You sound like my grandson. It's all Godzilla, all the time with him. He even figured out a way to work him into his Thanksgiving school essay on how Godzilla saved the turkeys.
I agree with the exception of just one movie, I just could not get into Final Wars. Though I am admittedly a Ryuhei Kitamura hater. Never really liked anything I saw that he made and Final Wars was the last one I tried from him.
The 1998 Godzilla was on while I was at the gym the other day and I had a moment of watching it and thinking "you know what, this tried to be something, it was fun, I still dig it." Truly not a single miss in 70 years.
We need a Godzilla Christmas movie. Preferably one where Zilla stomps on the small town where the big city exec is learning the true meaning of Christmas whilst falling in love with the handsome logger.
The exec is falling in love with the handsome logger or Godzilla is? Because, not gonna lie, I do kinda wanna see the easily-could-have-been-resolved-by-just-talking miscommunication that fuels the B plot for the latter
Prior to minus one I would have agreed with you... But minus one was a VERY special movie that should have at least been nominated for best foreign language film at the Oscars.
I’m glad they got around to burying all the powerlines in Japan because watching Godzilla plow through them all the time must’ve gotten really tiresome.
I won't be like the majority but isn't Godzilla based on Japan little bit of hate, but the Godzilla has so much of a generic them and the same copy of like 100 movies of the same movie. it's kind of an over played old movie. There has to be some negative feedback here.
My 10 year is a Godzilla fanatic, even the old ones. BTW I wtch u on TT, lol. Decided to give this BlueSky a try and I like it. How do think if it compared to Twitter or X (whatever the F it is called now)
The best way to stop Godzilla would be a giant rake placed in his path, he would step on it, it would come up and bonk him in the snout, and that would be it.
I don’t know. That one where a little baby Godzilla is blowing smoke rings. Kinda seemed to push it a little bit. I mean, it just didn’t seem believable.
I have to assume the viewer is meant to suspend reality a bit when watching anything with Godzilla.
Be kinda like thinking spider man is dumb because the eyes of his mask inexplicably move, nvm the spider/human mutation that lets the guy eject endless spider silk from his wrists & lift cars.
I constantly dream that I’m in my parents house hiding under my bedroom window from Godzilla stomping up and down my street. If I look through the window, he’s at the end of the street and if I look again, I’ll look into his eye… Then I wake up.
Between saying things like this and living in my home state. I'm pretty sure you are some version of my own personal 'Key & Peele' anger translator made manifest.
Agreed, and would add, every Godzilla movie is better the fewer scenes it has with fucking humans in it. Get that human drama bullshit off my screen. I came here to see tanks get stomped and monsters get fucking radioactive lightning breathed upon them.
THIS. Sometimes you want Minus One pathos. Sometimes you want Godzilla x Kong where big green does a swan dive off Gibraltar and takes naps in the Colosseum. Both are valid.
I'm following you because you talk about godzilla. My best friend got me into godzilla just over a year ago and I've watched probably 12 of the titles since. Fantastic franchise.
My son loves anything and everything about godzilla he's tucked up in bed with his godzilla teddy and wants the new one for Christmas but in massive form we don't get many toy shops over in the UK that sell those things please god move me too America where I can purchase them without a doubt. Lol 😁
I must respectfully disagree. But Godzilla Minus One is indeed terrific. From now on, I only buy cars and Godzilla movies that are imports. Superior quality.
The worst I've seen.
Maybe you mean the New movies?
At least we could pretend that we were wearing the costumes.🤣
Roar, look at me, I'm Rodan!🤣🤣
In the shadow of cosmic forces, even titans are but echoes.
The void watches, silently marking the fleeting moments. What rises shall one day fade into silence.
damn reading is hard
Especially when other notable cryptids are involved, like King Kong.
How awesome would a Monarch/MCU crossover be? Could Hulk beat Godzilla or Thor beat Kong?
Be kinda like thinking spider man is dumb because the eyes of his mask inexplicably move, nvm the spider/human mutation that lets the guy eject endless spider silk from his wrists & lift cars.
It’s time for bed.
There is but one God and zilla is his name.
Amazing cinema
Sounds like American bullshit.
Your rating?