I know it's a cultural thing and I know it was my own choice to move here and decide not to adapt but god it is depressing to turn up to a restaurant for a post pub dinner at 9pm - A NORMAL DINNER EATING TIME - and be literally the one customer there
Carcassonne was a strange anomaly. The city walls presumably built to keep out 'late' eaters
Maybe housing costs squeezing out young people who'd be up for it, and eating the spare cash of those that remain? Plus some new puritanism?
Which normal person manages to get home after having to work late, being delayed on London public transport, discovering there is nothing in the fridge save for cocktail ingredients, getting out of work clothes and to a local restaurant BEFORE 9.30 pm??
21.32 here and I've just had my supper.
Is it the posh people’s ’tea’ or the snack you have in pyjamas
just before bedtime?
These linguistic regional and class variations are fascinating and put an immediate stamp on us.
Morning people have too much power.
Clearly more fun having a couple in the pub beforehand. Do it afterwards you just sit feeling full, sluggish and looking forward to bed!*
* I accept it is possibly other human beings have more stamina/joie de vivre than me
I blame Puritans.
I will never stop complaining about this and I will never cede an inch to these freak-ass boiled bread losers
In a city that is tucked up with cocoa by 10.59pm🎶
I do recall an event in Seville once where the streets were clogged with Americans looking for dinner at 6pm when no restaurant opened until at least 9pm.
Absolutely mental
No you’re right that does sound better TBH
At 6.55 pm.
Boarding schools should be banned, horrible concept.
I used to think that, too. But it isn't like Roald Dahl's schooldays any more. When I started, I asked lots of the new kids to tell me ow they really felt - 'I'm new too, etc' - I was hoping they'd confirm my prejudices. But every one said they LOVED it
I think it CAN be brilliant, for the right child and the right parents.
I’m sure things have changed, I have a father and a husband with scars, especially my husband. He had an appalling time at boarding school.
Or, we're like the Eloi in the summer and slowly return to our normal Morlock like look in the winter.
the flip of that is that most things are open until 9 or 10 PM
Yes! This.
Still, I do believe a late night coffee shop, perhaps with a discrete bar for coffee drinks and so forth, and a short but tasty menu might be nice as well.
(It's changed now. They shut at 10.)
Up all night in summer though :)
I make her dinner, put her to bed, and THEN cook ours.
Typing this from the dinner table. At a normal dinner time.
(I have no doubt things are v different in Auckland lol but genuinely I think much of the country loves an early night in compared to Europe lol)
(No shade, this sometimes still catches me off guard *when in Asia lmao*)
9? If I'm eating dinner at 9, it means I got sidetracked.
Also Restaurant: Kitchen closes at 9.