discourse about bernies statement is driving me crazy because he’s saying that we need to hold the rich accountable and pay everyone, americans and immigrant workers, fairly and better. but liberals are somehow equating that with bernie saying “immigrants evil”
Just drop the "American" from the tweet and oh who am I kidding, they'd hound Bernie for some other stupid shit anyway
they truly don’t believe in anything!
Like Im a fuckin Jew and I could read this comment as it was obviously intended lol you dont got to go to bat
It was stupid and counterproductive but it also wasn't real policy.
They thought it was some great coup to get Republicans to vote down their bill. They were going to end the immigration debate by showing the Republicans to be frauds, and they did, but no one cared.
*fails to actually prove anything whatsoever*
Meanwhile, the rest of us all saw libs going full blown right winger in regards to immigration
Guess what the libs do that stupid shit with stupid left takes too.
And even *that* ends up being futile since conservatives are are so racist they'll shit their own pants just so a brown person has to smell it.
What the fuck have the rest of us done
- lib hard-on for pointing at hypocrisy
- Cheney disease ("well they don't care about PEOPLE, so I'll use econ to trick them over to Good!")
Washington Generals-ass behavior...repeatedly dipping your own soul in pihrana solution can't feel good
It’s an extreme feat of physical endurance just to do the job (in addition to being a specialized skill); it’s extremely uncommon for anyone who isn’t desperate to be willing to attempt it for the pay offered
System should change
I anticipate this coming administration will attempt to force un-skilled prisoners to do agricultural work, and I bet that will fail spectacularly also
Liberals: "whY Is bERnie BaSHIng iMMiGrATioN?"
The instinct is to lean into the Republican civil war, and pretend to be on the side of the angriest, most racist, misogynistic shit- to be… spreading their base? Not functionally, mind you, just- instinctively supporting bullshit to be aligned with angry Republican voters.
It’s akin to what they did in ‘16 about how he was actually racist because of how race and class are related.
If he wasn’t Jewish as heck, they’d be calling him antisemitic.
They rather lose to a fascist then win under a socialist.
“..how he was actually racist because of how race and class are related”
“..how he was actually racist because he talked about how race and class are related and you can’t solve one without the other “
They kneecapped him, and he fell in line.
There's the problem, as is usually the case.
Is that the kind of argument we're doing now? Equating "let's educate our people better" with "mass deportation now!" genuinely?
We're cooked
Do you love America? If yes, why do you hate every other country and want them to all to die? If no, why do you hate every American individually and want them to die?
Do you see the issue here?
Rating: Impossible. Message: All migrants welcome to be enslaved. Status Quo: Sustained.
I think H1B discourse is not meant for short snippets :(
i’m not sure it’s the bernie people who need to do some serious reckoning with their belief systems.
They support something, so any enemy has to mean the opposite!
Thats why they are evil! If the immigrants weren't, we wouldn't have to hold the rich accountable! And that would be better for the liberals!
Republicans embraced them with open arms citing NAFTA as proof Democrats were anti-labor, despite Reagan negotiating and signing it.
I thought the whole point of having fossils run the party was to avoid making the same exact mistake again.
"immigrants are cheating the system by working under the legal rate so employers are incentivized to hire them instead of citizens"
"right so just make sure they're paid more and the problem is solved"
Bernie: This is terrible what these billionaires are doing!
Liberals: Whoa! I didn't realize the left hates children and candy.