If you are not already aware that the little owl antennae are called “plumicorns” I would like to be the one who shared that information with you.
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(TL;DR: camouflage, maybe?)
Yet despite having been given this information innumerable times by a birdwatching friend, I still enjoy seeing him bristle with annoyance when I insist on calling them,
"those cute little fluffy ear things."
It's also not a million miles away from the look on my face when I realised how good the classroom acoustics were the day I accidentally farted in the middle of a Maths test, when I was ten.
[equally, if paradoxically, their general sense of ennui.] 🦉
I am no longer legally blind having had surgery last fall. H/e cognitively, I differ in that I have no working memory. I can't tell you what's in those
Four photos of different owls #birds w different types of plumicorins which are horn-like entities
Thank you for sharing this.
Please excuse me while I excitedly tell everyone else now :D
Ty and not intentional on your part but perfectly timed seratonin
But yes, thank you.