i love finding out about real ways government the government spies on and can track all of us that the average person doesn’t know about. despite them being real methods confirmed to be true i feel like i should have a tin foil hat on
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What really fucks me up is that all of it is public knowledge that has been extensively reported on and it's still treated like conspiracy wingbattery.
Well, the government doesn't shut down conspiracy theories because it prevents actual state secrets from being revealed. They've been doing this since Roswell.
i know that there are people out there who are doing their absolute best to keep everyone safe, government environments are mixed scenarios, there are good people to evil people to incompetent people, milage varies
as individuals we can only control what we can, and protect ourselves
Funny Facebook story…some MAGA dude threatened me, I responded in kind. Now my account is suspended and Zuck wants a specific type of “video selfie” to reinstate it. You can’t convince me that they won’t share that with the authorities for facial recognition. He can shove that account.
lol we get this, my husband said the other day he’s surprised im not more of a conspiracy theorist and i was like….cause the weird shit i believe has been objectively proven esp recently? anything from the last week would sound insane to us a decade ago
Well, like I said it's the local law enforcement not the CIA...the FBI I'm not so sure domestically but they do international work too which seems odd. Some of it is pretty good
Absolutely. When the CIA has testified the stuff it had done before congress during investigations into CIA (and other US Intelligence) misconduct they sound batshit crazy.
This goes double when they claim their behavior is somehow justified.
No it Isn't. They refuse to waste any resources or "tricks" to find people. Especially poc. Look it up. Yes not everyone has a cell phone on them but many do.
I was in my early 20s when it became law. We fought like hell against it. Those who aren’t old enough to remember, have no idea how invasive it was and then quickly forgotten. We can’t forget this time….
My father wouldn’t let me take an offer to work for the military at 18. I didn’t question my father, he was a brilliant man. I did, however, quickly realize why he said hell no to a position of perceived power.
my favourite one is how AUKUS security agencies just ask each other to wiretap each other’s citizens whenever it might be troublesome for them to do it themselves (idk if they still do this but honesty why wouldn’t they)
It’s like finding out things that the CIA admitted to under oath and they’re all so insane that any normal person would treat you like your Alex Jones if you told them
Yes, the government can do all sorts of things, but unless you’re actively planning to blow up a federal building the government does not give a shit about you. If you’re worried about your privacy, it’s the private sector sucking up every detail about your life, not the government.
That used to be more true before but that's not always the case and especially since other nation's have developed their own spy apparatus. Trans activists, leftists ("antifa", BLM supporters), and human rights activists (and critics of the state) are some groups that are targeted.
Yeah. It’s like bad they’re tracking in general. But if they track everybody, then nobody is special. And they don’t have the resources to care about everybody.
If anyone wants a phone where you can actually turn off all the radio equipment, here ya go. Prob won't keep you completely anonymoose since it's a linux phone, but still neat. https://pine64.org/devices/pinephone/
Alex Jones saying this and then also talking about gay frogs and aliens feels like a psyop to conflate real conspiracies with baseless freakout shit and THAT is the conspiracy theory hill I will die on
Oh this is 100% a thing. In the 60s after JFK died the CIA instructed agents to start using “conspiracy theory” as a derogatory term to discredit anyone questioning the narrative, and to portray them as irrational or politically motivated.
genuinely a good watch
my understanding by the end of it was the gay frogs thing was purposefully said by Jones to try and pre-emptively smear this dudes paper
The gay frogs thing is so wild because he was referring to a chemical that actually did get into the water supply under Obama and caused frogs to change their sex. He really is insane tho. According to his ex wife the “character” he plays is a toned down version of his real self lmao
There's an herbicide called Atrazine that somehow gives the frogs female traits and causes male frogs to get confused and start trying to impregnate the now "feminized" male frogs
it's called fluoride we put it in the water to make ppl gay and communist, coincidentally it works on frogs too. we can tell they turn gay but it is more difficult to judge how communist they become
Remember when Tucker put out a bunch of freshly declassified JFK shit on his show a year or so ago? Because the rest of us look at the people who watch his stuff religiously and go “Ok man…..”
one wrinkle from the 2016 shenanigans that got lost in all the hullaballoo over Trump accusing Ted Cruz's dad of assassinating JFK, it's very possible he mixed him up with Jeb which......... hehehe. oh, hehehehe
Fully believe Bannon/Stone got to him years ago and made sure he was an asset. I mean he always was a Bircher and a white supremacist, but the way he shills for Trump and Musk now is absurd
100%, and why I think his show was so popular, because he could frame it as everything being an evil “liberal” conspiracy, especially the things the alt-right wants to happen
I mean the gay frogs one is based on a real event. However he equally could be part of the psyop into making it sound unbelievable so it can be ignored. Which is really really disturbing.
The "9/11 truth movement" has been used to make "I have questions about 9/11" mean controlled demolition and holographic planes and not "Why did nobody stop these guys, and who funded them?"
If you're serious, then pay attention to how other nations approach how the US spies on everyone and it will help you gain a less biased perspective while also becoming more familiar with the complexities and challenges in those spaces.
I should add that people should take a greater interest bc bullshit in those spaces has a tendency to trickle down and infect other areas of government & foreign policy. There are also a lot of inconsistencies which is weird bc you'd expect otherwise considering the impact & size of their budget.
WTH? U R lied 2,gaslit& propagandized by regimemedia tht U prefer&U don’t even knw they also cntrl educ.&hve since 1960s,BT escalated&intensified indoctrination plot in 1998&it has rapidly deteriorated ever since. It’s why”dumbing down of Am.”is fact&truth re youth&all adults who still cling 2 it!
Uh fun fact. Aluminum foil doesn't do anything😅. It's entirely too thin. If you're looking to keep them from snooping get a VPN. If you're concerned about them tracking you, you have only three options. #1 Remove the battery if possible. #2 But a Faraday bag. #3 Build a lead lined box. Not many
I think about this often in terms of how it reinforces the belief that people who are targeted by the state MUST have done something wrong. Like a regular american kinda has to believe that because otherwise their reality gets really fucking scary really fucking quick.
They don’t need to “track” anyone. The data itself is trivially easy to simply funnel into a database, and then collate/search as needed. A simple query can link various criteria, and then filter people who match, and then they target accordingly, on a whim. Anyone, any time, as they please.
MFW I talk about the very real crazy shit our government has a long history of casually doing with fully unclassified public record documentation, and people look at me like I have 3 heads :)
This is what it's like all the time even you live here and know about the security state innards. You can't talk about reality without sounding like the easily dismissed crackpot in the beginning of a doomsday/dystopia story.
Felon 47’s weaponization of the justice department against attorneys is a crisis worthy of SCOTUS intervention. He is trying to deny Americans from legal representation & intimidate attorneys so they won’t accept cases. All bar associations should come out strongly against this & petition Scotus.
A lot of surveillance methods sound like something out of a dystopian novel, but they’re real and often legally sanctioned. The fact that most people either don’t know or just accept it is almost more unsettling than the spying itself.
If we live in a world where we can talk about an item and get a targeted ad for it right after (not once as a coincidence) then I wouldn't put a lot of other things above our government. The privacy era is over as far as I'm concerned.
This is why when MAGA was trying to use government and the anxiety around it, it really pissed me off because one, the things we already know are anxiety inducing enough and two, as we can see in action now, they just wanted to make it worse.
Is there a way to connect a printing to your printer without access to the printer? Do stores keep track of which serial number belongs to the printer that has been bought with your credit card? Or is the wifi connection of the printer a problem?
Every time my phone glitches...is it old software or new spy wars...and whose it? AI biting my steelo? NSA monitoring a 'once removed' warrant? Chinese data miners? Freelance Hackers? Starlight? Samaritan? Blacklisters? Rogue government agencies looking for a patsy? Cartel Intel? Cabal wetwork?
And then you use a security product, and then you find out it's funded by the Navy or CIA or whatever, and then you realize that everyone is so broke you can make assets from people for a little cash without even pinching them and then you buy blackout curtains and stay inside until you melt.
Heard it said before that every US conspiracy theory is either "Blatant Antisemitism" or "the government literally admitted to this already but it doesn't fit people's existing biases so they call it fake"
That took all the fun and mystique out of conspiracy theories for me. Like, I was the only one I knew completely unsurprised by PRISM and that they just have and will keep doing this under different names which makes me think of the ending of The Bourne Identity lol
Plus there are public cameras everywhere now.
In places like London the cameras are linked by computer and they can follow you through town.
It's really difficult to be off the grid. Even unhoused people have cell phones so they can call shelters to see what's not full yet.
Right wing conspiracies: the Jews are secretly reducing the white birth rate by convincing kids to get dogs instead of having eight white babies using Paw Patrol
Left wing conspiracies: the CIA admitted to it and it has a dedicated page on their website
Last year the DNC applauding the "global force for good" line broke me. I've never felt more like a conspiracy theorist. I wanted to shake every single person and tell them about a different government we've sabotaged in the name of cheap labor, each tropical paradise we ruined, or stole, or both.
I have to have music or podcasts playing constantly because if I think too hard thinking about the fact that we have a store in our country called "Banana Republic" I'll just start yelling at strangers on the street corner.
I worked in an intelligence office. The amount of information available about anyone without a warrant (or any legal mischief) would terrify most people. The big data aggregators aren’t really about your credit score.
If I could articulate a legitimate reason for the inquiry, I could learn every piece of real estate and every vehicle you’ve ever owned. Employment history. Credit in some cases. Every place you’ve ever lived. Phone numbers. Any criminal history reported in public court records…
Names, addresses, phone numbers for every neighbor. Hunting/fishing and other state granted permits. Social media traffic. Email addresses, handles, any photo online where you’re identified. That’s the tip of the iceberg. I could have all of that in five minutes. Then I’d really go to work.
about 70% of this is obtainable legally by a private citizen with a few hours, a few hundred bucks, and the ability to collate from multiple sources (and I guess the training to know where to look). "OSINT agency" is just PIs with fancy names. Its quite terrifying. You can get the rest less legally
Yes, to an extent but call/text/device records require a search warrant signed by a judge. There are a few exceptions but usually someone is in imminent physical danger.
Yes and no. If only used in a properly supervised and checked environment, with a great deal of accountability for all inquiries, it can be an important toolset for bringing bad folks to justice. You must recruit and train only ethical, professional people to do this work.
The govt invested a good deal of time and money into just normalizing calling people “crazy conspiracy theorists” in response to public revelations or whistleblowers exposing what they’re doing, and that simple phrase basically takes them off the hook for any culpability.
Not just the government, it’s corporations and their media.
Result: even those who know what’s going on keep their mouths shut in order to seem ‘sane’ - who wants to be Alec Jones (or whatever his name is)!
Here's food for thought: when I worked at Kroger, they were showing us how good the security cameras were. This was back in 2008/9. They could zoom all the way in pn someone's phone and read what they were typing in a text. Policies have evolved since BUT I still won't take my phone out in there.
I saw something earlier about printer dots being like able to track the exact printer a paper came from! Back in like 1980 and we didn't know until 2004! Crazy
People just kinda pushed aside that we have proof the government listens to everything we do and went right full circle into people denying it happens in like under 5 years. People will legitimately look at you like you need to be admitted for speaking verifiable facts about the US government.
Oh yeah they also use the 'Stingray' aka a man-in-the-middle attack for mobile data surveillance. My local sheriffs office has / had one and they have to disclose they own it by law (it's very hard to find on their site) but will not mention it's use in court cases https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/stingray-new-frontier-police-surveillance
On tactic cops use is using illegal surveillance to identify a target then apply legal surveillance methods to the target to get whatever information they want. The illegal stuff isn't admissible in court but what the judge doesn't know can't be demanded during discovery.
It's called parallel evidence or something like that.
They illegally get Evidence A, which would be excluded at trial ("fruit of the poison tree"). They sit on Evidence A, and figure out how to get it legally, since they already know it exists. They bring Evidence B to the trial and never mention A.
In the Cato article there they talk about a guy facing a 30 year sentence dropped to probation w/ no jail time when is attorney started looking into just how the hell the cops located him so quickly. Soon as he got too close suddenly everything regarding sentencing changed if he'd just stop asking
The image makes it seem like it's just for location but they also see metadata for all the calls filtering through the device...who you call and when and for how long, etc.
This one is important, especially under Trump. The directions may be very slightly changed with later android / iOS updates but you 100% can still remove the advertising ID.
LE buys this data then link you to a time & place and then track you anywhere via advertising ID
Wow,R U malinfo’d by t regimemedia tht U prefer. It’s never been t KGB. Your regimemedia never told U t facts&truth on all tht BT alt-media debunked all of it yrs. ago. U will never hear any of tht truth on t regimemedia bc it’s bus. is 2 lie,gaslight U abt both sides of t aisle 24/7. Unplug fm it.
I don't even know if you can get burner phones anymore? The super cheap phones you used to be able to buy at like 7-11 all require registering your info now as far as I understood it
Not sure what version of Android I have but I don't seem to have either option listed in the article 🤔 Only the option to get a new advertising ID. Does anyone know of other options?
this is how Kochava tracked and sold interstate abortion data. anyone who had a few grand can match device data + location + transactions + vehicle and track you 24/7, it’s a piece of cake to piece together if you know where to start
I mean the guy that is president and disappearing people to prisons in Ecuador...the fucking autocrat who is destroying the rule of law before our eyes
Here's a great read on what is/isn't prevented from tracking data by disabling your advertising id. It's still a good practice but I don't want anyone overestimating what it does for them:
I certainly didn't mean for it to be a panacea, but just one method law enforcement at the local level has been found using in the past few years to discover and track people without a warrant.
If you don’t like being tracked, spied on, listened to or targeted…
Don’t get an iPhone, don’t get a laptop, don’t get a fitness tracker or an Alexa and Please don’t drive a Tesla!
i literally told my friends like 3 years ago not to say violent shit about the president in our groupchat and they all acted like i was an insane conspiracy theorist lol like girl the Patriot act is right there
Also, since they are information hoarders, the best way to provide resistance to those they are interested in is to not adhere to the chilling effect and instead set their keyword alarms off frequently.
sometimes I wonder, if we can track if shit is kicking off at the pentagon via the activity of the local Dominos, how many times has google or some other big data company outed spies via data matching
It's scary. However, I'm amazed at how people volunteer be spied on.
Having a digital assistant that's listening all of the time has to be one of the most foolish things I've ever heard of. People who didn't live through the cold war with Russia planting bugs everywhere don't understand.
Exactly! They record everything& whn they want 2 use it as a weapon against U,it can be altered,edited 2 make U sound vry guilty of whtever they want& it’s all in your voice,even a litany of moments,convos,plans,plots,
threats,calls 2 act,ordering acts/crimes/plots,whatever t state wants!
Commercial VPN services are really just moving trusting your ISP to guard your privacy to trusting the commercial VPN service to do it. Many claim not to log customer data but you’ll notice they aren’t being taken to court by government agencies so make of that what you will.
I grow increasingly more concerned that NOT speaking out is the greatest danger! I’m not ancient, but compared to my children/grandchildren who have barely tasted life, I am certainly willing to put myself in danger to protect them! Paradoxically, I don’t want to discard safety when available.
"I will name my spy company after the seeing stones Sauron used to invade and corrupt the minds of Saruman and Denethor and to direct his armies against the free people's of middle earth".
I feel like it's fifty percent people who think the bad guys are cool even in real life, and fifty percent "if we name it like a comic book villain nobody will believe it is real"
Did you know you can be identified by the air pressure gauges in your tires, because the devices in there have a unique I'd they broadcast over Bluetooth? (I think it was BT, IIRC, but they are wireless)
TPMS sensors are not Bluetooth. They do have a unique ID, but only broadcast periodically with a limited range. Possible to use for tracking, but not practical, especially compared to a cell phone.
Ty for the correction. You don't use them to track like GPS tracking, you use them to establish patterns, routines, or identify proximity to a given location.
Fair, but they only broadcast when the vehicle is moving, broadcast infrequently (60-120 seconds) and have a range of less than 100 feet. You would need to have a bunch of receivers to catch a broadcast.
There’s a distinction between possible and probable in this case, I think.
Too late to fret about that—tin foil hats stopped working long ago. Now, you and I are just magnet ink dots, waiting to be blotted. We allowed convenience and innovation to overshadow privacy concerns. We gave them the tools to track us by demanding more from the system. 🍸🤨🚬
The doublethink has been comically successful on this point, I must say. Muskbros will switch from "you're paranoid, you crazy person you" readily to "lol didn't you know already? gosh ur stupid" ~Chara
Late 90s I knew someone who used a university computer lab and made some sort of threat. Didn't take much time to trace back to that computer and who was signed in on it at that time. I assume now that anything can be found.
The reason we have not seen a shred of tangible evidence that links Luigi Mangione to the murder of Brian Thompson is that would require revealing this surveillance apparatus.
The success of Pokémon Go was like a wet dream for the U.S. military and intelligence community in their ambitions to 3D model as much of the world as possible with people having no idea that they're doing it
I’ve been warning about this day since 2004 when I left a Dominionist cult that was part of plans for a Christian (Nationalist) takeover of our government. Ppl thought I was tin foil hat conspiracy theory nuts.
Stuff like this is part of why the gov is against RISC-V chips. It was only a matter of time b4 open cpu designs would appear. It doesn't stop malicious actors from ADDING stuff to it, but the basic design is open. IIRC just purchasing these r5 sbc devices got you on a watch list when biden was pres
Let alone having to give Facebook and instagram and twitter our phone numbers. Having to use electronic payment, give games the ability to see our location and access your contacts, “cookies” that “need” to have essential tracking.
Fun fact: the term #ConspiracyTheorist may have been coined, Weaponized, & reinforced by our very own #Intelligence services to discredit people who were getting way too close to the truth about our own ops.
The only solace is that all this considered, no one still knows what is going on until it happens. With so much mass, complete/random data being collected it doesn't become meaningful until given a key to decipher/contextualize it.
we're just resigned to protect what we can and keep trying
i know that there are people out there who are doing their absolute best to keep everyone safe, government environments are mixed scenarios, there are good people to evil people to incompetent people, milage varies
as individuals we can only control what we can, and protect ourselves
Don't forget to export your passwords out of Google 1st. Pay special attention to that export file, and don't leave it on your device.
Use https://tutanota.com email. It's offshore in Germany. No one will be handing that over to U.S. spy machines.
Thanks 😆
At least scallies aren't known for leaving pizzas in the hallway.
This goes double when they claim their behavior is somehow justified.
Why can't DOGE pull their funding?!
But they can locate you with the 5G in the COVID vaxx, thanks Bill Gates.
Too late!
... and I spent 2 years pushing every button I could push until I finally decided, I'm not going to live my life chasing lazy dismissive ignorance.
Did enough of that in the D.C. belay during my career.
It's the undoing of the things that the idiots have done that will trip you up.
my understanding by the end of it was the gay frogs thing was purposefully said by Jones to try and pre-emptively smear this dudes paper
If Alex Jones did not exist the CIA would invent him in a second
Unless you take the SIM card out of your phone you are trackable.
On a daily basis someone can track you & if you are planning to commit a crime and not take your phone you had better have a history of that!
In places like London the cameras are linked by computer and they can follow you through town.
It's really difficult to be off the grid. Even unhoused people have cell phones so they can call shelters to see what's not full yet.
Left wing conspiracies: the CIA admitted to it and it has a dedicated page on their website
I'm thinking all of that can be tracked pretty easily by the government.
I'm not worried, I had the FBI checking me out every 3 years because I had secret and top secret clearance.
Result: even those who know what’s going on keep their mouths shut in order to seem ‘sane’ - who wants to be Alec Jones (or whatever his name is)!
They illegally get Evidence A, which would be excluded at trial ("fruit of the poison tree"). They sit on Evidence A, and figure out how to get it legally, since they already know it exists. They bring Evidence B to the trial and never mention A.
LE buys this data then link you to a time & place and then track you anywhere via advertising ID
so I must have already deleted it at some point in the past.
I certainly didn't mean for it to be a panacea, but just one method law enforcement at the local level has been found using in the past few years to discover and track people without a warrant.
He posted on Facebook with his mobile phone that's always connected to the internet
The best ones we make could be sold on ebay!
Don’t get an iPhone, don’t get a laptop, don’t get a fitness tracker or an Alexa and Please don’t drive a Tesla!
Then Google Earth came along lol.
Death by Governmental Political Intervention.
They have so many more "interesting" targets than your average online user. They are just information hoarders.
Otherwise don't be scared.
Having a digital assistant that's listening all of the time has to be one of the most foolish things I've ever heard of. People who didn't live through the cold war with Russia planting bugs everywhere don't understand.
threats,calls 2 act,ordering acts/crimes/plots,whatever t state wants!
I've been doing this stuff for a very long time.
I mean, whoever is assigned that task would surely perish from boredom. The only
person who seems interested by my habits is my ex-boyfriend. 😶
Impeach the pee resident.
There’s a distinction between possible and probable in this case, I think.
Don't turn it on, just keep it in there.
but ya I agree it’s all very crazy making
was also right.
Specifically #Kennedy
Or maybe I’m just a conspiracy theorist
Maybe they'll finally answer my most Googled question-
Where can I find comfortable underwear for wide hipped men?!?
And then pics of Teslas exploding.