Last week, my son lost his first tooth. Unfortunately he also swallowed it, leaving me with one just option: to get to work forging some government documents.
(Yes the tooth will dissolve)
- my son, to government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I emptied my purse apart from £1& left this ⬇️ under his pillow. Sister was duly satisfied he wasn't being gypped out of his money!
But it went down a storm, she went and checked my purse, happy that he got the same TF visit as her!
He lost it in the 15 steps he took between me handing it to him and him saying “I’ve lost it!!”. Never found it. I told him the tooth fairy found it on the stairs and gave him the money
Also, word to all parents: DO NOT KEEP THE TEETH. The teeth will be found at some point & you'll have to explain THAT.
Blooming thing. I can fly through GTA et al no problem, but the hideous bony git always gets me with its arrows.
Come for the uncannily accurate .gov assets.
Stay for the clickable teeth map.
I'm going to need this before too long.
Also "mooshroom"
Children’s Tooth Fairy (Shillings Under the Pillow) Regulations 2009
These are the beautiful letters I received from my own personal tooth fairy, Rosebud, who also acted as a precursor to elf on the shelf, apparently. Very glad my mum preserved these vital pre-bureaucracy fairy documents, c. 1999-2002.
normally a 'Husky' whenever I had a tooth
I once had a few teeth extracted during which I
experienced a gas dream to the accompaniment of
Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass playing
The Spanish Flea. It was not a good trip.
forwards pdf to eldest daughter as a "just in case" for the grandchildren
How. HOW did your brain go to a GOVERNMENT FORM??
Daughter lost her first tooth too: decided that she’d have a very happy dream so she’d smile & they’d see she had a missing tooth.