to those same tech companies.