Careful, you're gonna get the Vermonters riled up with their (delicious) maple syrup. And the great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese.
Maple syrup is at risk in Canada already due to climate change. Freezing/thaw changes the pressure for sap to flow.
Maples take 30-40 yrs to be tapped.
🤔 odd item to single out.
I only knew maple syrup in a theoretical sense ‘til arriving in nyc in 98.
Not avail in west TX in the 80s/90s
In other news - lady in the checkout line had an apoplexy last week paying $8.50 for medium eggs at a rando bodega in my nyc ‘hood.
US eggs.
Not just imports.
depending on how bad this gets people are going to be traveling to france from the US and marveling at the fully stocked grocery shelves like when boris yeltsin when to a supermarket in houston
My 2nd clear memory as a child in the late 80s (1st was birth of my sibling) is going to our small town grocery store with a refugee family who fled Poland with nothing. The kids were super excited for (what I thought was) a boring task & the mom silently wept the whole time. Very formative moment.
Well, in the moment I was mostly freaked out, mom explained later. When someone in town would visit family in Russia we'd all help donate to fill suitcases with stuff to give away so I knew things were bad, but till then I thought shortages were like, Levis & Walkmans. Not food. Not basic survival.
I think few ppl in the US today really understand how bad this could get. Most shortages in my lifetime been minor enough that even upper middle class folx can afford to acquire stuff they really want, but oligarchs would be happy with a few kings, many serfs, & that's it. I'm worried but fighting
I'm expecting that. I'll remember when I took non-Soviet levels of civilization for granted, but I'm going to appreciate what I can and endure what I must, knowing who's out there AIMING to reduce me to sub-Soviet civilization. Just didn't use ICBMs as it turned out.
I'm reminded of how, on a recent trip to the island of Ireland, the grocery stores were excellent and full of fresh produce in the Republic, and how in the North they were... not that.
Okay a couple people have reskeeted this so I just want to note that this a quip based on an observation; I'm not well-versed in current British, Irish, and EU politics.
But *it is* interesting to me that two places so otherwise similar appear to be on very different paths.
France uses barbaric treatments on children and has been condemned by the United Nations for doing so. It’s one of the worst places in the world to seek mental health care, specifically.
Many parents in France are forced to travel to countries like Belgium to get real treatment for their children.
Sorry, what kind of "barbaric treatments" do you mean?
(Other than mental health care.)
My two interactions with French medicine
- finding that the meds I'd forgotten to bring were OTC and cost the same as my copay👍
- find that the nearby spa was "medical treatment", not "have fun in hot water"👎
France also has a massive anti-vax problem and generally is a hotbed for quackery.
For example, hydroxychloroquine as a bogus treatment for Covid was first popularized by a prominent French doctor whose claims were eventually discovered by Trump and his followers.
The HCQ was initially promoted as "here's something that may work and needs more studies"; the much worse problem was that his initial study decided that steroids were bad, and it wasn't until October that we found that steroids cut deaths by a third.
Depends on what you’re comparing. It’s much worse than almost every other country when it comes to mental health. Psychoanalysts have a very powerful lobby there and so there is no modern mental health treatment. Everything is based on Freudian and Lacanian junk pseudoscience.
No we "exported" Raoult to you and to Brazil when his bullshit were debunked here. And we are all very sorry about that.... Raoult published in mars 2020, first debunk came in France in april (so much for the hotbed...)
Not just maple syrup. Both countries export petroleum products to the US. Also, look where your toilet paper and Kleenex comes from. just think, another toilet paper shortage without a pandemic!
Just like with traveling to Europe for cheaper Taylor Swift shows, it might turn out cheaper for us to fly to Europe, buy groceries, and fly back home. Stupid MAGA fucks.
Nah. #GrifterTrump is going to give the farmers a tax break. I think he just bought some land from the Bonnie chick that he wants to be his AG now that Gaetz is out of the picture. Not sure on that, tho. But still, he won't be able to mass produce anywhere near what is imported.
Oh don’t worry. All that money people will save on their (nonexistent )federal income taxes will more than offset the increased prices for necessities! Lol. Of course state taxes will have to go up to address any gaps in fed payments but this is all sure to work out great! 👍 👍👍 😳
Dems failed and should have used Hollywood stars to make big short and Dinesh D'Souza style slop about tariffs. just saying tariffs alone wasn't enough to explain the impacts. if Trump tanks markets enough big business might kick him out
UK here. We also abandoned our largest trading partner (EU) for idiot reasons. From our experience don't expect the FO reality to make any difference to MAGA. Even when confronted with pics of empty shelves someone will say "well I found 2 potatoes and an egg so we're all good".
Avocados are Communism! The ones that aren't from Mexico are from Communist California! Or Hawaii (Obama was from there, so, again, Communist!)
Except the ones from Capitalist Florida, but those are boring watery flavorless breeds, which are the only ones Patriots will be allowed to eat.
Limes. (They don’t grow lemons in Mexico). The Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel has been extorting avocado and lime growers in Western Mexico for several years. Scary.
Ha! I hesitated on lemons versus limes. Why don’t they grow them, Urban? They grow them in hot areas of Spain and Italy. A lot of crops transferred over from Spain to Mexico, and vice versa of course.
There is a tweet going around to "stock up on car parts" like... who the hell has the space or the number to try to guess what car parts might fail and stock up.
Just gonna use the dining room to hoard car parts now for the end times.
The US makes maple syrup, and when I can find the better-tasting Robust flavor (used to be called Grade B, because it's got more obviously different from cane sugar flavor to be Grade A, both more maple and more caramels), it's usually US.
I'd also pile up my cellar with tequila and Crown Royal, but the last time I did that I wound up doing Paul Reubens "Tequila" dance dressed as Briscoe County Jr. Not sure how I got into the bar since it all started in aforementioned cellar. Guess I wanted pizza for trifecta.
It has happened before....
Maples take 30-40 yrs to be tapped.
I only knew maple syrup in a theoretical sense ‘til arriving in nyc in 98.
Not avail in west TX in the 80s/90s
In other news - lady in the checkout line had an apoplexy last week paying $8.50 for medium eggs at a rando bodega in my nyc ‘hood.
US eggs.
Not just imports.
But the avocados are 😩
Can’t really stock up since they are ripe for only about 11 minutes.
But *it is* interesting to me that two places so otherwise similar appear to be on very different paths.
Many parents in France are forced to travel to countries like Belgium to get real treatment for their children.
(Other than mental health care.)
My two interactions with French medicine
- finding that the meds I'd forgotten to bring were OTC and cost the same as my copay👍
- find that the nearby spa was "medical treatment", not "have fun in hot water"👎
For example, hydroxychloroquine as a bogus treatment for Covid was first popularized by a prominent French doctor whose claims were eventually discovered by Trump and his followers.
Not holding my breath, tho.
Except the ones from Capitalist Florida, but those are boring watery flavorless breeds, which are the only ones Patriots will be allowed to eat.
Just gonna use the dining room to hoard car parts now for the end times.
in exports to Canada 🇨🇦?