I had an excellent call with President von der Leyen about the road ahead for Canada-E.U. trade.
Canada and Europe are strong, reliable partners. In a shifting global economy, that matters more than ever. We’re ready to secure new transatlantic business opportunities together.
Canada and Europe are strong, reliable partners. In a shifting global economy, that matters more than ever. We’re ready to secure new transatlantic business opportunities together.
Just the way I like my politics and trade! More of strong and reliable, please!🇨🇦🤝🇪🇺
The US can go suck an egg.
that being said, not many can afford an egg to suck.
will grab some popcorn and settle in to watch them (maga) run around like chickens with their heads chopped off looking for eggs to suck.
At times like these, the Free World (or what is left of it) must do all to support eachother!
Just saying.
Free trade = fair exchange.
The largest US supplier of electric cars is no longer a viable option & the Chinese will lift their tariffs against Canadian goods in response.
Everybody wins. 👍
I could see 🇨🇦 strengthening ties with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, etc.
We're heading into a multipolar world where democracy will be defended by many smaller nations united together
Here is a thing. Take out South Africa and Texas alone is richer than all the other countries of Africa put together. That is 53 countries.
And no need to join the EU.
He would obviously be open to the idea of a reversal, and could potentially put Canada in a role to assist.
I'm thinking Mark Rober might get a call from Elon Musk👇
At the same time Go Canada! 🇨🇦 this is sooo the time for PM Carney!
He is exactly who we need!
Canada already approved export permits for natural gas but no companies wanted to do it. It doesn't make economic sense to them.
Unless the East coast develops oil production oil exports do not make economic sense either.
Green hydrogen makes sense.
That will be the key word in all international relations from hereon.
You get the job done.
Liberals will get my vote.
Combined GDP: > $7.5 trillion (USD)
Combined pop: > 140 million
Universal health care, rule of law, functional democracies…
This is a no-brainer
Love from Scotland.
Trade would be a nice side effect as well.
Strategic way? For trade, businesses and immigration?
(fuck trump)
When his time is up he is leaving.
I hope he chooses the body bag option.
I will throw a BBQ with Fireworks and Mexican beer.
2016 was our "fool me once" moment. 2025, we're not fooled twice.
This is your storm to weather friend. You'll excuse those of us who currently have our sovereignty threatened for seeking a more stable port.
We didn’t have a vote!
You guys did this!
Not the rest of the planet except for Russia.
We can deal with other nations that haven’t lost their fucking minds!
There's plenty of us here who always opposed our RW coup. We're trying to rebuild our Bannon-burnt bridges.
The lies lie in dust.
We're ready for rejoining the real world.
Time for stronger trans-Atlantic partnerships too.
But really that's not her name nor title....
Bring something back and we will support you
No more reliance on unstable partners.
It’s time to think of ourselves. Forge ahead.
We will hurt for a while. It’s ok.
Just show us going forward!
Please know that my work is 100% free forever. I only wish to share my snarky light
Price for the first 15 I believe it is, but the Feds are now looking at dropping the rest of the contract. We will have to pay to break the contract but as far as I’m concerned it’s well worth it to not end up with a fleet of planes that we need to rely on the US for.
Building more relationships with the EU countries is the best thing we could do.
He is your monkey. You fix him.
We ARE doing something. Notice the tariffs?
What are YOU doing?
Although, on second thoughts, if they're gonna drown the federal government in Reagan's bathtub, perhaps secession won't be necessary!
Canada feels like it has to pay protection money to the mob.
(I think I got that right. TBH my German is better than my French)
Especially with an upcoming election...
The Liberals already approved the export terminals.
No one stepped up.
Tax $ won't make it viable.
But anything other than the F-35s is good.
Build in Canada!
They'll even let you build them in Canada.
Keep the geese.
#elbowsup 🇨🇦🇪🇺
I'm sure we have the details for Australia and South Korea here too...
We'll beat you at football, you kick our ass on the ice.
All good.
Many States could be their own countries or merge together to be countries
California - $4.1t
Texas - $2.7t
We are going to achieve greatness as a Country and a reliable alliance to other important leaders.
It is a fine time to be a Canadian.
We stand with you Canada 🇨🇦
Happy Birthday Prime Minister!
America is not your enemy, trump is. We hate him too. We want your friendship not your sovereignty.
Well up yours, EU as well. Kiss our assessment.
If Canada, a sovereign nation I should add, it's on your shoulders.
Up yours to king charlie and his brat too.
We already have excellent trade relations with them and I'm sure this will only continue to grow 🇨🇦❤️
Also, it is WAY more than a trade deal.
If it keep 'king' donny from upsetting Europe, then let Canada sink.
That is what I'm hearing. 😔
But I hope for more trade, and quickly. I haven’t seen many Canadian goods at the supermarket, but I will make it a point to find some!
Although from Ontario it should be called "nucleo"🤣
Old Rumpty Dumpty doesn’t like anything ‘Trans”.
Half of America is with Canada.