you gotta burn your Alexa's folks
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Amazon is killing its “Do Not Send Voice Recordings” privacy feature on March 28 as the company aims to bolster Alexa+, its new subscription assistant.
I was thinking of getting one to help with my ADHD but like... Fuck no!
OK that can't was wrong. I could... But that would be highly unethical and probably illegal.
That would be super helpful.
Sad that my intense cynicism and distrust of technology has again been proven justified.
You can freely convert between different formats for compatibility so you can read where you want. I also recommend for backup. Good luck!
Alexa, not mom.
Alexa, self-immolate
Google already gets all my conversations thanks to my Pixel smartphone. Why should I let Amazon have my data for free too?
We knew they were selling our data, for a while though we didn't suspect it was quite to that level
I could almost respect the goal of using all that for something
yet every techbro I know gets off correcting you about how they “only respond to their wake word”
like having a Bezos sleeper agent in your house is cool and good
Don't make a show of it. Don't give the enemy footage, like they freely provide of themselves.
Even the great minds who tried to warn us about this shit could never have imagined that.
Best you can hope for is that someone stumbles on a prompt injection attack for Alexa AI, and everyone suddenly can start trashing Amazon 's data lake.
Or just toss them in the fire too...
I laugh. My wife laughs. The toaster laughs.
If you play Billy Joel’s “Downeaster Alexa” - does Alexa respond?
We have a routine that checks the kids for bedtime monsters with noises and everything and it's been a game changer.
My experience is that, while there is usually a non-smart way of accomplishing what you want, it's harder to find. That is, the Big Box companies won't have it, and you'll need to look into smaller outfits / manufacturers / shops.
But I have the privilege to solve it so I'll get on it.
We (society) will need to re-evaluating what a given tech actually helps us with, and whether the TRUE cost is worth it.
Looks like maybe some people here have some helpful tips. I'll sort it out, even if I would very much like not to.
But also we have at least 5 devices in use across the house.