Anyone find it funny how when the UK releases the Cass review to ban trans care, we get everything ranging from New York Times push notifs to op-eds in every major US paper...
But when Germany, Switzerland, and Austria release pro-trans youth care guidelines, not a single article anywhere but mine?
But when Germany, Switzerland, and Austria release pro-trans youth care guidelines, not a single article anywhere but mine?
Reposted from
Erin Reed
1. Major news in transgender care.
Germany, Switzerland, and Austria have just released their trans youth care guidelines.
They strongly recommend trans youth care and slam the
Cass Review in England.
Europe is not "pulling back" on trans care.
Subscribe to support our journalism.
Germany, Switzerland, and Austria have just released their trans youth care guidelines.
They strongly recommend trans youth care and slam the
Cass Review in England.
Europe is not "pulling back" on trans care.
Subscribe to support our journalism.
But I do gots to have my fill of John Oliver and Jon Stewart!
Even if you go by "hate sells", couldn't you do some quality fear-mongering by printing "SWITZERLAND EXPANDS THE ASSAULT ON TRUTH AND BIOLOGY"?
We can make a difference!!
Please share this post. 💙
Absolute wankers.
I used to think our reporters over here were often bad, but US-American ones are just filth.
It is the new consensus across the political spectrum that our media are a pack of liars who lie for a living
And so it is that the poisoned tree of media cynicism bears toxic totalitarian fruit.
Legacy journalism is all manufactured consent and the editorial goals of billionaires who treat it like their personal toy.
So pls support our journalists who’re literally dying to bring us truth. See my pin
If it went for ad funding / clicks, it would rapidly run into the same commercial pressures that have dragged all the rest of legacy media into the sewers.
New Feeling:
Ethical Consumer:
These days we have corporate mass media, right-wing propaganda outlets and state media.
We can do better than this.
It's not your doing, and while the name is similar your description here alone separates you rather starkly from "Dr" Hilary Cass whom this study was named for.
She is indeed a shitty Cass, you nailed it perfectly with that assessment.
You are a credit to your name.
It's all by design.
It's really really sad
*backs quietly into hedge
At least it's a little good news.
If they'd gotten into the Bundestag Sahra Wagenknecht would've been getting so much international media coverage for her ~anti-woke~ stances.
I assume you've seen it already.
It’s just not cricket.
Stiff upper lip old chap
Men parading around in dresses, what ever next.
Good old Blighty
between the new study proving trans women have no advantage over cis women in sports & the efforts from Germany, Switzerland & Austria, is just proving what we've been saying for years & they can't stand to be proven wrong.
Wouldn't you?
The key job of a journalist is to report critically on the events that ocurr. The job of a propagandist is to repeat the party line.
You stand to lose everything and yet here you are doing it anyway as an individual, they have vast resources and yet they chose to lie and cower.
Thank you for the integrity you bring to your work. We NEED you.
There is also a rather inefficient / dodgy online outfit that can still prescribe HRT (again to over 16s) but it is quite likely to be regulated out of existence. Most GPs won’t work with then.
Honestly the banning order is a legal dog’s breakfast.
Transphobia captured all parties in a rabbit-stare: too afraid to oppose the Cass / media bandwagon.
The last thing they care about is children: the British political establishment hates children.
-”Men have penises, women have vaginas; here ends my biology lesson.”
-supports putting transgender hospital patients in their own separate ward
-REGRETS having said ”trans women are women, trans men are men”
-defends TERFs
-responsible for blocker ban
-has ruled out trans people’s right to legally self-identify
-opposes trans people using spaces designated to their gender
-continues to block Scotland’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill
Polling of Brits suggests they think overseas aid makes up about 5% of GDP. Similar polls in other rich countries (slide 20).
It created the illusion of neutral medical expertise, while being highly partisan from the start. Cass is now elevated to holy writ in political circles…
The care guidelines have almost certainly been translated, but the thought still amused me. Newsrooms these days are so profoundly lazy that it's honestly kinda surprising that they bother maintaining reporters anywhere other than in anglophone countries