I'm sorry for raining on this parade, but the "transgender mice" talking point is bullshit, but not because someone mistook "transgenic" for "transgender."
The blog post that kicked it off (from a partisan bullshit website) listed a number of papers testing the effects of sex hormones on animals.
The blog post that kicked it off (from a partisan bullshit website) listed a number of papers testing the effects of sex hormones on animals.
Trans = to transform or change
Genic = genetics
They are just too frothy to google shit.
They're fascists and we need to act accordingly.
If having a one-on-one phone call with a friend, maybe. But we need to stick to "fascism is bad and this is fascism" without getting stuck in the weeds
The American people probably should have been informed before electing these people. Twice.
The snowball effect
EVERY trial, study, and survey that has to do with hormones, sex characteristics, and other gendered medicine helps trans people, even if its intent is initially to help cis people.
The knock-on effect bigotry re: trans people: it harms cis people ON ACCIDENT, EVERY time.
That's either sarcasm, or a prediction...I can't tell anymore...
By MAGA logic, the automobile industry has been making cars transgender for a century by the inclusion of a "transmission."
If you're "merely" lying about something, you don't then refute the accusations of lying by linking to sources that prove that you ARE, in fact, lying. >
Oh, I guess THAT is what you meant by lying? If so… yeah, fair.
We do need better ways of cutting thru the bullshit, especially against bad faith arguments.
All because it had trans in the title.
Mice weren't the only example.
Phase one cuts, now it's just whomever, wherever. They are idiots and so are their base.
The only thing you're doing with your granular corrections is patting yourself and your followers on the back. You're not doing any outward facing messaging.
They're talking about "making transgender mice" to flippantly and derisively refer to these studies in which mice were given cross-sex hormone replacement—thereby making them "transgender"—to study the nuanced effects of hormones on reproductive systems
I'm not sure that being wrong about the "transgenic/transgender" thing helps, though.
for example; some cis women going through menopause take testosterone as part of their HRT
But now how do we counter all of this nonsense? Why do we let politicians get away with saying bullshit and putting it into the collective consciousness? We can’t have real conversations
Just normal boring science
Transcendental meditation
All soon to be abolished.
I guess the $8m figure should've tipped me off, the number for transgenic mice has to be a lot higher?
It could be more expensive, it could be cheaper, different procedures have different costs.
Either way, the mice were definitely not transgender, since transgender involves mental positions mice are unable to hold.
“The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual).”
I don’t particularly care about which twisted half justification he had; it doesn’t make Trump’s fascist attacks on the trans community any less evil.
Anything to advance their hate campaign, even if it means distorting reality
If someone doesn't like trans people, there is no volume of science or facts that you can cite to persuade them or anytime.
Transphobes will always retort, "how do we really know GAC is safe?" Cite a study, they say "but how do we really know it's safe?"
It's just a rhetorical device to wield as a weapon against their ideological opponents to maintain hierarchical structures.
Transphobes' skepticism is incorrigible. You cannot persuade them that GAC is good when have a predetermined conclusion that trans people are bad.
Can't call them comparable to anti-vaxers, they're actually proud of that one. But comparing them to people who think the world is flat? That's usually a pretty hard hit.
Transphobes, among other groups, take the asinine position anecdotal experierences and personal presumptions count for more than the scientific method
*Citation needed
They say "If we let trans people compete in sports/use bathrooms" there will be big problems
*Citation needed
They say "Being transgender is a mental illness
*Citation needed
Trans people in the military hurts readiness
*Citation needed
Fuck em
Facts cant even fight on the same axis as fairy tales only other fairy tales can fight back
At least if they pretended to care about the animal abuse aspect, that might gain them a few more supporters.
Hear that scientific community? Close up shop. Nothing else to learn.
/sarcasm in case it’s needed
A fact ignored
Any republican who didn’t laugh and clap like a trained seal will be suspect.
We ALL run on hormones and they control a TON of our body function. EVERYONE needs us to be researching hormones.
But we should NEVER want to take vital medication and research away from people either, trans or not.