couple statements so my beliefs are clear:
- if you decide you’re trans, then you’re trans.
- neopronouns & xenogenders are hella cool.
- everyone should be able to get HRT if they want.
- you don’t need to medically transition or have dysphoria to be trans.
- liberation not assimilation.
- if you decide you’re trans, then you’re trans.
- neopronouns & xenogenders are hella cool.
- everyone should be able to get HRT if they want.
- you don’t need to medically transition or have dysphoria to be trans.
- liberation not assimilation.
seriously, every time this comes around it's a shot of mainlined validation and it's always exactly when we need it
We are all valid, and we will not go away!
Tbh I’ve had various “interesting” thoughts for 2 years at least that started during a mental health crisis I think 👀 So I get self-conscious of being a false egg or something
for instance, i don’t claim to have more understanding about being trans masc than my trans masc friends. that would be absurd!
there are a distinct lack of transmedicalists on bluesky because most of them are happy to keep self-flagellating over on twitter.
those of us who decide we don’t need HRT have the fortune of dodging a huge source of dysphoria.
please fight in solidarity alongside your siblings who do need it.
some folx are at risk of winding up in a forever feud with each other. that’s a waste of everyone’s energy. focus on the actual reactionaries, not an effigy of your dysphoria & fear.
categorizing anyone who identifies as transsexual as a transmedicalist is not an accurate rubric.
it will also piss off *a lot* of trans folx on your side.
Maybe I’ll come around to it someday (I can’t use the f-slur either, although I support reclamation), but more power to the people who want to use it.
there are plenty of accounts i have blocked who later even wound up moots again after we both chilled TF out.
it is not worth spiraling over. relax. breath. hang out a bit.
I would absolutely call them out for it. I just can't seem to find anyone.
I have seen plenty of people saying that you need to transition in some way to be trans, though.
And that's bullshit
Heh. Identity is a fascinating and beautiful thing. 😄
That's it. That's the only requirement.
Making dysphoria a requirement turns being transgender into a medical condition, a disease.
It is not a disease!
Some do not, but experience euphoria when they live and act congruently.
Some do neither of these things.
And that's absolutely fine and normal.
"You don't need dysphoria to be trans" is a common sentiment across trans communities.
I only get really dysphoric when I have my period and I decided to not have that happen anymore.
It's kinda nice but hard to explain to cis folks.
Dysphoria is a medical condition. It does have symptoms.
(Even we mess this up from time to time because we're continually bombarded with the societal message that we're broken)
Some trans people don't particularly feel dysphoric, but when they undergo their transition they may feel a lot happier than if they didn't.
For others dysphoria comes in the form of extreme apathy
- ppl who felt neutral about agab&body but pursued euphoria by switching to something else
- ppl who wanted to add gender instead of switch
- ppl who only wanted new pronouns
- ppl who 'finished' transitioning & emerged dysphoria-free
English is so messy
i wish there was a better way to say this that differentiated the two meanings
(i recently changed my chosen name from Faye to Fae, i only went with Faye cause my sister was like "Faye or Fae" and the uncertainty messed with me x3 but ya the "y" was bothering me xp
those people get rightfully upset and it keeps going
like look at this interaction here where she says every path to being trans counts (even the ones she might not even know yet) and gets called a transmed
One side calls the other transmeds on the assumption that they're forcing people to transition. The other says the non-transitioners are biological essentialists intent on stopping people transitioning.
Both are ridiculous false equivalences. Can we calm our tits?
i guess that's what happens when you throw a bunch of traumatized queers in a box, and that box is a website where nobody trusts each other or the platform itself
Those exceptions are like celebrities who I follow for news on themselves and a few high numbered folk I actually talk to more than annually
- you don’t need to medically transition or have dysphoria to be trans.
You’re the best. 🖤💙