Since the president has signed an EO making English the official language of the United States, here is the first non-English copy of the Declaration of Independence, printed in German just days after July 4, 1776. We have always been multilingual.
And multi sexual
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--
We are stronger when we lean into our multicultural identity. It is who we are. W/o it we are nothing.
Another step toward fascism.
You can pry Spanish out of my dead hands.
Maybe we should be relieved he didn't sign an EO declaring russian as our official language!
there's a translation.
TIL about “the first non-English copy of the Declaration of Independence”
And also . . .
“There are 101 countries that recognize more than one official language”.
Common words you’ll need tomorrow:
“Motorway, high road, boot, bonnet, pavement/path, junction, pelican crossing, give-way sign, colour, irony.”
For the first time in my life I wish I was an English teacher in a red town.
Putin was watching from his Evil Lair.
I wouldn't want to be Trump right now..don't drink the tea and stay away from open windows.
“Presione 2 para español”
Wait for it. 🤡
I'm surprised they haven't figured out how to boil bread.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"
🇺🇸 ⚖️ 🗽
The dumbing down of the US has succeeded.
"Your sentences are too long." WTAF?
Now the Purchase order is by Vlad for many companies who left Russia, played his favorite wild trump card in devious outcomes in
USA many will thwart dt
Go right ahead Dt try martial law arrogance
Ask South Korea for advice
As a Brit I constantly flinch when talking to my US chums.
Grammar (general).
Spelling (of for fuck’s sake).
I assume you cringe at other Brits then?
Those languages are the most important (IMHO) for US residents to learn.
Ain't that just SAD.
(They all say WE NEVER HEARD HIM ORDER THAT… and call me a mentirosa)
So yeah. This English only thing can kiss my native arse.
The Constitution was also translated into German.
Trump can go fuck himself.
It's THE first publication of it at all.
It's what a minstel looks like after he scrubs the blackface off.
30% in California speak Spanish.
English - 245 million
Spanish - 41.3 million
Chinese - 3.4 million
Tagalog - 1.72 million
Vietnamese - 1.52 million
Arabic - 1.39 million
French - 1.18 million
Korean - 1.07 million
Russian - 1.04 million
Portuguese - 937,000
Fuck Krasnov.
Remember: Language IS Community.
If a pimp doesn't know the language, how's he's going to manage his girls?
Boycott all maga corporations and churches. It will work with time.
They do want to conserve -- the culture from the 1760s. As a matter of fact, they want to drag us all back there. They're allergic to progress, tolerance, education, compassion, kindness, honesty, integrity, ethics, and morals.
The most difficult part about being a liberal is not convincing the other side to join us, but having the balls of our conviction.
Pleas accept my apology.
Take care.
I'm disgusted at how my 'neighbors' are celebrating as he destroys us.
We was runnin’ from the cops.
You is so ignorant.
Supposebly, this is good English.
I had good interreactions with them folks.
Them’s good people.
. . .
On my phone. I can on my desktop!)
If so, why does mine not do that?
I Can report that
By whatever the deadline is Monday for 5 things I accomplished!
Ōlelo. Look at that!
They have held signs about that at rallies since at least the 1960s. They really hate "Mexicans" (any south of the boarder people to them). They learned to accept white Europeans. Eventually.
I suspect they don't mind German so much.
It’s been our greatest source of cultural and economic strength to have a tolerant and diverse society
(Disclosure: Autistic Language-Geek).
"Printed by the same firm that printed the German-language Broadside in 1777.; The Declaration in German could have been published on July 5, 1776, which would precede the English publication to the public on July 6, making this document the earliest public printing."
and What % of Bluesky people ?
and, to push the point, what % of BS people know that BS is a bit of an liberal echo chamber ?
It only makes it more difficult for those who don’t speak English to live and get around, it’s petty and stupid and easily reversed in 2028
I wasn't taking any posistion on the idea of Engl as official language;
I was merely asking, how popular that idea will be today in the US
but the imp point to me is that most people on BS really do not understand that bluesky is very very liberal - that what you see here is very extreme , on a purely statistical basis, to the US
That was alongside 18 different european languages.
That was day one.
We have never been a single language country.
and it never fails, never:
Bloody clown President
We have many languages, none official.
Because we're not precious and fragile...
...... oh ....... wait ...
Bullshit. We were born as a polyglot nation, and will always be.