you only believe other "planets" in our "solar system exist because you're easily fooled by propaganda. once you understand that the "planets" are just projections projected against the dome around earth keeping your mind small and within the ice wall, you will never go back. awaken you're mind
flat as heck
I had to check your feed first
I think I'll be happy with the follow
celestial dwarf, planet, or funny space rock?
So you’re telling me to hold myself accountable and do work to change my life…
Nahhhhh I’m blaming aliens 😂😂😂
Except for Pluto. Pluto's a fucking planet. 🪐
The other heavenly bodies are actually circular portals leading to the other 8 realms rotating around midgard within the firmament of Ymir's Skull.
Sadly nobody is funding our expedition. I bought the Jumanji hunting hat for nothing
The only missing link is how they got around the marine layer.