DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Okay, let’s take suggestions from the audience!
AUDIENCE MEMBER 1: Be less like Republicans!
AUDIENCE MEMBER 2: Yeah, be less like Republicans!
ENTIRE AUDIENCE: Be less like Republicans!
DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Okay, I’m hearing “Be more like Republicans!”
Dem. strategist: we're getting a lot of traction for calling out the GOP for being f%cking weird and drawing attention to Project 2025
Dem audience: yah we're really feelin' it!
GOP audience: we're kinda revolted by Project 2025 too!
Dem. strategist: so we're gonna pivot and go full Cheney
Why? I admit i may not be well informed about Rahm but it is nothing to me. It was Time that made trump the person of the year. Disgusting of #TimePersonoftheYear i am mad that msm has given him a free platform ever since his first campaign.
Some far out left already thank him for the Israel/Palestine deal and they hate Obama (who got one) and Biden/ Harris - so rooting for him to get this trophy is probably their „revenge“.
The real horseshoe theory isn't that ideology can go so far left it becomes right wing. It's that when someone on the left makes hating liberals their identity, they'll eventually turn right wing as right wingers also hate liberals and are the ones with the power to harm them.
All the money right now is in center to far right conspiratorial trolling and telling terrible young men all their worst impulses are actually correct, and "the other" is to blame
I said people go right wing once they make hating liberals their identity. That does not describe all or I'd say even most leftists. If what I said doesn't describe you, there's no need to be defensive.
And SO many so called "left wing liberals" are still solidly team genocide. And that's beyond the pale.
No self reflection, just blue maga morons who take any criticism coming from the left as no different than that coming from the right.
It’s already happened. Netanyahu wants the names of every single person to be released as he continues to bomb and kill his own citizens. So when they bomb and kill another one he can call it all off.
Already have a sick headache; just upped my nausea quotient. Can't any of these people just go quietly away? The great John Bogle (Vanguard funds) titled an autobiographical book, "Enough"-- because he knew he had that. Not these insatiable ones. Ugh.
With time it’s painfully clear how much Obama’s inner circle were cruel clods and scolds holding him back. Whatever good he accomplished was in spite of them. Yet despite this they are permanently burrowed into mainstream media and platformed to foist their terribleness on us
An outsider opinion....Maybe things would be different if someone had unleashed a box of puppies onto the debate stage OR released a campaign ad with the candidate (JB or KH) covered with puppies. And with older dogs, too, because....they know.
Absolutely NOTHING in his promised proposals or in Project 2025 points to a Nobel Peace Prize... exactly the opposite. If this is his goal, he had best toss off some of the oligarchs hanging around his neck.
There was an essay a while ago (can’t remember where or by whom) that suggested that encouraging trump to pursue grift and vanity projects—so that he’s constantly distracted from doing the worst of the worst as president.
Even if he isn’t awarded one, he will have one made and put it in the lobby anyway. It can join his fake Time covers, and his Michigan Man of the year awards.
The members of the Nobel Peace Prize committee are not idiots. They'll know that Trump being submitted for the prize was petitioned by sycophants and bootlickers. He, unlike President Obama, will never, ever, ever, ever win the award.
Ever. No one wants this! Lol. Rahm can’t even write. Thanks for justifying why people should cancel their subscriptions. And again, no need to maintain access till August, it’s January, cut it off and return my money now
Rahm Emmanuel was one of the architects of failure by the Democratic not to go into local politics....he has done nothing for us. Turn your back on the Washington Post......and we need to remake the Democratic party leadership.
We have to win at the local level.....we have to campaign on economic issues like higher tax refunds for children and childless people. We have to raise the cap on social security and raise benefits. We have to tax oligarchs at 60-70 % and we have to take over school boards.
It’s pretty amazing when you look at the resume and see that he was terrible at all of those jobs except MAYBE Ambassador to Japan, but even that may have only worked because it got him away from everyone else.
The clearest path to Nobel glory is for him to quit the presidency and take his whole coterie of sexual abusers with him - that would make the world a much safer place.
Rahm Emmanuel is a self indulged person. Was a bad mayor. Wouldn't trust anything he has to say. Another boot licker that likes to hear himself talk. Best friends are me, myself and I.
Being an uneducated asswipe is not Nobel Prize worthy. First you have to care about your fellow man on a NONMONETARY level. That will never happen with T.
Isn't Trump's approach to other countries either to threaten to invade them or to let the more corrupt one just have whatever they want from the one they invaded?
I get what Rahm is implying here, but Donald is not capable of pursuing this sort of lofty goal. Not honestly, at least. And Rahm knows they will all fail at this. I think he's being brutally sardonic.
Wait, Rahm thinks we should be eager for Pappy Trump to get his tiny KFC-greased fingers all over the Nobel Prize, so he can besmirch it like he does everything else he touches? That's a hard no from me, dawg.
HSBC got caught laundering money for drug cartels but DOJ refused to indict because the markets might take a tumble. American officers *tortured prisoners to death* and nobody got indicted.
Btw Rahm made a stop on Wall Street to work for Bruce Wasserstein after the WH to properly stuff his pockets thru the revolving door before going back into government. This type of capitulation for money & relevance is not new for him.
Funny you should mention that - for years I was fuming about a fawning NY Times article on Rahm, noting that he took that Wall St. job (no background in finance of course) and pocketed $18M in 2.5 years, explaining that in doing so he needed to "take care of his family". Griftopia redux.
Who is going to read it? Is there anyone left who reads WaPo? They're not going to gain M@GA & people on the left are not going to come back for Rahm Emanuel.
These f’n people are delusional. What the heck is happening? Give him the Nobel Prize as he unleashes his hate on brown immigrants? Even The Onion couldn’t come up with this scenario.
They could come up with it, it’s just not seemingly rooted in reality enough to be satire. Satire is being murdered by a firehose of unimaginably foolish people being frighteningly irrational.
The way this supposedly strong country just flipped and fell for this con is just mind-blowing.
We are two separate countries now, and I’m starting to believe that my/our only hope is a state strong enough to start the process of secession and wake people the fuck up.
It's amazing that they act like Trump won by a margin 60% with the help of corrupt judges assuring that he would never face trial for the criminal charges against him, instead just squeaking by at 1.5% and not even a majority.
Then Jeff Bezos killed the editorial team’s Harris endorsement.
AUDIENCE MEMBER 1: Be less like Republicans!
AUDIENCE MEMBER 2: Yeah, be less like Republicans!
ENTIRE AUDIENCE: Be less like Republicans!
DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Okay, I’m hearing “Be more like Republicans!”
Dem audience: yah we're really feelin' it!
GOP audience: we're kinda revolted by Project 2025 too!
Dem. strategist: so we're gonna pivot and go full Cheney
Lower than anyone expected in no time flat…
Oh cool, I was worried the Washington Post had lost its sense of humor on its merry march to fascism.
Some far out left already thank him for the Israel/Palestine deal and they hate Obama (who got one) and Biden/ Harris - so rooting for him to get this trophy is probably their „revenge“.
"Liberals" used to mean moderately progressive people. Now it's a term for moderately regressive rightwingers. It may be that nobody likes them.
If someone still supports Biden after what he's done in Gaza you're not left wing.
If someone could overlook that they can overlook anything so long as it doesn't personally affect them.
What's more right wing than that?
No self reflection, just blue maga morons who take any criticism coming from the left as no different than that coming from the right.
Agree ceasefire/allow Trump to falsely get credit ahead of Inauguration
Blame Hamas for smallest infraction (a lie)...within weeks
Restart war and continue to bomb Gaza back to stone age with full support from Trump.
I have to admit that I started with an exaggerated hard post (won’t do that anymore)
Remember that some didn’t want to vote for her, because she wanted to appoint a republican?
Escalated very fast
Then again, if he were to even be considered for the DNC chair, that would shred said silver lining.
BTW, Rahm Emanuel is a turncoat.
USA would go instant Civil War
Sheesh 😒
I seriously can’t tell satire from reality anymore.
Is that real??
2. If Nobel prize and trump become associated, they will lose all credibility.
So many people ready to jump up the arse of fascism.
Nothing new
Just rahm being rahm
He engineered and implemented Clinton’s police and crime push taking a huge issue from the Republicans. Just one example.
Man for the moment
Still won't be reading that rag...
Btw Rahm made a stop on Wall Street to work for Bruce Wasserstein after the WH to properly stuff his pockets thru the revolving door before going back into government. This type of capitulation for money & relevance is not new for him.
So fck’g tired.
We are two separate countries now, and I’m starting to believe that my/our only hope is a state strong enough to start the process of secession and wake people the fuck up.