"I decide who is a Jew"
Reposted from
Justin Baragona
Donald Trump: "Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I am concerned. He has become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He is not Jewish anymore. He is a Palestinian."
He was a zealous Catholic & wished to “capture the university” for the Church. He would have neither Soc. Democrats nor Pan-🇩🇪ns nor✡️ in the municipal administration."
Brush up on Wannsee Conference...
It is time to rename the square and to redesign and reinterpret the monument.
Imagine anyone claiming to deny a Jewish persons heritage.
but MEANWHILE Full Weapons deliveries resume to #UKRAINE
Because daddy really wants to sleep with her.
> It was at that time that a well-known phrase was coined in Vienna: "Anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools."
> Decades later, Adolf Hitler, an inhabitant of Vienna from 1907 to 1913, saw him as an inspiration for his own views on Jews.
…had not heard of him.
How do we allow such cruelty to consume our humanity towards one another?
In what spaces does the destruction and disengagement from our human spirit, begin?
An aside, what is that garish gold junk he stuck onto the fireplace? It wasn't there in November.
Is he going to make the White House look like his garish dictator-chic Trump Tower penthouse, or Mar-a-Lago?
*US has gone from a “democratic republic” to authoritarian
Correct. Been a douchebag his entire life.
♦️Confabulates lies
♦️Makes false accusations
♦️Mfr's chaos
♦️ insatiable appetite to incite violence.
♦️Believes he's the victim
♦️Trump displays an array of psychological disorders.
Manchurian Candidate
"I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black,"
B) Using the word "Palestinian" in a slur-like context tells you who Trump really associates himself with -> inner circle.
C) Degrading all Palestinians is wrong
D) Trump is too dumb to form such ideas by himself... a parrot for Others.
- Chuck Schumer is extremely pro-Israel
- Being called a Palestinian isn’t an insult
- If only the fucker was this against Nazis and Christian nationalists as he is Arabs and Muslims
- Also fuck this asshole
Isn’t there a Something 25 to oust delusional presidents?
Ein Tisch ist ein Tisch
I won't speak for Jews, but I find Trump's argument here morally reprehensible.
and I get to decide.
It's worse than yesterday, but better than tomorrow.
And I am thankful for your writing and insight especially right now.
not leftwing, nor a Christian.
Chuck turned Palestinian
And a sows ear turned the USA into a dung heap
That escalated quickly
* Who born here is American or not
* Who is a man or a woman
* Who is a "real" Jew
* What free speech is permitted
* Whether Ukraine should remain free & democratic
* Whether to exit NATO
* Whether his tariff tantrums can destroy our economy
Film at 11
The fact that Israel might be useful for Trump will be no protection for Jews.
Donald Trump, President of the United States 2017-2021, 2025-.
His friend or foe simpleton brain just can't process anything beyond that.
It's called "Chickenshit".
Pass the latkes.