Again, I am very pro-bike, but please - I will try to drive in a way to minimize inconvenience to bikes, but please try to do the same.
(Also, if there is a bike lane, could you, you know, be in the center of it, not to the side of traffic?)
(Also, if there is a bike lane, could you, you know, be in the center of it, not to the side of traffic?)
Maybe your 4 seconds aren’t more important than that, champ
Most cyclists are also motorists & pedestrians so they understand what it's like for motorists & pedestrians.
Careful drivers tend to be careful & considerate cyclists. Reckless drivers who lose their license often become reckless cyclists & reckless pedestrians.
Everyone needs to be more cautious & considerate, including those who design streets & vehicles.
My baby is very sick and needs urgent medical care. We are struggling financially and any help would be a lifesaver for us 😢.
That's the best way for everyone to be safe.
You're arguing that it's good, actually, for an unprotected meatsack to perform maneuvers that make it very difficult for the operators of large metal killing machines to know where you are. That's stupid.
If you want to make the 1/
US traffics laws do not entitle anyone to speed
PLUS! "The 65 to 75 demographic in the Netherlands cycles more than any other adult age group" from the Volts podcast:
Then you wonder why this annoys people?
So tone-deaf
If I’m in the bike lane, I HAVE to ride to the left-1, b/c no city keeps lanes clean, that’s the cleanest path, 2 I need to be SEEN. Hiding in the gravel, does not make me visible.
Nothing worse than stop-and-go on a bike.
guy in 4000lb car: if you inconvenience me i'll murder you
Ever wonder why death rates associated with peddle bikes and motorcycles are ignored in these countries?🤔
so i am not really incentivized to take "what would a car want me to do here" into consideration
they will try to kill me just for existing anyway
If only all drivers drove in a way that minimised danger, or even just inconvenience, to cyclists...
Getting out in front of all the cars is often the best way to be visible and physically distant from the cars, and that's always the safest place to be. 2/