This should be changed asap.
If we give someone refugee status, it can't be right to then refuse them route to become a British Citizen. To say they can have a home in our country, but never a place in our society and be forever second class.
If we give someone refugee status, it can't be right to then refuse them route to become a British Citizen. To say they can have a home in our country, but never a place in our society and be forever second class.
This absolutely BASIC point needs to be hammered home.
The changes in the "good character guidance" are 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 with constant demands for better integration of asylum seekers granted refugee status (and with policy measures intended to promote better integration).
The IMA disqualified refugees who arrived in the UK by irregular means from claiming UK citizenship." Tory policy then, Labour repealed.
Not better than Tories & Reform.
They are guaranteeing losing votes to place the RW dross that will nevef vote Labour.
Starmer a liar just like his Tory predecessors.
So they must reflect what the voters want
That's democracy
The IMA disqualified refugees who arrived in the UK by irregular means from claiming UK citizenship." Tory policy then, v Labour policy.
Refugee, asylum seeker, immigrant, illegal-immigrant, economic migrant, foreign student, Johnny foreigner etc....
No problem for a non-dom, though
What are you doing to stop it?
If you can't stop it, when are you resigning from the party and joining one that doesn't promote racist, xenophobic, ableist, transphobic, misogynist policies, or becoming Independent?
If you aren't anti mass immigration in this day and age then you are politically irrelevant
My thoughts are genuinely what do most people want...why doesn't someone just do that for once
And most people want tax havens shut,corporations and bilionaires taxed fairly,the cost of living helped and immigration cut
You can be "liberal" on some things but also "conservative" on others
And if we don't find one then the right will force one on us
It's a simple numbers game to me
Labour are in a difficult position over migration...their hearts might want a softer approach but their heads know voters want a huge cut in immigration figures and irregular migration tackled
Stop this rightward shift, stand by your founding principles.
Heritage Foundation, Atlas Network, IEA, Legatum. They are crawling all over the government and steering this place into a wall.
But that was aNtIsEmItIsM wasn’t it? 🤡
Not difficult.
Starmer is proving to be a disgrace. Good at delivery but no idea what to deliver. So he follows the last guys and they we’re disgusting. Delivering nastiness better is not a recipe for re-election or a better country.
I can’t believe he is speeding up our decline.
If the criteria is that you can’t arrive by legal means, and you don’t provide any legal means, it’s simple xenophobia.
Asks the person who became a citizen after 47 years as an EU citizen in Britain because I don't trust the Home Office.
I'll vote tactically to keep the worst out because unfortunately that's reality. I won't give a penny for this dog whistle racism that spits on their core support.
It is getting horrific what they are doing. Continuity government in many ways.
And I realise there are good strides being taken steadily but deportation porn?!! Seriously?!!!
Won’t be voting Tory, Reform or Reform Light Labour.
I lent my vote at the General Election won’t be getting it again unless such hateful policies get reversed.
This would also destroy the small boat people smugglers.
Please could you pass it up the chain that you guys won and can stop pandering to polls, and voters you didn't need?
Next election is years off, and the public forgets a lot (how else do Tories have any MPs?!). If you guys do a good job, the far right loses face & support.🤷
It’s not just immigration - it’s the 3rd runway, attacking the sick while not taxing the rich/non doms, refusing to consider the customs union, Gaza - the list goes on.
I'm desperately disappointed in Labour across several areas.
I remember a whole thing around the word change but it all just seems to be changing for the worst, it doesn't seem right can you fill us in on that please?
The Labour Party is such a disappointment. It just continues to attack the most vulnerable in our society and has thrown its Green promises by the wayside.
I am a lifelong Labour voter but won’t be voting for them again. Labour has morphed into Reform.
You weren't just foolish, you were a fucking idiot.
Labour should be hammering the moral vacuousness of the Tories and Reform, and championing progressive policies, rather than going after the poor & vulnerable.
Give us a choice.
What on earth is Labour doing. Improve living standards and counter right wing propaganda to win people's votes not try to out-bigot, out-racist Reform!
If we wanted this nonsense we could have kept the Tories in.
Stop pandering to the right.
Also, nobody "enters the UK illegally" if they are trying to claim asylum. In any case, there is no so called "legal" route.
This can't be said often enough.
It's shameful to see this nonsense in an official document sponsored by this government.
I can not vote for a government that does this. It’s a legal and moral crime.
#Labour Do better. Be better. That's what I voted for.
Utterly disgusting.
Get rid of Starmer and Reeves, or watch as Reform benefits from the nationwide disillusionment in this failing and increasingly immoral Labour government.
Have a look at this map of the recent Electoral Calculus MRP poll. Look carefully. Very very carefully. Especially at Wales. It is f…… terrifying.
Blue Conservatives
Turquoise Reform
Orange Lib Dems
Yellow SNP + Plaid Cymru
Green Greens
Starmer hates Socialists.
Whoever it is, is doing it all wrong.
We only lent our votes last GE.
We can EASILY switch next time! do not deserve our votes. Not if you care for the most vulnerable in society or for the environment anyway.
That's not the way to bring the change you want.
You're just following the herd.
If Labour bring in cruel and inhumane policies and loose as a result, that’s on them.
[Tips hat.]
It comes across as, at best, tone deaf, and at worst, beyond cynical that you'd seek to feign horror at policy that was loudly telegraphed by Starmer from day one.
Can we be expecting your resignation from Labour?
Get them back to Labour values.
It's a label now used by people who don't care about equality & inclusion, to disparage those who do
I'm an average voter, I care about others & I'm proud to do so.
Labour are making enemies when they need friends.
I know pointless cruelty appeals to Remain voters, but this is too detached from small boat crossings.
The IMA disqualified refugees who arrived in the UK by irregular means from claiming UK citizenship." Tory policy then, Labour repealed."
Because, Ms Creasy, this sort of foul stuff risks losing many more liberal votes to LD and GPEW than ever it will gain from socially-conservative Tory waverers.
Perhaps McSweeney thinks this does not matter, with 2029 a long way off.
But •it does•.
And, more importantly, it is •simply immoral•.
From stupid red lines on a custom union to this, there's nothing.
Such a massive, massive disappointment.
A wasted opportunity to reverse the changes made in the last decade and a half.
Of course it's difficult to do, the changes were intended to break a functioning state.
Feels like there's no way back doesn't it?
Sadly, the Labour Party as represented by the Labour govt. has so lost its moral compass (still waiting for condemnation for 🇺🇸🇮🇱ethnic cleansing plan) that it's becoming hard to see how country won't be pushed further right by next election as govt itself isn't recognisably Labour anymore
If they kick you out for telling the truth then it isn’t your loss.
An easy win would be an office near the French camp where people could apply for asylum.
This would kill off the boats.
It's an easy win.
It seems we now have Reform, Reform 2.0 (the Tories) and Reform 3.0 (Labour).
Meanwhile, I'll be going back to the Lib Dems or the Greens.
Kudos to Stella.