you do not, under any circumstances, have to advocate for a fed informant & serial rapist.
raping trans women & informing to the feds against leftists makes you a rightwing fascist imo.
as does defending someone who has done that for over a decade.
raping trans women & informing to the feds against leftists makes you a rightwing fascist imo.
as does defending someone who has done that for over a decade.
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god, people really showing their stupidity these days..
girl it sure seems that way considering you seem to think an internet list is bigger than being a rapist and fed informant of your own accord!!
Same patterns over and over again ad infinitum.
"Calling fascists 'fascists' makes you the bad guy if the fascists look like me."
cursed to not know who youre talking about
i only suggest this in the case someone, like myself, wants to argue with maga douche bags
i can see someone encountering this person and falling prey as it won't be apparent upon meeting
it arguing with your logic, just a suggestion
my concern is simply with how to best protect others
i totally thought you ran one, but i was misremembering
the lists i were thinking are run by Bonnie
I’d rather have people be safe and comfortable in my absence than scared because I’m present.
she has no power. she is a charlatan. you can walk away.
you can always leave, you just have to own that she manipulated you. call her what she is: an abuser. a rapist. a traitor.
girl that's what she does! that's what abusers in general do! they make it seem like there's no WAY. until you're miles away and looking back going "...oh"
it's not shameful! they do it because it works!
also it is very rude to degender the world’s most RESPECTFUL transsexual,
RAPIST: i agree! it's really fucked up that she's doing that!
STALKER AND RAPIST APOLOGIST: yeah! yeah! get that bitch's ass!
like, it's easier to just shut the fuck up and Not.
Guess they remember how I shut their bullshit down when I modded LJ Transgender com *checks notes* SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO.
Still, winning.
Anyway she's blocking me now so you can tell how that went. 😂
ps we should have our 990-PF forms filed and uploaded shortly, and I spent an entire goddamn weekend with Adobe PDF editor filling in 0s for pages and pages and pages of things that didn't apply.
Just something to think about.
I know reddit people; I don't know Twitter/Blue Sky people. I could be easily fooled in the short term...
I can see if someone is flagged as problematic and choose how I interact.
If I get blocked... Oh well. Social media is just a game anyway
you gotta have regrets for your past action and want to change. otherwise it's just enabling
nobody is obligated to forgive & accept a narc rapist
and, in fact, doing so reflexively is a fucking danger
and nobody is *owed* forgiveness, even if they DO put in a shitload of work at reparation & ammends-making
but perfomative forgiveness? that is absolutely virtue signaling AND it puts other people in actual fucking danger, all for the sake of that moral superiority dopamine
Apology, without change, is deceit. Forgiveness, without change, is permission.
She’s always been a lib (at best!) with a special interest in wrecking left-wing groups
Or more specifically anti-anarchist talking points.
This whole thing is *really* grandiose tbh.
in this economy?
Do we need to atomize ourselves so much that we are divorced from our own histories?
Can we not remember past actions and judge them?
There's never a good reason to blocklist! If there is, we'll gatepost! Maybe the reason is "bad" or maybe suddenly the blocklist is "bad"
Fucking tiring.
this is really important community defense. 💜
this one seems pretty bad, im glad it finally started popping up on my feed.
so many online problems happen ime, when unchecked righteousness fuels the justification of surveillance, of labor centered on watching others
im,ho, lists are, alright, but need more features