He is having President Musk run AI through every single SM post, every email, of every green card holder in America. Anything deemed “negative” will see that person experiencing the same treatment…then deportation. The courts will clog.
I've been expecting him to try that. Prison labor. Lock them up and while waiting for deportation they can work in the fields and chicken factories for free. Private prisons are lucrative businesses.
Knew it was not a joke because that orange idiot wouldn’t know how to be funny if you kissed his bone spurs. His “First Day” dictatorship was always meant to be one, endless and eternal day. He is revolting and we will revolt. The clown can’t run the show.
This is the result of the obscene & callus judgements handed down by conservative Supreme Court justices. They dissolved the very idea of co-equal branches of government by both making up legal precedent & emboldening maniacal presidents to misuse an authority that they were never meant to have.
Soon, when people critical of this government, start disappearing, or falling out of windows. Poison is not out of the question. Yes. That’s where we are now. It’s official and best of all, after that CR recently passed, it’s a bipartisan effort. Congratulations @schumer.senate.gov you did this.
Additionally a real fight against the decades old and ongoing Republican voter suppression would have avoided this. Court cases and trying to get out the vote was at some point not going to work. This time and in this moment it’s not on the voters. IMO. It’s more complicated than people not voting.
In 4 years, they are still gonna do the same shit because they will be infiltrated with hired goons to keep them brainwashed while on rallys and other events. Social media is today by fault the biggest brainwashing spot ever! Probably why mark zuck.and bezoz now work for the orange dicktator.
"Boasberg orders the DOJ to immediately inform his clients (ICE) about "any planes that are going to take off or is in the air need to be returned to the United States," and that all people on those planes within the class must immediately be returned to US detention during the course of the TRO."
nope they still sleep they think we don't or won't have to fight literally for our liberty now and their apathy has led us to this point where we have no choice now at least those that'll stand up
Well, just leave it to our SCOTUS. I'm sure the conservatives on the court would be happy to hand the reigns over to the shit bag n chief. Just wait until the first time he defies one of their orders. What'll they do then?
Uh...he has no sense of humour, None, whatsoever. He'd annex us in a heartbeat if he could. And not on "favourable terms" (very unfair). If he thinks we'd give up universal healthcare for a tax cut, he hasn't been paying attention (he hasn't).
Many (including politicians) are still operating under the old paradigm of democracy. They don't see that there has been a shift to the Neo-Reactionary (NRx) authoritarian dictatorship. They are placing their hopes in future elections. Unfortunately, MAGA are suffering from Manson-like mind control.
No one is going to stop Trump or ever hold him accountable. If they could, they would have. Trump is above the law & is now a dictator in an authoritarian regime. We no longer have a democracy. If you think the last 50 days have been bad, brace yourself because it's going to get far, far worse.
They need to watch how much power is generated to their president, if we do get to have elections in 4 years and a democrat president is elected then he or she will be able to deport idiots who side with the enemy.
He is the threat to the United States Not a young man who was protesting against genocide of an entire people.
He is a tiny pathetic man with pathological aggression and. no self awareness.
BLOG: I have been warning people about this for months. This is a fascist government. Trump will lock up his enemies. There is a list and they are coming for all their enemies, one at a time. https://www.jandehn.com/post/american-shitstorm-2-0
If we're going to validate the bs "national security" excuse...what's to stop him from imprisoning US citizens in GITMO or El Salvador?
"Our Constitutional Bill of Rights," is completely wrong answer. Anyone can be stripped of citizenship. But mostly what happens in El Salvador stays in El Salvador.
He's already been doing that, in case nobody has noticed. He's wiped his ass with the Bill Of Rights, and pissed on the Constitution, and we have to hope that we keep winning cases, because soon, he'll just ignore the judge's orders and we'll be fighting a war because a nut wants something new.
Yes but aside from ruling against him, nothing happens to him. He just goes and does it or some other stupid shit again. There are no consequences, so no reason for the chaos monkey to change his behavior.
The courts to date are holding so I refuse to give up—it’s what he WANTS you to do. IF you feel like throwing the towel in, please find a protest by you and go. You will feel revitalized to be around fighters. There are protests almost every day.
Yeah bc he can’t just deport anyone he wants. There are processes. However Trump is not following any court orders. Now if that were any of us- and we were just breaking court orders, we would be arrested. So why not him?
Right. Not every president swore in with their hand on a Bible. I think it’s their own decision what they use. But we do know Trump is no man of God either way
Shitty will do anything we let him do. The thing is, the weak red team won't stop him and, thanks to Surrendering Chuck, the Blue team can't. Keep score and being this home so when people have the chance, we can jog their memories. In the mean time
Based on comments on FB, the maga base is digging in their heels while pretzel twisting themselves into defending every single thing that’s happening. But they’re agitated, so that’s one good thing.
Remember tho, if it’s face saving that seems to be priority for them—no, they won’t &/or “can’t”, lest they melt down into an existential crisis. However, they will FEEL the effects & they will EXPERIENCE those effects in some way/shape or form. AND THAT IS WHAT THEY NEED, their world to blow up.
In our current reality that sadly wouldn't be surprising. He did say CNN and MSNBC (or MSDNC as he said it) need to be illegal because they lie 97% of the time.
Please use #ALTTEXT to describe images for visually impaired readers. You get 2000 characters and can use speach to text to do it quickly and easily. You can set up Bluesky to remind you to use ALTTEXT.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
Not until they or their family are the ones being deported for no reason other than someone overhearing the wife complaining about how much eggs are costing.
Approximately 30% of the population voted for this regime.
Blind to how much harm will come their way.
The Vets and those who work for the federal government who voted for him are finally realizing we didn't lie or over-exagurate.
It's just not the 'libtards'.
EVERYONE will be suffering soon.
More than a third decided they were okay with his win. As long as his approval rating is 44-49% you cannot believe that there is a huge majority against him. Not yet at least.
I think the "bro-warrior" archetype is alive and well, but the military is almost as broad an institutional brush as is American society in terms of views, backgrounds, ethnic makeup, etc.
Just like with any other person with Trump, the more educated the soldier, the less likely to support him.
Close to 90 Million eligible voters didn’t vote. Doesn’t mean they are Nazis, but it does mean we have a large population that just doesn’t care who runs the country. But they are starting to wake up.
If we don’t rein in The Heritage Project, there’s little point in getting rid of Trump. They would just find somebody else to be their figurehead and say/do what they told him to say/do.
The truth is there are three dark forces behind this coup:
1. The SV transhumanist Broligarchs.
2. The P. 2025 Dominionists/ReAwaken America
3. The mobster web of autocrats - Autocracy Inc.: Putin, Trump, Orban, Erdogan etc.
*Which group will get tired of riding in the backseat?
Would it help if we put it in all caps? THEY. WANTED. A. DICTATOR.
As long as he's damaging hated minorities more than them it's what they want. Plus they're ignorant and gullible so they take his claims of doing so at face value.
They did. But it's the stupidity refusing to learn a lesson already given. They survived him once and were dumb enough to believe him again. Their racism aside, they chose someone who directly hurt them before and are crying now about having been "tricked" and "lied to".
I literally just reposted this too with this comment:
To everyone calling me defeatist or whatthefuckever other adjective you want because you’re in denial about the fact that the country has fallen, wake up or don’t. Either way, 🖕🏻 And no, the planes did not turn around 🤦🏻♀️
Kings can
SCOTUS declared a sitting POTUS is omnipotent and untouchable.
They ignored the 14th Amendment.
They denied states independent election rights.
Trump Musk and their fucking Fascist Republican Klan will burn our Democracy to the ground.
We are fucked! I'd like to know how many immigrants are or have ever been employed by him, his businesses and his family. There would be no one left to wipe his ass!
Well, the reason it's never been done before is 2 fold, 1: , the US has never elected a 34x fellon, sexual abuser, and mentally insane person as potus, & 2: the supreme court ruled that the potus is basically a king
There have been studies that show that peaceful non compliance works more often than not. Violence isn’t even necessary here. We could all just not go to work.
Good luck organizing it. There are many many Americans who couldn't care less, but also, America is a huge country. Can't say that about any European country besides Russia.
Those studies are dumb and for privileged people who aren’t willing to do what’s necessary. You think the French Revolution was peaceful? The Russian revolution? Even the American revolution?
Also, half the country would do anything for him, including hurt others. The us famously has one of the most armed citizenries in the world. And the conservative militia groups own most of those gons and ammos.
Yes, the protests in Eastern Europe are happening in countries the size of an average state. Many citizens are only a few hours from the capital.
Coming soon to America, road blocks and papers required for travel.
Right. Most of those countries, besides not being as large as the US, also still have passenger rail as a normal part of the their infrastructure. We still had that infrastructure when the 1963 March on Washington took place, but just a few years later most of it was gone.
there are enough people in DC alone. It’s a very diverse and blue city. And if Trump supporters can do it, so can you. And so many other marches happened with a million people marching so this isn’t a valid excuse.
We need groups to organize like they did for the anti war protests and to charter buses. There are lots of people that want to go to DC and would be willing to contribute towards the bus. But they can't drive and can't afford to stay overnight.
...We keep screaming "Stop having protests Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m., we have jobs to be at and mortgages to pay," but the retirees and college students that organize these things never listen.
I predict in the not too distant future he'll send the military out, have them mow down several hundred or even thousand protesters with their M16s, stack their corpses in the streets like cordwood, and set them on fire -- all of it as a warning to all of the rest of us to "mind our p's and q's".
It is mind boggling, but unfortunately, not unheard of.
May the guard rails if democracy that have been instilled pass this most crucial of tests. If not, I’m predicting tge will of the people will kick the arse of this apricot despot and his boot licking sycophants. ☮️💙☮️
Yes, that day of protest when he cleared the area and held the Bible upside down in front of the church was a test run and a preview of bigger things to come.
⚡️ THE BIG ONE? I live in DC and have been waiting for “the big protest” to happen. We need to build on all the great rallies that are *already* happening. Here’s some info about “Hands Off” events on Saturday, April 5 in DC and across the US. https://handsoff2025.com/
His half military isn’t the whole military so he will fall since we still have foreign allies even if that shit head tries these “scare tactics” it’s not going to win against the true united front. They are faketriots the patriots will come in when we the people stand up.
I have a lot of faith in our military, I just also know that it contains a significant amount of maga faithful, I really hope they are vastly more loyal to our Nation, not the maga idea of our nation
LMAO, your country being the only developed country to not have universal healthcare is even more reason to protest. Either admit that you’re a bunch of tyranny-loving cowards or shut uр. Your silly excuses don’t work. Even security forces open firing on people didn’t stop uprisings abroad.
This administration needs to be taken down in the hardest way possible. Of course I’m not “recommending violence”, but do with that statement as you will.
The deranged orange felon needs to be removed before he totally destroys all. never seen the country in such a mess - unfit for office. ...viewed from Australia 🦘💙
one minor detail is, if what is read here is true ... he can deport any legal citizen of America. ... including green card holders. Where would he deport Americans too? Cuba?
At some point in these regimes, the pace of intake is so much and fast and not enough resources available that a Final Solution is drawn up and implemented. I've watched Republican colleagues say vile things over the years and I believed them. HR didn't.
I don't think that would stop it. He's really a useful tool for Heritage. His cabinet is full of ghouls that will continue. They'd love it if Vance was in charge.
It's a dictatorship and Congress refuses to stop him. Some profiles in courage would be nice.
Unfortunately, it appears Republicans in Congress are United against democracy and there are Democrats are willing to support Christian nationalism too.
All one vicious evil tyrant has to do is get ignorant people to fall prey to his obedience and his control. This happened in Germany, and the past is here wreaking havoc on our democracy and the freedom we fled to except genocidal cleansing and enslavements. Pray we are wise and strong together.
Can you read my previous post? I’ve already said this before. This isn’t about pride, it’s not about ego, it’s just undeniable. The truth is staring us in the face, yet here we are, pretending not to see it.
It's not been recognized because we've never had to worry about someone doing it. Trump is the person that rules are written for. Whenever you try to think ahead of Trump, just picture the most fucked up way of handling a situation, and I'm willing to bet that's his course. Predictable and shameful
Khalil, a green card holder who has not been charged with a crime, is set to appear before an immigration judge on March 27. Khalil was detained for his purported support of Hamas. Baher Azmy, one of Khalil's lawyers, called his client's alleged alignment with Hamas "false and preposterous."
Senators of all parties: Trump is undermining our Republic for Putin’s gain. Confirming unfit Cabinet picks helps him. Putin's ambitions include Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Defend democracy. Stop Trump.
European note to American audience: the fact that you are not in the streets like Hungarians is a failure of your imagination. What you are experiencing is a transformation into an authoritarian regime. There will be secret police, arrests, constant fear of what will happen to your family too.
The road to fascism is paved with people telling you to stop over-reacting. The thing is if you actively listen to Trump, he uses the exact same words and playbook Adolf Hitler used in his rise to power. Even his own running-mate called him, America's Hitler.
Directions no plan no direction just random chaos. Make up laws as you go. Don’t worry about the courts cause the courts have zero power remember when he said he think Supreme Court Justice for doing him a great favor and he’d never forget him.
Guess what, if the Supreme Court agrees with that statement, citizens who express speech Trump deems “antithetical to the United States of America” could be seized and denied due process!
We already knew he would do this what's more shocking is a judge told him no but I bet they try and do it anyway or find a judge that will tell him okay
If the gov was shut down today, putin could send a small team to disappear someone & the Russian assasin team would have an "official" role in the interim government.. Siberia has vancancy.
He’s trying to take over everything. Law, order, executioner. He’s literally only the executive branch’s who has zero authority to legislate or prosecute
Which one is gonna get jacked first ? I’m thinking couch humper Rt. before keto- king takes a dive off the roof of his Tesla corp? Keep f’ing around consequences soon to follow
It's an entire party that has accepted these rules and outcomes. He's just the pimple on their ass of bad ethics, morals, and UNAMERICANISMS. Yeah, not a word until today.
He is having President Musk run AI through every single SM post, every email, of every green card holder in America. Anything deemed “negative” will see that person experiencing the same treatment…then deportation. The courts will clog.
is America
do not cave & abide
to his snap✨ of the finger
& America of the past
200+ yrs
just disappears
that would mean WE are
The world is watching
Do Not Give Up
Inbox me
If you haven't heard...phuck gary peters.
would you please take a moment and watch the video I have pinned at the top of my page
Thank you 😊
Trump, on the other hand...
Oh, maybe that's why so many are surprised...
They said "you're believing those false news sources, what are you listening to MSNBC and CNN?"
Sure, sign me up. I can't afford to move there on my own.
Great episode. It's pretty historically accurate, considering it's from the British. With some the west bias.
He is a tiny pathetic man with pathological aggression and. no self awareness.
It's more frustrating and worrisome reading it now.
Legal pundits 2025: "no one is coming to save you"
No one believed us when we were screaming for Garland to do something.
"Our Constitutional Bill of Rights," is completely wrong answer. Anyone can be stripped of citizenship. But mostly what happens in El Salvador stays in El Salvador.
Teump loves litigation- every case will be stuck in the courts for months or years. By then, it’s too late.
100s 1000s will be unemployed- fed agencies are being gutted
Schumer thinks this is 1990!
I said caribbean🤣
demand these habitual liars & fraudsters bring irrefutable evidence to court & prove the violent crimes they are accusing others of.
“trust me bro” doesn’t count.
I'm just waiting for his executive decision that states Bluesky is a terrorist organization.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
I’m so disgusted with the ones who I thought were good but have shown themselves to be just as spineless as the others 🤯🤬
Blind to how much harm will come their way.
The Vets and those who work for the federal government who voted for him are finally realizing we didn't lie or over-exagurate.
It's just not the 'libtards'.
EVERYONE will be suffering soon.
Just like with any other person with Trump, the more educated the soldier, the less likely to support him.
Some just stayed home.
Too many just couldn't vote for a woman.
It's truly a combo of stupidity, laziness and awful Nazis. 🤦♀️🤬
1. The SV transhumanist Broligarchs.
2. The P. 2025 Dominionists/ReAwaken America
3. The mobster web of autocrats - Autocracy Inc.: Putin, Trump, Orban, Erdogan etc.
*Which group will get tired of riding in the backseat?
Why does the right have selective hearing, then clutch their pearls and pretend to have been "tricked"? "We didn't know!".
Fuck off.
Party of self accountability, my natural black ass.
Would it help if we put it in all caps? THEY. WANTED. A. DICTATOR.
As long as he's damaging hated minorities more than them it's what they want. Plus they're ignorant and gullible so they take his claims of doing so at face value.
That's what I can't stand.
To everyone calling me defeatist or whatthefuckever other adjective you want because you’re in denial about the fact that the country has fallen, wake up or don’t. Either way, 🖕🏻 And no, the planes did not turn around 🤦🏻♀️
SCOTUS declared a sitting POTUS is omnipotent and untouchable.
They ignored the 14th Amendment.
They denied states independent election rights.
Trump Musk and their fucking Fascist Republican Klan will burn our Democracy to the ground.
Sounds like Tyranny.
Isn't there an Ammendment
Coming soon to America, road blocks and papers required for travel.
You do it at Mara Lago.
You do it at Trump Tower.
You do it at Bedminster.
You do it at Dural.
Same for Musk.
Do it on the highways coming in and out of his Gigafactories, or SpaceX.
You're being honest and I appreciate it.
May the guard rails if democracy that have been instilled pass this most crucial of tests. If not, I’m predicting tge will of the people will kick the arse of this apricot despot and his boot licking sycophants. ☮️💙☮️
In his demented brain he thinks he is a God king
So what is happening in the USA is BAU in Australia. It doesn't go to court here, the minister's direct decision is final.
Ask Novak Djokavich how it works.
Unfortunately, it appears Republicans in Congress are United against democracy and there are Democrats are willing to support Christian nationalism too.
#Kamala would be that better as president.
So he can and will do whatever the American ppl continue to allow him to do.
Once they figured that out, it was all over.
I’m not sure what civilized society can do against a rogue president who wants to ignore the law. Whatever we can do, we better start now.
Sucks, but we're hostage till we're not.
Forget about legislation and impeachment…
Freedom isn’t free and seldom painless.
Please share!
For better or worse, the army is the only American institution left that has the respect of the population. It's time you remind them of their duty.