No sorry they have to die. That was the point of the poster. This person just hates people with hypertension there is no other interpretation to be had
Oh I don't support the actual idea, I don't know anyone who does. There's just a point to be made about the hypocrisy of cis men controlling women's medicine, when they use similar for themselves. It's only good as rhetoric, not actual policy.
That does sound much more like something he’d do honestly. I just think the testosterone rumour (I don’t have a source) is funny considering how upset he is at trans folks.
Killing your rapist, even if you go to jail for a few years, is better than being forced to carry their child, letting them have fatherhood rights and be in your life forever.
What the fuck is wrong with society? This is not a society anymore
I’m young but have a script for it cus my Adderal prescription means I can’t bang in the middle of the day without viagra (just lost the lottery on amphetamine sensitivity), and even I chuckled.
For no ppl will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can they easily be subdued, where knowledge is diffused and Virtue preservd. On the Contrary, when ppl are universally ignorant and debauched in their manners, they will sink under their own weight, without the aid of foreign Invaders.
Every single boomer feels personally attacked by gen x and Millennials for whatever reason with this one. I have 0 idea why, but for some reason 100% of boomers are mad here.
Ease down.
Ughhh alright I've had enough of thinking about this. I feel dirty.
It feels like we're living in such an unbelievably insane period of history.
What the fuck is wrong with society? This is not a society anymore
only a half evolved monkey would fail to notice this.
There are sooo many more of US than them, We just gotta show up EN MASSE and reinforce it🤗
"Can't argue with that. Case dismissed!"
It’s a great one for sure.
Viagra is fine, don't worry. They use it to "get back" at those who ban women's healthcare.
But they aren't actually trying to take away Viagra
Noodles for all until Women can choose
Don't threaten me with a good time bestie ❤️