The company's name literally translates to "all encompassing god" and you're blowing up stand ins for reactors that are sucking like life out of the planet.
Anyone who's played FF7 knows beyond a shadow of a doubt it's about the horrors of man. Their impact on not only man but the environment, big corpo, militarized government, fighting the power and............... Magic lol
to be fair, back in 1997, there were people who returned the PS1 disc, "sorry, I didn't know there would be reading." There has always been dumb people in this world.
they smack you over the head with the message of vii in the first minute of the original too its as subtle as a brick to the face
how tf
honestly amazed theyd touch it because of the cast being fairly diverse.
Starship Troopers is the only story these people actually got the message of, and they are *still* fuckin‘ pissed that Paul Verhoeven dared to make a satire of it.
I was under the impression that the story of Starship Troopers was already a merciless satire. Like, doesn't the main character at one point totally fail to deal with his own government's propaganda suddenly changing when their former enemies become their allies? Was that a different book?
That was a different book, troopers is pretty much just an earnest exploration of „what if only the military was allowed to vote how cool would that be.“
That's hilarious. Now that I've looked at the Wikipedia page, I am so sorry for Heinlein. It's like centuries of precedent failed to make an impression on him.
Oo right winger illiteracy of fiction level legendary oO
The hell
I guess for this person the movie "they live" is too subtile
Probably the same person that think rage against the machine is about hating your printer 🤦🏻♀️
Either a piece of local Sony advertising of a review had a phrase like "lead a team of eco-terrorists to save the planet" in 1997. I don't think people are getting dumber they're just getting into incredible ornate forms of denial.
Cosmo Canyon is a front for a Wutai disinformation campaign. Just look at this clearly doctored photo of Bugenhagen eating with another person with Godo Kisaragi's head badly pasted onto their shoulders and all will become clear!
Point being: a lot of this kind of thinking regarding "save-the-world propaganda" comes from people who aren't educated on the topic. The source of information they receive is from media sponsored by corporations who have a *very large* stake in convincing you that it is a hoax.
Like this is "when did rage against the machine get politcal" levels of completely having zero media lit. Id even say less than zero. (Costello rift begins)
I combined "The planet's dyin', Cloud!" and ""It's cause of that &%*%* pizza, that people underneath are sufferin'" and was about to say my favorite line was "The planet's &%*%* dyin', Cloud!"
I sorta came to this realization after Tim Pool tried to hype his music that one time. They have no ability to understand structure as it relates to art. This is also why they suck at comedy.
They assume there is precisely one objectively correct way to interpret anything and they know what it is, anyone suggesting any alternative must be deliberately lying to try and confuse them.
If I'm really generous, perhaps this person has never played FF7 and is one of myriad people that mouths off about things they know nothing about. But wow.
It’s been ages since I’ve even thought about the chocobo breeding/racing stuff but wasn’t the end result of all that essentially just a big “fuck you” from the game by giving you something you would have already acquired during the process of reaching that point?
Most things conservatives do just sadden me but this one is just funny. I will laugh as they get zero value out of any/every piece of media they encounter
These fuckers never learned what it was about the first time if they played it then, and if they learned about it now they refuse to acknowledge anything they hear about the past of it, they only listen to what their idols tell them to believe, and never believe anything else they see and hear.
Speaking as someone most definitely not steeped in the video game realm, this thread is vastly engaging. Thoughtful analyses all around, with some snappy one-liners sprinkled throughout. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
We were! In general, whether it's games, comics, movies, etc., people that have gone full right-wing brainworms apparently never understood the plot of anything they enjoyed and just took in the "boom boom tits."
The number of people I have seen mad at Kojima for getting all woke when there's like a hour of dialogue retelling the deeds of Che in one game years ago is mind boggling.
Because they self-identified as nerds and geeks, and they were convinced they were right. Therefore any of their nerdy or geeky heroes would OBVIOUSLY be on their side. Finding out that the majority of their heroes were not, in fact, on their side was just proof the SJWs had corrupted them.
Oh God that reminds me of the time someone complained about how hard it is to understand the franchise's story and I countered by summing every game up as just "Nukes are bad"
"Nukes are bad and soldiers are considered mindless cogs by governments and that's bad" is beaten over the player's head like a club in every single game, in explicit terms. There's no subtext, it's just the T E X T
Yeah except for... MGS4 I think? Like it's slightly less hard on nukes in favor of going in on PMCs way harder and the whole commercialization of war angle from what I remember.
And you could jokingly say MGSV is like "they're bad but you can have little a nuke, as a treat"
Then you’ve got metal gear solid rising revengeance which isn’t necessarily “nukes are bad” but “abducting children to harvest their brain and then brainwash those brains into supersoldier killing machines is bad”
Oh no! They just found out all stories are woke!
Who writes a story where everyone is angry all the time beating the hate to death while living on a dead rock.
Seems like it's going to lack interest.
It's funny the one upside to zero media literacy is there's a lot of movies/games they could otherwise enjoy as mindless entertainment were it not for some influencer telling them to be angry about it.
Hence, something 'woke' from their childhood isn't a problem, but a remake 20+ years later is.
People like that I feel don't really play video games, at least beyond CoD and sports games. Play Final Fantasy or any Tales Of games and you will find how much context there is.
I don’t think it’s generally because they haven’t played it, though. It’s like the story of that game to them is “I’m the dude with broad sword fighting dude with long sword” and the story around the world is just ignored
my dumb joke aside this is definitely the read i’d agree with
rebirth and remake probably add so much figurative text to the original body of work that i’d wager it becomes harder to ignore the central themes (i’ll never have the time to play them to confirm this hunch.)
You are right. I played the remake and it extends the first 7 hours to 40 something which a bunch of content that expands on stuff in the original, has VO, and a much strong fidelity of assets to more clearly the nature of the world so I think it'll be extremely difficult for them to miss
I've only played the original and as a 12 years-old non-native English speaker, I still understood the main plot. Early on every conversation was about stopping Shinra from destroying the planet.
I didn't understand corporations, but I could see people who don't care about consequences.
FF7 let you rename all of the characters, tho. So unless you’re goig to ask me about Loopy Lou, Criepi the Vampire, or our brave protagonist, Murray, I’m going to be completely lost 🤣🤣🤣
A conservative movie reviews are basically just a lot of anger over misreads of generally simple scenes. It's like they'll watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers and complain about how some of the characters are acting robotic.
I literally have a dozen screenshots of my playthrough of Remake where the characters dialogue draws parallels and thus comments on real world politics and the use of media to control the people.
I mean, they establish this entire premise early on with Avalanche basically being "eco terrorists" fighting on the side of the planet. It's like... it's one of the first big things.
I'm amazed by the way some people will just publicly announce their complete lack of media literacy like this. Like, it isn't even subtext. It's just text!
Yeah, in the original game Shinra was just a regular company and not a conglomerate with its own military, a few Chernobyl incidents, a tendency to drop a section of the city onto another section of the city, human experiments and a giant cannon that does not even turn, making it practically useless
Ce qui est dingue c’est que c’est littéralement la première scène du jeu : du sabotage écologiste. Et ensuite, c’est littéralement TOUT le jeu, jusqu’à sa conclusion.
Funny. I remember 1997 Cloud joining the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE and blowing up Mako reactors in Midgar. In the first fucking 15 minutes if the game.
I wonder what game they played if it wasn' Final Fantasy VII.
Even as a kid, playing this game I was well aware that the story was about "saving the planet."
Adding on, it's "save the planet from a corporation/militaristic government."
Anyone who's played FF7 knows beyond a shadow of a doubt it's about the horrors of man. Their impact on not only man but the environment, big corpo, militarized government, fighting the power and............... Magic lol
how tf
honestly amazed theyd touch it because of the cast being fairly diverse.
But Barrett already does that.
The hell
I guess for this person the movie "they live" is too subtile
Probably the same person that think rage against the machine is about hating your printer 🤦🏻♀️
‘Sorry barret but that’s a false flag made by wutai, climate change isn’t real and also mako energy is actually good for you’
like just the very idea that one should in general, being read as propaganda
They might even experience a mostly successful launch
Ask yourself: what do you gain by denying climate change? You stop recycling?
Now ask: what do corporations have to gain by convincing you it isn't real? Hmmmmm
One of the first scenes is Barrett yelling, "The planet's dyin', Cloud!"
I should make some bread. Get some stress out like that.
Both tend to run to the same sentiment, though.
...Damn you Poe.
Every Final Fantasy I know (7, 8, 10, 12, 15) has been political.
He was always like this.
And you could jokingly say MGSV is like "they're bad but you can have little a nuke, as a treat"
It's bait
Who writes a story where everyone is angry all the time beating the hate to death while living on a dead rock.
Seems like it's going to lack interest.
boy was I fucking wrong
Hence, something 'woke' from their childhood isn't a problem, but a remake 20+ years later is.
If not, how the fuck can someone be this genuinely dense.
Anyone who acts surprised that FF7 “turned woke/eco-alarmist etc” clearly has never played the game.
rebirth and remake probably add so much figurative text to the original body of work that i’d wager it becomes harder to ignore the central themes (i’ll never have the time to play them to confirm this hunch.)
I didn't understand corporations, but I could see people who don't care about consequences.
They've had 27 years to pick up on the message of the OG jfc. 😂
And wtf with "snowflakes"? This place was supposed to be better than that
existing in the game
no further context
like i'm surprised (and thankful) i haven't seen anything like that YET but you know it's only a matter of time
I wonder what game they played if it wasn' Final Fantasy VII.
Adding on, it's "save the planet from a corporation/militaristic government."