Arlington National Cemetery has scrubbed information about prominent Black, Hispanic and female service members and topics such as the Civil War from its website, part of an effort across the Defense Department to remove all references to diversity, equity and inclusion from its online presence.
read: 'part of an effort to Re-Segregate the country so that only white political, business, and cultural leaders, war heroes, and historical figures remain visible.'
administration is Racist pure and simple ! 🤬
The operative word is 'censorship' with the intent of expunging the existence of the Other.
It is bigotry which favors white men.
The removed links included three pages from the "Notable Graves" section, six education "themes," two pages from the "History of Arlington National Cemetery" subsection and one page from the website's "Explore" tab.
its what fascist states do
can't we say Hegseth is a DEI hire? His past only peaked a fellow womanizer to appoint him to his current position. Then it took that other womanizer threats for him to get confirmed. Basically he represents the meaning of DEI
― George Orwell, 1984
If you're not a straight, white "Christian" man don't join the US military. Quit if you can. They will not have your back. They will not promote you. And if you die for this country they'll leave your body to the crows. The US military no longer has any honor.
Fuck the defense department, and fuck the Washington Post for not calling this what it is: racism and sexism.
An administration that would attempt to erase the memory of their service deserves our scorn and must be opposed and resisted by all of us to the end.
just a disagreement over
whether one could own a human
the DEI supporters used dirty tricks
(and rifles and cannons)
to win
some of the victims of their evil aggression are buried here
freedom loving patriots
let’s walk now to the Tesla Tomb of the Unknowns
There is a line. It is coming up. Who will the military obey?
The Fascist or the Constitution?
Like I said there is a line coming up.
The Fascist or the Constitution?
I'm not about to defend the use of our military by representatives of frankly both parties, but I do need to push back against suggestions that they'll blindly follow illegal orders.
Not in the service, ON THE STREETS.
I would imagine a large fracture in the military is more likely than it being wholly complicit in a one sided civil war.
― John Adams,
-publishing the endowment of Harris
-not sane-washing Trump
I'm sure that list is a mile long...
What an absolute travesty to everyone who's ever worn a uniform and offered their country a blank check for their life.
I just wish Kara Swisher could be successful in buying it, she’s been talking about that for awhile. Of course, he doesn’t want to sell as long as he can use it to hurt citizens.
Everything was absolutely foreseeable and even announced in project 2025.
Your boss preferred more money vs values! Not a good choice!
Save it, pdf it, and blog it every now and again.
Hadn’t it been for the somewhat inclusion of this woman of color, the moon would be Soviet territory
1. What is the administration trying to cover up through producing this outrage?
2. Why are people so quick to follow this kind of orders?
3. Has no one read this nice little manual by the CIA?
Unless they really believe that dead soldiers still need to prove their merit? Somehow I doubt it.
Anti-DEIA = segregation.
And incredibly disrespectful to all of the women and people of color who served and gave their lives.
Trump is metaphorically shooting the nation in the foot. Say something about that.
Please archive as much as information possible. The Trump/Musk-tyranny will be over one day and then every information should be put back in place.
Yeah. That's sort of the issue. Your "core values."
It’s the first thing oppressive regimes do when they take over.
They destroy libraries, museums, schools, and monuments to figures they disagree with.
Some of the records may resurface, but much is lost forever.
This is flat-out revisionism.
Step two: Write your own!
The current (as of 2024) legal system will incarcerate them and lose them their voting rights for life.
But first it will cost innocent lives.
Probably wont be difficult, people are stupid. 😩
Also, sidebar, we all remember Arlington National Cemetery used to be an estate owned by Robert E Lee and is now a cemetery in partial payment of his debt to the country he betrayed and the men he betrayed to their deaths for a diseased slaver ideology.
You'd think the "south will rise again" guys would want that known.
How're those boots tasting?
This isn’t about DEI. They’re just white nationalists.
They want America to be not diverse, not equitable and not inclusive.
Opposition to that is not typically what ppl mean when they say DEI. And support for white nationalism is not typically what ppl mean when by Anti-DEI.
They’re using DEI as a euphemism to conceal their real goals.