Every time he says something like this I’m like THIS, this is the thing that will make the Rs I know rebuke him, but they’re so unwilling to unstick from the party that even when they acknowledge what a raging asshole he is they still cannot bring themselves to vote D. 🫠
Malignant narcissist, Convicted Felon Donnie DumpsterFire psychologist’s diagnosis. That confirms he only thinks about himself. Secondly, he’s a psychopath. He has zero empathy for anyone else, and none of the emotional inhibitions that keep the rest of us from just killing anyone we don’t like.
She’s the majority owner of a company that runs casinos in communist China, and is spending hundreds of millions to run unhinged attack ads against Harris. These ads are running heavily here in Michigan.
I know this is a broken record, what if Biden/Hilary/any Dem did this, but the double standard is so obvious.
This story will disappear by tomorrow and just circulate among people that hate Trump as an example of dumb shit he says. There's so much we forget it until someone brings it up.
Remember when he acted like he was offended by the "suckers and losers" thing, like that was something he wouldn't *dream* of saying? He made it just over a month before doing something similar, truly incredible self-control
A few conservative-leaning people I know on FB are royally pissed about this. I don't remember them being this mad about the POWs-are-losers thing back in the day, but I kind of suspect it's a "cumulative damage" issue. Like maybe they weren't McCain fans, so they tracked the insult quietly.
this reminds me a lot of his whole "picking fights with gold star parents" thing in 2016. dunno, maybe he's lost enough juice that it might actually mean something this time?
Makes you wonder what would have happened if he’d been hit but not killed, but ended up paralyzed like Wallace or had his jaw ripped off or something. Seems like he’d view that as worse than death.
I'll never not be fascinated by the ease—eagerness, even—with which the whole public discourse infrastructure papers over the reality that he is literally the worst candidate ever.
It has been amazing, in a gruesome way, to watch just how much the various forms of privilege he enjoys have elevated him astronomically higher than his talents would otherwise predict. Other people who behaved as he does could not get elected dog catcher.
This fuckery would end the career of ANY other politician in ANY other American era. As a people, we wouldn't stand for this kind of denigrating talk about Medal of Honor recipients.
10 years of his faithful shrugging off his hatred for most veterans.
He prefers the ones who don’t get captured, injured or killed. Or the civilians who give him a shitload of cash.
“…and she got it for -“
Damn I wish he’d blurted it out rather cut himself off.
Why the hell did they even insert that paragraph about Vance questioning Walz’ service (and not also about Vance being just an Iraq pencil-pusher?)
Gahhhh, corporate media!
Hmm. The military has lots of pencil pushers. Without the big bureaucracy they can’t pull off their big ops. Vance wasn’t even that useful. Another word to describe what he did in the military is: propagandist.
"He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured."
This was Trump on John McCain back in 2015. One of the many times where his candidacy was supposedly over because he finally crossed an uncrossable line.
"Who needs a purple heart! Fck those goons, we have here for you, our most importantantest donor, The Chamber of Commerce shiny gold medallion of Poobah's."
"A trinket, a trinket!? Why it's just an honor to even be nominated for the CoC Poo medal!"
Idk if it will be when he dies or goes to prison, but there's going to be a day when we all realize we never have to hear from this man again, and it will be a great day
Veterans that cape for this guy have some real problems. Cops too, if they know he'll pardon their attackers if the crime was in furtherance an insurrection.
you've got to get to at least Level 10 Fighter to get the Medal of Honor, but you can get the Medal of Freedom as a Level 1 Citizen as long as you've farmed enough gold and they give the same stat bonus?
Could he have been more insulting to the families of the fallen who fought for ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Trump now gorges on daily. There is zero respect for remembrance for those left to grieve loved ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice. He only respects hate, greed and conceit.
I know what that's about without clicking on it.
Trump disgraced and devalued the Medal of Freedom by giving it to people like Rush Limbaugh.
And it was NEVER equal to the Medal of Honor.
Nothing is.
There's a vet around us who waves all of these Trump flags and I just want to yell at him that Trump will never respect him. It's clear that Trump, probably because he dodged military service and is embarrassed, goes out of his way to denigrate them whenever possible.
The article saying that he was “Speaking at a campaign event intended to discuss antisemitism” is a great detail because it reinforces that he’s basically never on topic these days.
Everything a competition for BSB (Bone Spur Boy), isn't it? And by 'competition' he means HE gets a 5,279 foot head start on a one-mile footrace. And if you STILL win, it's 'cause you cheated.
Agreed. The ones the media and themselves claim are moderates are silent about the conservative war on women, and the underlying racism about border and law enforcement policy. Silence is acceptance, which means they’re just as extreme as the loudmouths supporting Convict DonOld.
“They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead," Trump concluded. “She gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman” I swear to god how is this man a contender for anything
He'll win it, but I dunno by how much. The military is ~80% male, but that's the only good news in the demographics for Trump. The officers are virtually all college educated, and the enlisted demo is significantly more diverse and younger than the voting population as a whole.
Polls in 2020 had Biden leading Trump among active duty servicemembers, but I dunno who ended up getting more votes. So who knows, maybe Harris ends up winning the military vote.
So aggravating to have lived through the Bush years where Dems were treated as unpatriotic haters who despised the troops, only for this guy to become a GOP Hero
But but but that's not what he said, er um that's not what he meant, I mean, you just didn't understand it. And if that is what he meant then he was right!
If a smart former-president had an honest conversation how it would behoove us to honor & revere civilians who contribute at the highest levels of society at the same/higher plane than those who wage (even just) war, it *could* be a critique and reflection on our national psyche. (This isn't that)
He's clearly terrified of death. Injured soldiers compounded with his recent near-brush with dying himself are the perfect storm of triggering these bizarre outbursts about how anyone who dies is weak.
His famous zero-sum thought-rot taken to newly deranged levels
This story will disappear by tomorrow and just circulate among people that hate Trump as an example of dumb shit he says. There's so much we forget it until someone brings it up.
(ah! well. nevertheless,)
He also gave it to Rush Limbaugh.
The guy cheapened so many aspects of that office.
Surprising that he didn’t give some to Kid Rock and Kevin Sorbo.
Why not with Trump?
He prefers the ones who don’t get captured, injured or killed. Or the civilians who give him a shitload of cash.
Damn I wish he’d blurted it out rather cut himself off.
Why the hell did they even insert that paragraph about Vance questioning Walz’ service (and not also about Vance being just an Iraq pencil-pusher?)
Gahhhh, corporate media!
This was Trump on John McCain back in 2015. One of the many times where his candidacy was supposedly over because he finally crossed an uncrossable line.
"A trinket, a trinket!? Why it's just an honor to even be nominated for the CoC Poo medal!"
this game is so poorly balanced I stg
Trump disgraced and devalued the Medal of Freedom by giving it to people like Rush Limbaugh.
And it was NEVER equal to the Medal of Honor.
Nothing is.
The man is an idiot.
~Dumb Magat