And to prevent abuse in the other direction, you can't see the posts of people you've blocked, even if you go to their page. (I don't know what's to stop you from unblocking them, taking screenshots, and then quickly reblocking them, but any friction helps.)
It's one of the site's best features. Slows down or stops the aggressive behavior of dogpiling. No one can easily see what the disagreement is about or with who to go and harass them.
Now I feel a little bad. I'd see you (or others) starting a public post with an @name, and think maybe I should mention that in case they thought it worked like Twitter did? But then I assumed, no, they'd just use DMs for one-to-one messages, so they must just be inviting them into the public convo.
on twitter, if a tweet starts with a handle then the tweet doesnt go into your main Tweets section, and just the Replies section.
on bluesky, even if your Sky starts with a handle, it goes into your main Skies section
Okay, weird mini rants about how special Hank is and functionality that I am completely unaware of nor care about gets blocked. I guess this is in response to a guy named Hank. Hope you're doing okay, Hank.
no, that’s really my assumption of what he meant. on this app, the top replies are people who actively engage with his content on multiple apps, whereas on the other service, it tends to be bots and trolls
How are replies different? I never really used twitter that much, and I deleted my account before new ownership took over, so I don't immediately see the difference.
We have so many different media that we consume for different reasons. I'm more of a special targeting type person. That actually sends more of a message
I think your "Blocking - with reason" idea is great!
Can we add a checkbox "share as post" to inform those in my local sphere on my actions.
I can see this going both ways; helping followers be informed of bad actors, but also insight into the blocker's tolerance of actions or contentious views!
I suspect this might be part of your "Mute user's posts by type (mute RSes)" request, but I would dearly love to be able to turn off seeing reposts in my feed on a per-account basis.
Also, under "Replies" for an account, it should only be displaying, well, their replies. I know this is because >
Dynamic blocks: blocks everyone following an account, and updates regularly (instantly probably isn't reasonable), and has a cool down period before unblocking anyone who unfollows the account.
Basically an enhanced Blockenheimer. It would really help isolate certain unsavory communities.
If someone follows a Nazi account, I'm probably happier if they disappear from my feed before I learn who they actually are.
Journalists may need to create lists or alt accounts if they want to follow awful people and not be blocked; I don't think that is an unreasonable burden for them to manage.
Definitely agree on the thread visible when replying. Thinking that the reply dialog should be off to the right (in web) or in a frame below the post you're replying to, so that if there is context there that you need, it's visible. Especially true for quoted replies.
I'd be so happy to get that. I'm on mobile and I'm constantly getting halfway into a reply and needing to copy everything, go back to remember what I'm talking about, then go back and paste.
On a browser, one useful tip here is to get setup, and not only will what you're replying to show up above your reply, if what you are replying to is in one of the left few columns, so will related posts. Not always the case though, and deck seems a bit slow at times.
I think he may mean the fact that if you @ a specific mutual with a brand new post (not a reply) it broadcasts it to all your followers' timelines? Whereas on Twitter if you did that, it'd hide it from your followers and direct it to that person only.
I have noticed Hank @ing specific folks to welcome them to Bluesky — which is very sweet of him and makes me smile, but he may not have intended his thousands of followers to be part of those one-on-one conversations 😉
I never used Twitter or Threads, but when signing up for Bluesky there wasn’t any obvious parts of the process that seemed to deter bots.
And to prevent abuse in the other direction, you can't see the posts of people you've blocked, even if you go to their page. (I don't know what's to stop you from unblocking them, taking screenshots, and then quickly reblocking them, but any friction helps.)
Or block quoted.
I'm going to have up my game.
on bluesky, even if your Sky starts with a handle, it goes into your main Skies section
It is more egalitarian
Also, better moderation, far fewer dickheads
Can we add a checkbox "share as post" to inform those in my local sphere on my actions.
I can see this going both ways; helping followers be informed of bad actors, but also insight into the blocker's tolerance of actions or contentious views!
Also, under "Replies" for an account, it should only be displaying, well, their replies. I know this is because >
Basically an enhanced Blockenheimer. It would really help isolate certain unsavory communities.
Journalists may need to create lists or alt accounts if they want to follow awful people and not be blocked; I don't think that is an unreasonable burden for them to manage.