We should congratulate those who have been fortunate enough to find other berths before it all gets even worse, but worry about the millions who cannot.
Wealthier/luckier/better educated jewish people who managed to leave Germany & Austria in the 1930s vs the millions who couldnt & were anihilated.
"Washington has become Nero’s court, with an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers and a jester high on ketamine in charge of purging the civil service...We were at war with a dictator, we are now at war with a dictator backed by a traitor.” - Claude Malhuret https://youtu.be/wmDVrV7QRrU
Great speech and comforting to know there are people with clarity of our nation’s distress and takeover.. hope they build stronger to save their democracies.. US has long road ahead
They can see the writing on the wall. Scientists are fleeing to protect their work but soon people will be fleeing to protect their families, I think, if they can.
The time for worry has well since passed.
We either fight for our democracy or we watch it be beaten down and wither away in broad daylight, as the world watches in horrid disgust.
Leaving hastens the latter.
Get involved, folks! DEEPLY involved!
I just cannot understand these people who are giving up so quickly, so easily and are running away. America wouldn't exist if good people had not fought for it. Running away is exactly what they want you to do. Fight! Resist! VOTE!!
I have a very hard time believing that well-known professors from major universities will be arrested for teaching. If they start arresting teachers, then there will be a revolution in the streets of America and I will be out there with the resistance. Ain't gonna happen.
I had a hard time believing SCOTUS would overturn Roe and America would sit by while 10 year old girls are forced to carry their father’s baby to term but here we are. Americans aren’t riding up any time soon, Shawn.
I was not surprised by the SCOTUS decision on Roe, that was specifically why the conservatives were put on the court. But I am not hearing many stories about young girls being forced to have babies. This is a huge issue and will matter in the upcoming elections. This is why we must all vote.
Oh stop! Do you know who Jason Stanley and Timothy Snyder are?
I'm glad they have a way to continue doing their anti-fascist work in safety, and can still write so we can read their words! They both warned us!
Our legal system is still fully operational and stopping a lot of Trump's actions before they can even get off the ground. Those planes were ordered to turn back and didn't. There will be serious consequences for that. Meanwhile, no more people are being hauled off to secret prisons. Fight! Vote!
Trump is now talking about shutting down federal courts, detained immigrants have died from dehydration/starvation in the Krome Center in Florida, and you are a whisper away from martial law. Fight, yes. Whether you will ever vote again, will probably depend on how hard & how many.
And I'm just as worried for Canada, by the way. We have our own band of fucking idiots slathering to implement the same shit here, but we're quite a bit less divided than you and hopeful that works in our favour ... our election at the end of April will tell the tale.
This is going to happen in all sorts of industries. The brain drain is going to hurt us. Only thing that is saving this is there still being an internet and this knowledge in books.
It is definitely concerning. A huge red flag & enormous loss for the US. But they're certainly welcome here in Canada. I'm just sorry it's under these circumstances.
I sympathize with this completely. But I regret when leading intellectuals and opinion makers run away. Sometimes your feet speak louder than your words.
Lost in all the invective against Columbia is the fact that Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford weren’t even worth going after because they crossed over to the dark side long ago and have been spawning and enabling fascists for decades.
At Yale the department that tracked the 20k Ukraine-stolen kids was ditched/closed/dismantled.
(while not causal, still complicit/stained/non-backup-prepared/non-substitute-funding/non-protest)
One might be hardpressed to find largers nails in a coffin.
If there's anyone who hasn't already read his books, 'How Fascism Works' and 'How Propaganda Works', there is no better time than now. It's urgent so that you understand what's going on.
That's a good point. He could still be residing here. I wouldn't blame anyone for leaving if they could, and truth be told, I wish I could send my kids somewhere else. But the country is worth fighting for, and we're all stronger together.
They have a home here in Toronto now. Their Yale sites say “on leave” for the current academic year, but they have courses lined up for the Fall at UofT.
Snyder and his wife, also a Yale prof, have been given inaugural Chairs in European History at the Munk School of Global affairs at University of Toronto. Listed as on leave from Yale. Which now makes 3 Yale Profs to Munk with the latest announcement
Any minute now The People are going to Rise Up Against Trump after he Finally Goes Too Far and then these historians and scholars will have egg on their faces.
Wikipedia says he took a teaching position for next academic year, no mention of a permanent position. High profile professors do teach at other institutions
Understandable. Most of us cannot move away. I am both envious of these people and disappointed as they have resources to help. But even Canada is not 100% immune from right wing forces
Lying on immigration forms?
Methinks the First Ladies student visa needs to be checked because she came to the States and almost immediately started working.
Sure we should be worried, but to what end? It isn't like 99.9% of us are elite professors who can just emigrate to another country. No, we must remain and fight. Besides, where will these scholars fleeing be if the rest of us let the fascist warmongers take the US? No one will be safe anywhere.
One big reason they should leave is because history has shown that the scholars are some of the first rounded up and killed. Israel bombed hospitals, universities/schools, museums, and libraries very early.
I get that fear for them. I do see a real risk of people assuming a sinking ship if no additional context is provided. All I've seen so far is these elite academics leaving threads, with me-tooers wanting to pile on. All the smart people abandoning the country is not a realistic way out of this.
I'm a librarian who works at a humble uni. It's not a stretch that I lose my job in the next few years. It's also not a stretch that I might be blacklisted and unemployable. I've written on deija topics.
I have family in Canada, an escape plan makes sense. Life under a brutal regime isn't living
Things hang in the balance for sure, but these profs aren't civic refugees and it's fatuous to pretend. Snyder's fairly prosaic lateral move to an equivalenly prestigious job is not the same as Einstein fleeing mass arrests, or Raphael Lemkin and hundreds of others fleeing Einsatzgruppen.
These were people who have been calling out the upcoming fascist regime… I’d be a bit worried. I’m not in their shoes. I don’t get to get mad at these decisions.
Are you trying to leave? I’m here are people who will help. I’ve seen Canadians posting about it. I know I won’t let it happen near me. Find the helpers. Community is everything.
They will professionally take out the professors and reporters. The rest of us they will try to round up en masse…
There is a lot of area between "being safe" from foreign warmongers and not wanting your children to grow up in a fascist dictatorship. So it makes a lot of sense to emigrate.
My grandpa escaped Bydgoszcz in time to avoid being shot in the Intelligenzaktion that Snyder writes about. My Grandpa then had a huge price on his head . Luckily he made it out to join the forces and government in exile in France and from there to the UK.
Arm yourself while you still can, patriots. The darkness is falling quickly and the time for community defense is here. No one is coming to save us. #StandUp
I’ve spent some time trying to tell folks that White Christian Nationalism is the beating black heart of it all - greed and power are naught but vehicles for it.
Indeed. And the rapid destruction of American democracy should be a jarring wakeup call for everyone around the world who feels secure in their own democracy.
If I could afford to, I think my wife and I would be heading out too. But that’s not something we can really consider financially. So, guess we buckle up and see how the ride goes.
It's not just Tim Snyder who has already left, but also his wife, Professor Marci Shore, the preeminent intellectual historian of her generation. Her geographic specialty is Eastern Europe.
Along with all the medical and scientific researchers!MAGAs do not understand how much of America’s soft power is predicated on our technological innovation. We’re not keeping that with a nation of fundy home schoolers learning Earth is 6K years old.
I was amazed at how many flat earth groups were out there and how many people belong to them and not just Russian and Chinese Trolls waging war on democracies
This is a serious warning. If experts on authoritarianism feel unsafe here, we must defend democracy, protect academic freedom, and ensure truth is heard.
I know more than a few people who are making plans to leave. It might seem extreme today. I don't know. I think people will look back in a year and think this was the window of time. It's horrifying.
If I had the means, I'd leave tomorrow. But I don't qualify for any sort of academic/health care visa programs. just a regular office drone so I'm stuck without a couple million dollars to ease the process.
Thank you for sharing. I had previously thought of using my savings to put a down payment on a house, but using it to get a foreign visa and have an escape plan seems like a much better idea.
you're welcome, though the article isn't terribly hopeful (at least not in my situation.) Even if I sold my house now before everything collapses, I'm not sure it would be considered enough to qualify for a long term visa.
The article itself is more about the surge in Americans looking to emigrate.
This is absolutely the window of time. If anything last year was. I’ve been making my plans since 2021 because I spent the Biden years expecting Trump to return. Everyone has something they can be doing to shore up their specific points of vulnerability. Do not get caught flat footed. Time is short.
There’s gonna be a huge brain drain in the US. Not only by scholars, but by researchers as well. Germany has placed recruiting ads, as has China, who has ample resources to support research being shut down. The extreme immigration stance will deter the best & brightest from coming here to study.
The brain drain will all but kill this country's hopes of staying a world power. But the maga rednecks just care about the cruelty and owning the libs.
Germany's also discussing to set up programs for the intelligence of the US universitys, hospitals and other facilities (R&D) who wish to leave their country.
At Yale the department that tracked the 20k Ukraine-stolen kids was ditched/closed/dismantled.
(while not causal, still complicit/stained/non-backup-prepared/non-substitute-funding/non-protest)
One might be hardpressed to find largers nails in a coffin.
Also: Keep an eye 👁️ on cutting-edge scientists: with the federal funding cut, why should they not go abroad, taking their research projects with them?
Canada will welcome all intellectuals who wish to think freely. However, this is done with deep sadness and regret over the ruinous actions of stupidity by the leaders to the south. May brave souls and heroes rise up and slay the evil and ignorance leading the blind to their doom.
Yes…we are fucked here in the US. 😒
yet, I'm holding a hope to have democrat house back this April 1 two election —Florida 🤞🏻🤞🏻 AND making harder for Felon47 to get what he wanted.
If not working out, my kid and I are getting out of here fast!!
i wish i could do it too! hell, i would move to puerto rico or the virgin islands if i could right now. anything to get out of the continental 48 & escape this fascist regime's neonazi actions & intentions. if only europe was accepting americans for asylum, i would happily attempt it.
especificamente, el certificado de ciudadanía puertorriqueña da la oportunidad de vivir en españa con una visa trabajadora para dos años y luego pedir ciudadanía española. ¡que sueño, verdad? ❤️🇵🇷
Yale website says he is on leave, not gone. We still benefit from him in Canada if that is the case. No benefit if he is dead or relentlessly persecuted.
Get back to us when you become a target of the Kremlin and the country you're in installs a Kremlin lackey and/or when you've actually struck a blow for the resistance.
This is amazing! I’m still stunned how few in my community will acknowledge there’s a problem and most just trying to adapt to the unrealities in real-time.
Are you kidding me? I just had to say that, sorry. Yeah, this is beyond concerning!!! Almost as bad as Mikey Johnson now wants to get rid of Federal Judges. Can you imagine? This is not going well for any of us!!!
That's funny. In the late '70s I was taught American politics at the University of Toronto by expats who had left the states because Nixon was too corrupt
Oh no, the (now former) Yale professor of history must be a "fake historian" because you don't like his takes and found some critiques of his works. You realize it takes a little bit more than that to establish such a label.
Brain Drain is real and is happening. The residual effect of our greatest minds leaving will have a real impact on our lives. Once the toothpaste is out of the tube…..
We will gladly have them here in Canada. It's very worrisome. Also strange to see that our government issued travel warnings to Canadians travelling to China and to the USA. I've never seen USA on a travel warning list EVER.
(NL being agonisingly slow, only yesterday (on transgender (only?))
(but having the former chief-editor of the Telegraaf, Paul Jansen, now US-correspondent, doing a splendid Bagdad-Bob Quisling job, it doesn't surprise either)
The University of Toronto quite possibly might be looking for a new President by now! President Meric Gertler is already past his 9 year term. It was extended.
Agreed. Just noting that the bio on the link you sent says he's currently on leave from Yale, which is what his page on the Yale web site says, too. https://history.yale.edu/people/timothy-snyder
Nah, they’re just running away. Perhaps out of self-preservation…I can’t fault them. Most of us don’t have such privilege so we get to go down with the ship.
They (he and his wife, also an important scholar) are both in high demand and were invited to Canada. They have young children to think about. And they can continue the fight from there. As I see it, they are not giving up but are moving to a place where they can continue to speak the truth freely.
These people are the canaries in the coalmine! As everyone keeps saying, dictatorships in previously established nations don't happen overnight! Given the recent pace of change think what it might be like in 1 or 2 years. Why are they thinking of allowing silencers on guns..🤔
Making the necessary wetwork by Ukraine on Ukraine-adversaries & other Kremlin-stooges & -regurgitators inside USA a lot easier.
I don't know why people make a big deal out of this quote. That's the prominent feature of fascism everywhere, not just the United States: the conjoining of religion and the state, along with corporate business interests. It's practically the whole definition of fascism/authoritarianism.
half this country is fucking Deaf Dumb & BLIND. they will wake up one day in a fascist country w out even know how or why...
Hence the Quote is a reminder...
What choice do they have ? Wait to be fired or jailed, or leave? Look to Nazi Germany, Mao’s China and elsewhere about what can happen to academics in extreme regimes
I'm thinking the level of exodus will start increasing quickly. Like the Germans who heeded the early warning signs.
I wonder if the Obamas & Clintons will leave.
Wow! Good for them. We are going thru an immigration attorney for fast track licensure and path to citizenship as we are in healthcare professions. BC recruiting from WA, OR, and CA.
Dear Canada
Please be good and kind as usual, to our scholars that are moving to your country.
Scholars we will miss you.
Please return when we win back the house and senate in the 2026 election.
But we are only a few months into this Administration. Fight back. Change the direction with action. Too soon to just give up!! Our way of life is under attack. Act appropriately.
The courts are stopping each step he takes in turn, & are the people who are fighting back for the rest of us.
I was actually criticized by someone outside the US that thought that we should all be attempting to storm the government, armed and en masse. as if we're all going to die fighting clowns.
The empire is not finished until the colonies are liberated. Empire is not a metaphor. It's not just about maintaining global cultural hegemony... Imperialism is a crime against actual, specific people and places. I look forward to the end of empire, but this isn't it. This is fascist imperialism.
I think she meant slipping. That if Americans even in deep blue areas of New England are scared and fleeing to other countries than those in purple or or red states should be terrified.
My husband went to the University of Toronto in the early 70's: many of his best professors were draft resisters from the United States. It's a honourable tradition.
1 Lucky him - and his partner. Too bad about decades of austerity cuts to higher ed across Canada. Too bad about Trudeau's recent death-blow to many, cutting their international student funding by almost half by next year.
Too bad for these profs:
Yes, we should, but times like this it's even more important that they stay. Not criticizing anyone who decides to leave - lots of factors go into any such decision - but I hope enough academics stay put and fight.
Do you all honestly think you can run from this? Who will fight if not us? Everyone knows the military budget of the US. Where can you hide? Fucking ridiculous
these schools are losing credibility by the minute. where should high achieving kids even want to go now? for kids making decisions now and next year, what should they even do?
I am old enough to remember the "brain drain" days, when many highly educated people in all fields left Canada for the US dollar.
Now it seems the dollar cannot hold people of true knowledge and decency.
The US will burn while dementia Donnie's syncophants fiddle around. :(
Yale is an elite institution that has been freed from putting any effort into admitting meritorious students over those with family wealth. Maybe they could no longer envision teaching the facists how not to be facist. So they chose to change their audience/ students
At Yale the department that tracked the 20k Ukraine-stolen kids was ditched/closed/dismantled.
(while not causal, still complicit/stained/non-backup-prepared/non-substitute-funding/non-protest)
One might be hardpressed to find largers nails in a coffin.
And that is the most appalling thing we have learned in the past two months.
Truth has no place in Trump's America.
Wealthier/luckier/better educated jewish people who managed to leave Germany & Austria in the 1930s vs the millions who couldnt & were anihilated.
But we let them take over a whole political without a single life lost.
We’re nothing compared to our grandfathers.
Or perhaps Vlad already took one out, just like Adolf had only 1 ball.
(Brits in WWII made a marching song about it)
We either fight for our democracy or we watch it be beaten down and wither away in broad daylight, as the world watches in horrid disgust.
Leaving hastens the latter.
Get involved, folks! DEEPLY involved!
You need to be reading more. People like Snyder, Stanley, Ruth Ben Ghiat, Thomas Zimmer
I'm glad they have a way to continue doing their anti-fascist work in safety, and can still write so we can read their words! They both warned us!
(while not causal, still complicit/stained/non-backup-prepared/non-substitute-funding/non-protest)
One might be hardpressed to find largers nails in a coffin.
And for those among us who think the warnings of authoritarian and fascist behavior currently in the US are overreactions:
Take a closer look
Think more carefully
Persist and resist together
Well, I guess that's a way not to be silenced.
Munk School is lucky to have him on its roster, either way, though!
Do learn from them though, both strategy & tactics.
Just like Hongkong back then.
(notably betrayed by DJT-1)
Bravo 👍😎🙂
I'm glad for him.
This way he will have a safe place to continue writing/warning.
Now begins the American "Brain Drain"...
Methinks the First Ladies student visa needs to be checked because she came to the States and almost immediately started working.
I have family in Canada, an escape plan makes sense. Life under a brutal regime isn't living
Seriously, that’s their livelihood…
So it goes.
They will professionally take out the professors and reporters. The rest of us they will try to round up en masse…
I’ve spent some time trying to tell folks that White Christian Nationalism is the beating black heart of it all - greed and power are naught but vehicles for it.
Please try my snarky & short open letter on this!
Al so people talking about it on libs streams
in other news, this showed up in my feed shortly after your post. (gift link)
Thank you SO MUCH for sending this. I'm going to read it right away. 💙
The article itself is more about the surge in Americans looking to emigrate.
We each have to do what we can. I used to be a ‘barricade builder’ and fought fascists on the streets of the UK. Too old for that now.
We will gladly take in all your intellectuals. Let the brain drain begin.
America’s loss is ultimately ours, too, but we’d like to salvage what we can 😃
Citizens United 2000 was the core nail in the coffin.
In any other era of history, thisvwould have been called it treason-enabling, ensued by capital punishment.
(while not causal, still complicit/stained/non-backup-prepared/non-substitute-funding/non-protest)
One might be hardpressed to find largers nails in a coffin.
If you send Peterson, we’ll have to return Musk.
And there was great rejoicing in the land.
Educated people are at risk staying in the USA.
Ignorant uneducated drunks like Pete Hegseth rule.
Can't say I blame them. Cuz I don't.
yet, I'm holding a hope to have democrat house back this April 1 two election —Florida 🤞🏻🤞🏻 AND making harder for Felon47 to get what he wanted.
If not working out, my kid and I are getting out of here fast!!
It is claimed German science/engineering got so good because all these small republics were in fierce competition with eachother.
Look how we benefited from US draft dodgers coming here in the 60s and 70s!
But can someone else take pretend historian Timothy Snyder?
We're perfectly capable of producing our own dingbat ideologues. Just look at Jordan Peterson!...
This is just one of many: https://shs.cairn.info/article/E_RHMC_644_0134?lang=en#re7no7
Most of EU does by now.
(NL being agonisingly slow, only yesterday (on transgender (only?))
(but having the former chief-editor of the Telegraaf, Paul Jansen, now US-correspondent, doing a splendid Bagdad-Bob Quisling job, it doesn't surprise either)
It will be internationally advertised.
Whoever gets it, please fire the AVP asap!
Incompetent useless over paid b*tch!
I hated her!
She had to phone over to Queen’s Park to figure out which flag goes first… French or European Union.
She sent Naylor off to Rideau Hall without his order of Canada pin! He had to borrow one while there!
For this she makes an enormous amount of money!
That trash is still there!
Hence the Quote is a reminder...
I wonder if the Obamas & Clintons will leave.
fuck em
Please be good and kind as usual, to our scholars that are moving to your country.
Scholars we will miss you.
Please return when we win back the house and senate in the 2026 election.
I hope you have elections in 2026 /2028 and D's succeed but your orange turd has other plans. Billionaires want control and will lie and cheat.
..& those who do learn from history
know when to get the fukk outta dodge
I was actually criticized by someone outside the US that thought that we should all be attempting to storm the government, armed and en masse. as if we're all going to die fighting clowns.
The question is, who will take over? Russia, China, or the EU?
And, to be 100% clear, if it is not the EU, then it is highly likely that exponential climate change will cause the collapse of civilization.
nervous here in the “North of the American South.”
Too bad for these profs:
Including foreign sales of military gear, also to stay on top quality-wise.
Three nails in a coffing.
Both PoohBearTroll & BunkerTroll know.
Krasnov following orders from both.
The menace has always been there, just in hiding.
Now it seems the dollar cannot hold people of true knowledge and decency.
The US will burn while dementia Donnie's syncophants fiddle around. :(
(while not causal, still complicit/stained/non-backup-prepared/non-substitute-funding/non-protest)
One might be hardpressed to find largers nails in a coffin.