yes, he did
yes, he did
Reposted from
No thanks. Hunter did nothing wrong, that’s the thing.
As an ordinary citizen what would he have got for the actual crimes committed - a fine, community service…pardon not required IMO
Enough to warrant a massive multi-year congressional investigation with public hearings, etc? No, not even close. It was a political hit job no question.
Should Biden have pardoned Hunter? I'm mixed about this.
Will Trump abuse the pardon regardless? 1000% yes.
Hence they still believe that an 80 yr old man w a 37% approval rating was a great choice to seek re election.
I want a Dem to be visibly tough. I want to see some hardball. Within rule of law, yes.
Hunter had a plea deal in place offered by the Trump-appointed SC that was rescinded under pressure from the Rs, only because they wanted to hurt Joe, through Hunter.
The moment Trump won, the possibility of Hunter being punished fairly disappeared.
blocked. bye
No man allows his son to be unjustly prosecuted. Even pointy-headed Trey Gowdy understood what was happening
more of this and you'll be on the maga block list. Bluesky will not be a both sides hellscape for me
I’m talking specifically about the level of these charges rising to a federal level. Unwarranted indictments. Even Eric Holder agrees.
Vs Trump’s ?
Or vs Ivanka’s father-in-law’s ?
or vs Giuliani’s ?
Or vs Gaetz’s ?
Or vs Bannon’s
Or vs …
well I will stop here as I will soon reach the max capacity of my Bsky
This was not a corrupt pardon but a correction of the above wrongs.
Now it’s “no it’s cool his Dad went back on his word, because it was all a big political smear anyway, and the charges are too harsh.”
Come ON.
You aren’t compared to other criminals in order to determine whether or not you should be held accountable for your own crimes.
This is a child’s way of thinking.
It works a specific way.
You’re guilty of the crimes you commit, not to be compared to the crimes others commit.
Hunter broke the law. A jury of his peers agreed he did. Just like Trump.
As President Biden is apt to say “you can’t only do the right thing when it’s convenient.”
The things he did wrong that were in any way provable, are basically never prosecuted.
Hunter's exceptionally harsh treatment, derived mainly from the fact of who his father is, bears discussion.
Biden has lost two children. I’m not going to judge him for it.
Does that make any sentence fair?
We've spent enough time on this, don't you think? Can we get back to the crazies that are coming in in January?
Gosh, who to listen to?
In reality, yeah, not good for Dems messaging. But Biden is toxic anyway, so Dem leadership can still condemn this outright without resorting to whataboutism.
Biden promised he wouldn't do this. And, he did it anyway. People SEE that.
All this is good for is comfort food for Vote Blue No Matter Who types
Strictly politically, I'm not going to even speculate how much legs this has or what the impact will be, since I have no idea what voters care about at this point.
Voters already see Dems (and gov't in general) as corrupt and above the law. Nobody will be surprised by this.
It's just kinda funny seeing Libs celebrate this like the Dems are finally starting to "take the gloves off."
Again: its comfort food for VBNMW Libs
That being said, this is just Biden saying "fuck it". Dems would be smart to condemn this and dump him for good.
Yes, President Biden used his Constitutional power to pardon him.
You are such an irredeemable right-winger!
What does Joe know about what's to come that we don't?
Has Joe already lost faith in America, given what he knows?
The pardon feels like an omnious warning. Foreshadowing.
trump is a corrupt & vengeful criminal who appears to be capable of absolutely anything. Joe couldn't leave his son exposed to such derangement.
But you knew all this Tom!…