In case you missed it, bits of the brain implant have broken loose and are floating around in the dude's brain.
They think it's because the surgery introduced AIR into the dude's BRAIN.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
They think it's because the surgery introduced AIR into the dude's BRAIN.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
That is
That is definitely a YIKES
They see a guy's face on Time magazine, they trust media coverage and interviews to tell the truth. We had years of this.
Do you think the concept of neural implants was invented by Musk? Have you never read a scifi novel from at least the 1970s?
1. Seems to not be caused by the chip but by malpractice
2. Is going to be very painful.
I don't know what kind of doctor does so bad but there has to be an expectation that the chip would be the fault!
I still hope that the patient is able to sue at least for compensation for the lifelong medical bills.
While I love to dunk on EM, the problem here is the ethics committee.
Apparently this same issue also occurred in monkey trials, and I just cannot fathom an ethics committee knowing that and still OKing this.
I think this is the link to the study:
In: Brainbubbles
Concerned public: Oh, you’re closely monitoring the subject’s health?
Neuralink: What? No. Or rather, who cares? I was saying, “don’t worry, we tweaked the algo to make sure we were still getting adequate data,” silly!
Considering how enough of the general public take Clyde's promotional statements, and the title, of "FSD" over it's actual description, I have strong doubts about that.
Why would I let anything he's ever approved, suggested or been in the same area code with be put in my brain?
I support clinical trials and the need for medical research. But anything associated with a megalomaniacal billionaire?
Aw, hell, no.
I feel so awkward asking that now.
That's not even chip related. That's not even the chip attacking him or shorting out, it's literally a surgery failure.
It could be multiple things that happened.
It's so gristly and exploitative. And it's not like the monkeys in either case had promising outcomes.
How long till someone floats repealing the Food and Drugs Act of 1906?
(even though they can just call it a supplement and bypass that already anyway)
This whole brain chip thing is peddling snake oil directly to the most desperate people. He touted it at one point as the solution to depression and anxiety.
Appealing Clyde's trademark "wildly optimistic in a plausible way to people who don't know any better" self promotion to people in the kind of pain he can't imagine...
1. No org should be messing with brains with the current track record Neuralink has. They need to do MUCH better in animal tests first. (issues with their animal tests so far aside)
Oh, it's not Elon's brain? My symapthies for the person suffering from this.
Making unnecessary mistakes by ignoring known solutions to known problems.
Applying that to a social media platform is one thing.
Applying it to car manufacturing is another much worse thing.
but not
not THIS.
I'm sure the implant was within spec...
Furious: "...and if I break this vow...”
Furious and Shoveler: “…a brick should fall from a building of great height, and chip a little chunk off my skull, and my brain gets exposed to the oxygen, and I die."
Furious: “Your words, Eddie, your words.”
Little Elon just couldn't listen, could he?
I mean, no one knew this wasn't going to be the success Elon was shooting for, but I wish that this guy's death wouldn't be so drawn out.
.. what
what the fuck.