Yes but the conversion is toward the other direction. They’ll find comfort in punching down. They’ll even learn to like the head pats from the dumbest, most sinister ppl alive.
Well, I'm an anarchist communist, beyond the left. I'm here because I am continually banned on other social media. The village idiot kicked me off twitter as soon as he bought it.
I want to thank for showing me a whole lotta communists/socialists to follow. Just a quick scroll-through of PR's replies helped me identify my people. 💕
"All our progress, every slightly significant achievement we have made in socialist construction, has been the expression and result of our domestic class struggle."
I’m astounded at the number of people from the bird app trying to bring the bird app here. Did someone tell them democrats wouldn’t be held accountable here?
Idk bud I'm just investigating ghosts bc I learned the word "commune" from a lady on TV saying she was gonna do that "with the Spirits" which made it real confusing when my parents realized I was old enough to misunderstand what the news said about Gorbachev
I trained an AI bot on 5,000 hours of The Rachel Maddow Show, and now all it says is "Vote for the rapacious capitalist, BUT NOT THE ORANGE ONE THOUGH."
I'm just hoping they like video games and the things I say about them so that they're hooked and prepared to listen to me on the evils of capitalism. That or they just silently unfollow me when the times comes.
That is unbelievable so real both of you, liberals do be like "Im leftist" but they draw the line of actually doing anything that would not benefit themselfs, like communists actually stand on business!
I think by labeling themselves "leftist," they convince themselves they're part of a genuine movement, but they don't necessarily subscribe to all the ideas, just the aesthetic.
"Leftists" is such a nebulous term. It can mean whatever they want it to mean.
You are!? Cool. Me too. I'm here for the same reason that I'm on a multitude of other SM outlets. To chill. Do you follow any special brand? Myself, I like Stalin and Mao but I do have a romantic taste for Min and Tito. For my Anarchy, I like Malatesta mostly.
Because we love you! Was Russia justified in invading Ukraine? Do workers in China today own the means of production? Your answers determine whether you are a true ideological communist or it's a team thing.
1. How dare the west… intervene against an expansionist authoritarian state?
2.They did also have a fucking idiot running the country who thought killing all the sparrows would fix anything… so it could be that was just the first time a United China wasn’t actively stealing from it’s people.
Your provocation is ineffectual. I support Palestine, want to democratize the workplace, think the US is turning into an oligopoly in end stage capitalism, want Medicare for all, and want to personally dismember everyone with over 1 billion dollars. I just don't like the Russia/China/Iran simping.
You cant support democrats and palestine. Your heart is in the right place, you're just not smart enough for these conversations and are too susceptible to US propaganda. This stems from a marvel, reddit, and youtube addicition
this is all you do with you life isn’t it. defend the actions of the most brutally sadistic corrupt oil-war empire on the planet: the USA. liberal Disney brain licking those boots clean
The only thing thats missing from the throwback is a guy who looks like jesus out here grifting only to post the same 5 engagement farming posts and still getting to the top of the wave somehow
"All our progress, every slightly significant achievement we have made in socialist construction, has been the expression and result of our domestic class struggle."
Joseph Stalin
As far as why I'm here? Too deep a subject to ponder on.
"Leftists" is such a nebulous term. It can mean whatever they want it to mean.
Practicing actual concern for marginalized ppl :(
2. No but China has raised 800 million people out of poverty, the largest poverty reduction programme in human history
Did I pass or am I stinky liberal?
2.They did also have a fucking idiot running the country who thought killing all the sparrows would fix anything… so it could be that was just the first time a United China wasn’t actively stealing from it’s people.
2. I'm glad they fixed all the poverty and mass starvation Mao created
Any and all excuses will be made to pin everything bad on the evil west, so it *is* just a team thing for you.
Surely that would never turn out poorly