I am sorry to inform everyone that the term “warfighter“ has been around for a long time the DOD and it’s dumb and many of us objected to it, but it’s not really a creation of the American right
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Scott B.🇺🇸🤘🎸 Supports:🇺🇦🇬🇪🇨🇦🇬🇱🇲🇽🇪🇺🇺🇳🇹🇼 Ally of🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Notice how the Right like to call them "war-fighters" now? That's intentional and telegraphing.
I did not follow up, but it has that far right feel to it.
So it was a way to keep the mindset for everyone, not just infantry
Office furniture? Enhances lethality.
Printer? Enhances lethality.
Army After Next for example spoke volumes on lethality.
It was McMaster’s thoughts for the Army as Director of what is now Army Futures Command long before Mattis was SECDEF
Is there any work about the culture and training of the Army between 1991 and 2003? Would make an interesting study. 📖
It was the right answer, but not, perhaps, what I should have said.
Trump/Trumpists also didn't invent the phrase "America First" but their mainstreaming it was and is significant
This reminds me of how long it took you to get to the phrases Authoritarianism/Autocrat as descriptors
/I just created the term "wannabe". Feel free to use it.
Remember the recent “lawfare” ?
To bad Dems messaging isn’t as concise, targeted and coordinated…
The GOP typically nails the Sunday show cycles, setting the weekly news cycle narrative
Then, he became the data darling of the J6C
So, sometimes people change
to refer to those on the forward edge, doing the tactical mission or ops. Talk is about how the HQ/staff/industry can do X to help the “warfighter.” I don’t love it, but that’s how it’s used.
We are better for it and those wanting a return to Genghis Kahn style warriors of UFC ilk are either compensating or outright sociopaths. Example Assad’s prisons-brutality are not national security.
I still stand by my characterization, however.
And I do remember one company having splatbooks for Somalia, Colombia, and one other country for D20 right before D20 Modern came out.
How are the Christmas markets in London?
We are supposed to be a Representative Republic and citizen soldiers, sailors etc. are more fitting. “War fighter”/ “warrior” has an imperial feel.
Please! You’re making all of us look like loons.
any more than he's the sort of exceptional people I expect to run the DoD in a functional government supported by my tax dollars
Tom Nichols is correct. Troops have been using the term for many years.
You need an Editor, dude.
I really don’t care for loquacious, pompous, überkompliziert, trop compliqué, eccessivamente confuso “Puffy” rhetorical sentence fragments.
Let’s get this party started!
Covfefe!! 🤣😂😆😜😝
“a soldier, usually one who has both experience and skill in fighting, especially in the past”.
You should be proud. And thank you for your service.
The military is not like a Conan comic book.